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Releases: typelevel/fs2


21 Dec 21:57
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v3.0.0-M7 Pre-release

FS2 3.0.0-M7 is the fifth milestone in the 3.x release series, featuring support for Cats Effect 3. Like Cats Effect 3, we expect a number of milestone releases before a 3.0.0 final release. Neither binary nor source compatibility with FS2 2.x is provided, though APIs are largely the same and porting should not be a large task.

The primary feature of FS2 3.0 is support for the Cats Effect 3 type class hierarchy. The Cats Effect 3.0.0-Mx release notes provide a great overview of the changes.

If you're coming from FS2 2.x, be sure to check out the release notes for v3.0.0-M1.

The primary changes in this release are:

  • Support for Scala 3.0.0-M3
  • Simplified Chunk (#2181)
  • Removed
git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v3.0.0-M6".."v3.0.0-M7"
    33  Michael Pilquist
     8  anikiforov
     7  Diego E. Alonso Blas
     4  Scala Steward
     1  Rob Norris


21 Dec 19:16
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The 2.5.0 release is the first stable release on Cats 2.3.0 and Cats Effect 2.3.0, built for Scala 2.12, 2.13, 3.0.0-M3 and 3.0.0-M2.

➜  git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v2.4.6".."v2.5.0"
    16  Scala Steward
     8  Michael Pilquist
     4  mpilquist
     2  Diego E. Alonso Blas
     1  Lars Hupel
     1  Channing Walton
     1  Gabriel Volpe
     1  Akhtiam Sakaev


30 Nov 14:07
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v3.0.0-M6 Pre-release

FS2 3.0.0-M3 is the fourth milestone in the 3.x release series, featuring support for Cats Effect 3. Like Cats Effect 3, we expect a number of milestone releases before a 3.0.0 final release. Neither binary nor source compatibility with FS2 2.x is provided, though APIs are largely the same and porting should not be a large task.

The primary feature of FS2 3.0 is support for the Cats Effect 3 type class hierarchy. The Cats Effect 3.0.0-Mx release notes provide a great overview of the changes.

If you're coming from FS2 2.x, be sure to check out the release notes for v3.0.0-M1.

The primary changes in this release are:

  • Support for Scala 3.0.0-M2
git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v3.0.0-M3".."v3.0.0-M6"
    12  Scala Steward
     9  Michael Pilquist
     5  mpilquist
     4  Diego E. Alonso Blas
     1  anikiforov
     1  Lars Hupel
     1  Channing Walton
     1  Gabriel Volpe
     1  Akhtiam Sakaev


30 Nov 14:08
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v2.5.0-M3 Pre-release

The 2.5.0-M3 release is functionally the same as 2.4.6 except it depends on the latest milestone releases of Cats and Cats Effect and includes builds for Scala 3.0.0-M1 and 3.0.0-M2.


24 Nov 20:37
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This is a maintenance release for the 2.4 series and is fully backwards compatible with previous releases.

This release is built for Scala 2.12, 2.13, and Scala.js 1.3.0. Scala.js 0.6 support has been dropped now that it is EOL.

This release fixes a bug that prevented interruption of a stream that had been translated (#2143).


09 Nov 16:13
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v3.0.0-M3 Pre-release

FS2 3.0.0-M3 is the third milestone in the 3.x release series, featuring support for Cats Effect 3. Like Cats Effect 3, we expect a number of milestone releases before a 3.0.0 final release. Neither binary nor source compatibility with FS2 2.x is provided, though APIs are largely the same and porting should not be a large task.

The primary feature of FS2 3.0 is support for the Cats Effect 3 type class hierarchy. The Cats Effect 3.0.0-Mx release notes provide a great overview of the changes.

If you're coming from FS2 2.x, be sure to check out the release notes for v3.0.0-M1.

The primary changes in this release are:

  • Support for Scala 3.0.0-M1
  • All dependencies are natively built for Scala 3.0.0-M1 now (no _2.13 cross builds)
git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v3.0.0-M2".."v3.0.0-M3"
    56  Fabio Labella
    12  Michael Pilquist
     9  Domas Poliakas
     9  Scala Steward
     8  Diego E. Alonso Blas
     7  mpilquist
     2  Diego E. Alonso-Blas


09 Nov 16:07
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v2.5.0-M1 Pre-release

The 2.5.0-M1 release is functionally the same as 2.4.5 except it depends on the latest milestone releases of Cats and Cats Effect and includes builds for Dotty 0.27.0-RC1 and Scala 3.0.0-M1.


09 Nov 14:37
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This is a maintenance release for the 2.4 series and is fully backwards compatible with previous releases.

This release is built for Scala 2.12, 2.13, and Scala.js 1.3.0. Scala.js 0.6 support has been dropped now that it is EOL.

This release fixes 2 important bugs found in the 2.4.4 release:

  • Keep chunk structure when encoding text (#2096)
  • Slightly optimize Monad.pure for Stream (#2099)
  • Fix race condition in reactive streams (#2076)
  • Fix resource leak that occurs when parent scope is closed during resource acquisition (#2074)
  • Prevent double completion of deferred during scope interruption (#2056)
  • Support TLS application protocol selection (#2036)
  • Add scan1Semigroup to Stream (#2029)
  • Improve buffer usage in compression (#2014)
  • Create chunks in Stream.fromIterator (#2013)
git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v2.4.4".."v2.4.5"
    35  Scala Steward
    34  mpilquist
    11  Michael Pilquist
    10  Daniel Vigovszky
     4  Chris Davenport
     4  Ben Plommer
     4  Gabriel Volpe
     3  Sarunas Valaskevicius
     2  vbergeron
     2  Lars Hupel
     2  Lucas Satabin
     2  Robert Marek
     1  Piotr Gawryś
     1  Akshay Sachdeva
     1  Fabio Labella
     1  Diego E. Alonso-Blas
     1  Andreas Büchel
     1  satorg
     1  Gavin Bisesi


23 Oct 14:55
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v3.0.0-M2 Pre-release

FS2 3.0.0-M2 is the second milestone in the 3.x release series, featuring support for Cats Effect 3. Like Cats Effect 3, we expect a number of milestone releases before a 3.0.0 final release. Neither binary nor source compatibility with FS2 2.x is provided, though APIs are largely the same and porting should not be a large task.

The primary feature of FS2 3.0 is support for the Cats Effect 3 type class hierarchy. The Cats Effect 3.0.0-M2 release notes provide a great overview of the changes.

If you're coming from FS2 2.x, be sure to check out the release notes for v3.0.0-M1.

Besides integration with cats.effect.std.Dispatcher, this release contains a few new features:

  • TimedPull, a new type which simplifies implementing pulls that timeout (#2062)
  • Stream.bracketFull, providing the ability to have controlled interruptible resource acquisition (#2088)
  • Removal of Stream#translateInterruptible (#2082)
  • Addition of the[F] capability trait (#2071)
git shortlog -sn --no-merges "v3.0.0-M1".."v3.0.0-M2"
    75  Fabio Labella
    21  mpilquist
    10  Daniel Vigovszky
     7  Scala Steward
     6  Michael Pilquist
     3  Diego E. Alonso Blas
     1  Lucas Satabin
     1  Rafał Krzewski
     1  Lars Hupel
     1  satorg


07 Oct 13:07
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v3.0.0-M1 Pre-release

FS2 3.0.0-M1 is the first milestone in the 3.x release series, featuring support for Cats Effect 3. Like Cats Effect 3, we expect a number of milestone releases before a 3.0.0 final release. Neither binary nor source compatibility with FS2 2.x is provided, though APIs are largely the same and porting should not be a large task.

The primary feature of FS2 3.0 is support for the Cats Effect 3 type class hierarchy. The Cats Effect 3.0.0-M1 release notes provide a great overview of the changes.

FS2 3 also includes some notable changes:

Stream Compilation

Streams are converted to effects via expressions like s.compile.toList and s.compile.drain. Calling s.compile on a Stream[F, O] requires an implicit Compiler[F, X] (where X is chosen based on the type of compilation requested).

In FS2 2.x, getting a Compiler[F, X] instance for the effect F generally required a Sync[F] (this is not true for the Pure and Fallible effects but is otherwise accurate). In FS2 3, compilation now only requires a Concurrent[F]. If a Concurrent[F] is not available, then compilation falls back to using a Sync[F] -- this allows stream compilation for effects like SyncIO which do not have a Concurrent instance.

In a polymorphic context, compilation is supported by either adding a Concurrent[F] constraint, or if compilation of non-concurrent effects is needed as well, a Compiler.Target constraint:

import fs2.{Compiler, Stream}
import cats.effect.Concurrent

// Allows compilation for any Concurrent[F] but not for things like SyncIO
def compileThis[F[_]: Concurrent, O](f: Stream[F, O]): F[Unit] = f.compile.drain

// Allows compilation for any Concurrent[F] or any Sync[F]
def compileThat[F[_]: Compiler.Target, O](f: Stream[F, O]): F[Unit] = f.compile.drain

No More Blocker

The cats.effect.Blocker type was removed in CE 3 -- instead, Sync[F] supports blocking calls via Sync[F].blocking(thunk). As a result, FS2 APIs that took a Blocker have been simplified and in some cases, operations have been combined (e.g., lines & linesAsync have been combined to just lines).


The deprecated Sink trait has finally been removed and we now represent sinks via a stream transformation that discards all output values -- Stream[F, O] => Stream[F, Nothing] aka Pipe[F, O, Nothing]. This is different than the old definition of Sink which emitted an undefined number of Unit values -- and as a result of the behavior being undefined, implementations varied widely. Implementations included emitting:

  • 0 unit values
  • 1 unit at termination of the source stream
  • 1 unit per output element from source stream
  • 1 unit per output chunk from source stream
  • etc.

There are a few ergonomic improvements related to the new encoding of sinks:

  • Stream.exec(IO.println(...)) - Stream.exec takes an F[Unit] and returns a Stream[F, Nothing]
  • Stream(1, 2, 3).foreach(IO.println) - The foreach method on Stream takes a O => F[Unit] and returns a Stream[F, Nothing]
  • s.unitary - The unitary method on Stream converts a Stream[F, Nothing] to a Stream[F, Unit] which emits a single unit at termination of s
  • Calling flatMap on a Stream[F, Nothing] no longer compiles, which avoids mistakes that result in unexpected behavior.

Capability Traits

The fs2-io project provides support for working with files and networks, abstracting the Java NIO APIs. The implementations require either Async[F] or Sync[F] depending on whether the underlying NIO API is non-blocking or blocking.

One of the main features of CE3 is the position of the Sync and Async type classes in the hierarchy. As the most powerful type classes, they are now firmly at the bottom of the hierarchy. To avoid requiring Sync / Async constraints in code that uses fs2-io, we are adding capability traits -- traits which limit the capabilities of an effect to a discrete set of operations. The new[F] capability trait provides the ability to work with files in the effect F. For example:

def readAllText[F[_]: Files](directory: Path): Stream[F, String] =
  Files[F].directoryStream(directory).flatMap { f =>
    Files[F].readAll(f, 1024*1024)

The readAllText method takes a Files[F] capability instead of an Async[F], providing better parametric reasoning.

In future FS2 3 milestones, we'll be adding additional capability traits -- e.g., for networking / sockets.


Our goal is to release FS2 3.0.0 final in conjunction with Cats Effect 3.0.0 and Scala 3.0.0. We're planning on including some additional improvements in the milestones between now and then, including:

  • Simplifying time limited pull operations via a new TimedPull construct (#2062)
  • Improving Queue -- both supporting the planned Queue in CE3 as well as providing a new, optimized queue implementation that supports stream concepts more directly (e.g., termination & error propagation).

Please provide feedback, both on existing features and the roadmap.