This is a Typst template for slides and presentations in the corporate design of the Technische Universität Dresden.
Please be aware that this template is unofficial and may not fully adhere to the CD specifications.
Any corrections, modifications, or enhancements are welcome.
This template builds on Touying. Further information on its features and how to use them can be found in the Touying tutorial.
- install Open Sans from
- Typst does not yet support variable fonts, thus you need to use separate ttf files for each weight and style
- clone this repository with git
git clone
- or download as a ZIP-file:
#import "@preview/touying:0.5.5": *
#import "../tud-slides.typ": *
#show: tud-slides-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
debug: true,
title: [Your Title],
alttitle: none,
subtitle: [Your Subtitle],
author: [Firstname Lastname],
institution: [Institution],
location: [Location],
= Section Title
== First Topic
=== Slide title
Hello, Touying!