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## Questions
* [What imports do I need?](#what-imports)
- * [What is the difference between Cats and Scalaz?](#diff-scalaz)
+ * [I am new to pure functional programming, what quick wins can I get from Cats?](#quick-wins)
+ * [What is the difference between Cats and Scalaz?](#diff-scalaz)
* [Where is right-biased `Either`?](#either)
* [Why is the compiler having trouble with types with more than one type parameter?](#si-2712)
* [Why can't the compiler find implicit instances for Future?](#future-instances)
@@ -39,12 +40,15 @@ import cats.implicits._
This should be all that you need, but if you'd like to learn more about the details of imports than you can check out the [import guide](typeclasses/imports.html).
-## What is the difference between Cats and Scalaz?
+## I am new to pure functional programming, what quick wins can I get from Cats?
+Please refer to the [jump start guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/jump_start_guide.html).
+## What is the difference between Cats and Scalaz?
Cats and [Scalaz](https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz) have the same goal: to facilitate pure functional programming in Scala applications. However the underlying core strategy is different; Scalaz took the approach of trying to provide a single batteries-included *standard library* for FP that powers the Scala applications. Cats, on the other hand, aims to help build an [ecosystem](/cats/#ecosystem) of pure FP libraries by providing a solid and stable foundation; these libraries can have their own styles and personalities, competing with each other, while at the same time playing nice. It is through this ecosystem of FP libraries (cats included) that Scala applications can be powered with "FP awesome-ness" and beyond by picking whatever best fit their needs.
Based on this core strategy, Cats takes a [modular](/cats/motivations#modularity) approach and focuses on providing core, [binary compatible](/cats/#binary-compatibility-and-versioning), [approachable](/cats/motivations#approachability) and [efficient](/cats/motivations#efficiency) abstractions. It provides a welcoming and supportive environment for the [user community](https://gitter.im/typelevel/cats) governed by the [typelevel code of conduct](https://typelevel.org/conduct). It also takes great effort in supplying a comprehensive and beginner-friendly [documentation](/cats/#documentation).
## Where is right-biased Either?
Up through Cats 0.7.x we had `cats.data.Xor`, which was effectively `scala.util.Either`, but right-biased by default and with
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+layout: page
+title: "Jump Start Guide"
+section: "jump_start_guide"
+# Introduction
+This jump start guide barely scratches the surface of what Cats can do, but instead provides a concise hands-on introduction to the patterns you're most likely to take advantage of in your Scala project.
+If you're using the constructs like [`Future`](http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/concurrent/Future.html),
+[`Option`](http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/Option.html) or
+[`Either`](http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/util/Either.html) on a daily basis,
+it's very likely that Cats can simplify and improve the readability of your code.
+Please refer to the [wiki on GitHub](https://github.com/typelevel/cats) for guidelines on how to add the library to your project dependencies.
+We are sticking to [version 1.0.1](https://github.com/typelevel/cats/releases/tag/v1.0.1) in the entire post.
+Let's go through the library package-wise, looking at the syntax available in each package.
+# Helpers for `Option` and `Either`
+## `import cats.syntax.option._`
+Importing this package enables `obj.some` syntax — equivalent to `Some(obj)`.
+The only real difference is that the value is already upcast to `Option[T]` from `Some[T]`.
+Using `obj.some` instead of `Some(obj)` can sometimes e.g. improve readability when you need to provide dummy implementation for service methods for the purpose of testing.
+For example, if you put the following implicit class into the scope:
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+implicit class ToFutureSuccessful[T](obj: T) {
+ def asFuture: Future[T] = Future.successful(obj)
+then you can use the chained syntax shown below:
+import cats.syntax.option._
+class Account { /* ... */ }
+trait AccountService {
+ def getAccountById(id: Int): Future[Option[Account]]
+class DummyAccountServiceImpl extends AccountService {
+ def dummyAccount: Account = ???
+ /* ... */
+ override def getAccountById(id: Int): Future[Option[Account]] = dummyAccount.some.asFuture
+ /* ... */
+That's more readable than `Future.successful(Some(dummyAccount))`, especially if this pattern repeats frequently.
+Chaining `.some.asFuture` at the end rather than putting it at the front also helps focus on what's actually being returned rather than on the expected wrapper type.
+`none[T]`, in turn, is shorthand for `Option.empty[T]` which is just `None`, but already upcast from `None.type` to `Option[T]`.
+Providing a more specialized type sometimes helps the Scala compiler properly infer the type of expressions containing `None`.
+## `import cats.syntax.either._`
+`obj.asRight` is `Right(obj)`, `obj.asLeft` is `Left(obj)`.
+In both cases the type of returned value is widened from `Right` or `Left` to `Either`.
+Just as was the case with `.some`, these helpers are handy to combine with `.asFuture` to improve readability:
+import cats.syntax.either._
+case class User(accountId: Long) { /* ... */ }
+trait UserService {
+ def ensureUserExists(id: Int): Future[Either[Exception, User]]
+class UserServiceSpec extends UserService {
+ def dummyUser: User = ???
+ /* ... */
+ override def ensureUserExists(id: Int): Future[Either[Exception, User]] = dummyUser.asRight.asFuture // instead of Future.successful(Right(dummyUser))
+ /* ... */
+`Either.fromOption(option: Option[A], ifNone: => E)`, in turn, is a useful helper for converting an `Option` to an `Either`.
+If the provided `option` is `Some(x)`, it becomes `Right(x)`.
+Otherwise it becomes `Left` with the provided `ifNone` value inside.
+# `instances` packages and `apply` syntax
+## `import cats.instances.._`
+There are a couple of type classes that are fundamental to Cats (and generally to category-based functional programming), the most important ones being
+[`Applicative`](http://typelevel.org/cats/typeclasses/applicative.html) and
+We're not going into much detail in this blog post (see e.g. the [already mentioned tutorial](https://www.scala-exercises.org/cats/functor)),
+but what is important to know is that to use most Cats syntax, you also need to import the implicit type class instances for the structures you're operating with.
+Usually, it's just enough to import the appropriate `cats.instances` package.
+For example, when you're doing the transformations on futures, you'll need to `import cats.instances.future._`.
+The corresponding packages for options and lists are called `cats.instances.option._` and `cats.instances.list._`.
+They provide the implicit type class instances that Cats syntax needs to work properly.
+As a side note, if you have trouble finding the necessary `instances` or `syntax` package, the quick workaround is to just `import cats.implicits._`.
+This is not a preferred solution, though, as it can significantly increase compile times — especially if used in many files across the project.
+It is generally considered good practice to use narrow imports to take some of the implicit resolution burden off the compiler.
+## `import cats.syntax.apply._`
+The `apply` package provides `(..., ..., ...).mapN` syntax, which allows for an intuitive construct for applying a function that takes more than one parameter to multiple effectful values (like futures).
+Let's say we have 3 futures, one of type `Int`, one of type `String`, one of type `User` and a method accepting three parameters — `Int`, `String` and `User`.
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+class ProcessingResult { /* ... */ }
+def intFuture: Future[Int] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def stringFuture: Future[String] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def userFuture: Future[User] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def process(value: Int, contents: String, user: User): ProcessingResult = { /* ... */ ??? }
+Our goal is to apply the function to the values computed by those 3 futures.
+With `apply` syntax this becomes very easy and concise:
+import cats.instances.future._
+import cats.syntax.apply._
+def processAsync: Future[ProcessingResult] = {
+ (intFuture, stringFuture, userFuture).mapN {
+ (value, contents, user) =>
+ process(value, contents, user)
+ }
+As pointed out before, to provide the implicit instances (namely, [`Functor[Future]`](http://typelevel.org/cats/api/cats/Functor.html) and
+[`Semigroupal[Future]`](https://typelevel.org/cats/api/cats/Semigroupal.html)) required for `mapN` to work properly,
+you should import `cats.instances.future._`.
+This above idea can be expressed even shorter, just:
+def processAsync2: Future[ProcessingResult] = (intFuture, stringFuture, userFuture).mapN(process)
+If any of the chained futures fails, the resulting future will also fail with the same exception as the first failing future in the chain (this is fail-fast behavior).
+What's important, all futures will run in parallel, as opposed to what would happen in a `for` comprehension:
+def processAsync3: Future[ProcessingResult] = {
+ for {
+ value <- intFuture
+ contents <- stringFuture
+ user <- userFuture
+ } yield process(value, contents, user)
+In the above snippet (which under the hood translates to `flatMap` and `map` calls), `stringFuture` will not run until `intFuture` is successfully completed,
+and in the same way `userFuture` will be run only after `stringFuture` completes.
+But since the computations are independent of one another, it's perfectly viable to run them in parallel with `mapN` instead.
+# Traversing
+## ```import cats.syntax.traverse._```
+### `traverse`
+If you have an instance `obj` of type `F[A]` that can be mapped over (like `Future`) and a function `fun` of type `A => G[B]`, then calling `obj.map(fun)` would give you `F[G[B]]`.
+In many common real-life cases, like when `F` is `Option` and `G` is `Future`, you would get `Option[Future[B]]`, which most likely isn't what you wanted.
+`traverse` comes as a solution here.
+If you call `traverse` instead of `map`, like `obj.traverse(fun)`, you'll get `G[F[A]]`, which will be `Future[Option[B]]` in our case; this is much more useful and easier to process than `Option[Future[B]]`.
+import cats.syntax.traverse._
+import cats.instances.future._
+import cats.instances.list._
+def updateUser(user: User): Future[User] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def updateUsers(users: List[User]): Future[List[User]] = {
+ users.traverse(updateUser)
+As a side note, there is also a dedicated method `Future.traverse` in the [`Future`](http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/concurrent/Future$.html) companion object,
+but the Cats version is far more readable and can easily work on any structure for which certain type classes are available.
+### `sequence`
+`sequence` represents an even simpler concept: it can be thought of as simply swapping the types from `F[G[A]]` to `G[F[A]]` without even mapping the enclosed value like `traverse` does.
+import cats.syntax.traverse._
+import cats.instances.future._
+import cats.instances.list._
+val foo: List[Future[String]] = List(Future("hello"), Future("world"))
+val bar = foo.sequence // will have Future[List[String]] type
+`obj.sequence` is in fact implemented in Cats as `obj.traverse(identity)`.
+On the other hand, `obj.traverse(fun)` is roughly equivalent to `obj.map(fun).sequence`.
+### `flatTraverse`
+If you have an `obj` of type `F[A]` and a function `fun` of type `A => G[F[B]]`, then doing `obj.map(f)` yields result of type `F[G[F[B]]]` — very unlikely to be what you wanted.
+Traversing the `obj` instead of mapping helps a little — you'll get `G[F[F[B]]` instead.
+Since `G` is usually something like `Future` and `F` is `List` or `Option`, you would end up with `Future[Option[Option[A]]` or `Future[List[List[A]]]` — a bit awkward to process.
+import cats.syntax.traverse._
+import cats.instances.future._
+import cats.instances.option._
+lazy val valueOpt: Option[Int] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def compute(value: Int): Future[Option[Int]] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def computeOverValue: Future[Option[Option[Int]]] = valueOpt.traverse(compute) // has type Future[Option[Option[Int]]], not good
+The solution could be to map the result with a ```_.flatten``` call like:
+def computeOverValue2: Future[Option[Int]] = valueOpt.traverse(compute).map(_.flatten)
+and this way you'll get the desired type `G[F[B]]` at the end.
+However, there is a neat shortcut for this called `flatTraverse`:
+def computeOverValue3: Future[Option[Int]] = valueOpt.flatTraverse(compute)
+and that solves our problem for good.
+# Monad transformers
+## `import cats.data.OptionT`
+An instance of [`OptionT[F, A]`](http://typelevel.org/cats/api/cats/data/EitherT.html) can be thought of as a wrapper over `F[Option[A]]`
+which adds a couple of useful methods specific to nested types that aren't available in `F` or `Option` itself.
+Most typically, your `F` will be `Future` (or sometimes slick's `DBIO`, but this requires having an implementation of Cats type classes like `Functor` or `Monad` for `DBIO`).
+Wrappers such as `OptionT` are generally known as _monad transformers_.
+A quite common pattern is mapping the inner value stored inside an instance of `F[Option[A]]` to an instance of `F[Option[B]]` with a function of type `A => B`.
+This can be done with rather verbose syntax like:
+lazy val resultFuture: Future[Option[Int]] = ???
+def mappedResultFuture: Future[Option[String]] = resultFuture.map { maybeValue =>
+ maybeValue.map { value =>
+ // Do something with the value and return String
+ ???
+ }
+With the use of `OptionT`, this can be simplified as follows:
+import cats.data.OptionT
+import cats.instances.future._
+def mappedResultFuture2: OptionT[Future, String] = OptionT(resultFuture).map { value =>
+ // Do something with the value and return String
+ ???
+The above `map` will return a value of type `OptionT[Future, String]`.
+To get the underlying `Future[Option[String]]` value, simply call `.value` on the `OptionT` instance.
+It's also a viable solution to fully switch to `OptionT[Future, A]` in method parameter/return types and completely (or almost completely) ditch `Future[Option[A]]` in type declarations.
+There are several ways to construct an `OptionT` instance.
+The method headers in the table below are slightly simplified: the type parameters and type classes required by each method are skipped.
+| Method | Takes | Returns |
+| :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| `OptionT.apply` or `OptionT(...)` | `F[Option[A]]` | `OptionT[F, A]` |
+| `OptionT.fromOption` | `Option[A]` | `OptionT[F, A]` |
+| `OptionT.liftF` | `F[A]` | `OptionT[F, A]` |
+| `OptionT.pure` | `A` | `OptionT[F, A]` |
+In production code you'll most commonly use the `OptionT(...)` syntax in order to wrap an instance of `Future[Option[A]]` into `Option[F, A]`.
+The other methods, in turn, prove useful to set up `OptionT`-typed dummy values in unit tests.
+We have already come across one of `OptionT`'s methods, namely `map`.
+There are several other methods available and they mostly differ by the signature of the function they accept as the parameter.
+As was the case with the previous table, the expected type classes are skipped.
+| Method | Takes | Returns
+| :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| `map[B]` | `A => B` | `OptionT[F, B]` |
+| `subflatMap[B]` | `A => Option[B]` | `OptionT[F, B]` |
+| `semiflatMap[B]` | `A => F[B]` | `OptionT[F, B]` |
+| `flatMapF[B]` | `A => F[Option[B]]` | `OptionT[F, B]` |
+| `flatMap[B]` | `A => OptionT[F, B]` | `OptionT[F, B]` |
+In practice, you're most likely to use `map` and `semiflatMap`.
+As is always the case with `flatMap` and `map`, you can use it not only explicitly, but also under the hood in `for` comprehensions, as in the example below:
+import cats.data.OptionT
+import cats.instances.future._
+class Money { /* ... */ }
+def findUserById(userId: Long): OptionT[Future, User] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def findAccountById(accountId: Long): OptionT[Future, Account] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def getReservedFundsForAccount(account: Account): OptionT[Future, Money] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def getReservedFundsForUser(userId: Long): OptionT[Future, Money] = for {
+ user <- findUserById(userId)
+ account <- findAccountById(user.accountId)
+ funds <- getReservedFundsForAccount(account)
+} yield funds
+The `OptionT[Future, Money]` instance returned by `getReservedFundsForUser` will enclose a `None` value if any of the three composed methods returns an `OptionT` corresponding to `None`.
+Otherwise, if the result of all three calls contains `Some`, the final outcome will also contain `Some`.
+## `import cats.data.EitherT`
+[`EitherT[F, A, B]`](http://typelevel.org/cats/api/cats/data/EitherT.html) is the monad transformer for `Either` — you can think of it as a wrapper over a `F[Either[A, B]]` value.
+Just as in the above section, I simplified the method headers, skipping type parameters or their context bounds and lower bounds.
+Let's have a quick look at how to create an `EitherT` instance:
+| Method | Takes | Returns |
+| :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| `EitherT.apply` or `EitherT(...)` | `F[Either[A, B]]` | `EitherT[F, A, B]` |
+| `EitherT.fromEither` | `Either[A, B]` | `EitherT[F, A, B]` (wraps the provided `Either` value into `F`) |
+| `EitherT.right` or `EitherT.liftF` | `F[B]` | `EitherT[F, A, B]` (wraps value inside `F[B]` into `Right`) |
+| `EitherT.left` | `F[A]` | `EitherT[F, A, B]` (wraps value inside `F[B]` into `Left`) |
+| `EitherT.pure` | `A` | `EitherT[F, A, B]` (wraps value into `Right` and then into `F`) |
+Another useful way to construct an `EitherT` instance is to use `OptionT`'s methods `toLeft` and `toRight`:
+import cats.data.EitherT
+abstract class BaseException(message: String) extends Exception(message)
+case class UserNotFoundException(message: String) extends BaseException(message)
+def getUserById(userId: Int): Future[Option[User]] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def ensureUserExists(userId: Int): EitherT[Future, BaseException, User] = {
+ OptionT(getUserById(userId))
+ .toRight(left = UserNotFoundException(s"user not found, userId=$userId"))
+`toRight` is pretty analogous to the method `Either.fromOption` mentioned before: just as `fromOption` built an `Either` from an `Option`, `toRight` creates an `EitherT` from an `OptionT`.
+If the original `OptionT` stores `Some` value, it will be wrapped into `Right`; otherwise the value provided as the `left` parameter will be wrapped into a `Left`.
+`toLeft` is `toRight`'s counterpart which wraps the `Some` value into `Left` and transforms `None` into `Right` enclosing the provided `right` value.
+This is less commonly used in practice, but can serve e.g. for enforcing uniqueness checks in code.
+We return `Left` if the value has been found, and `Right` if it doesn't yet exist in the system.
+The methods available in `EitherT` are pretty similar to those we've seen in `OptionT`, but there are some notable differences.
+You might get into some confusion at first when it comes to e.g. `map`.
+In the case of `OptionT`, it was pretty obvious what should be done: `map` should go over the `Option` enclosed within `Future`, and then map the enclosed `Option` itself.
+This is slightly less obvious in case of `EitherT`: should it map over both `Left` and `Right` values, or only the `Right` value?
+The answer is that `EitherT` is _right-biased_, therefore plain `map` actually deals with the `Right` value.
+This is unlike `Either` in the Scala standard library up to 2.11, which is in turn _unbiased_: there's no `map` available in `Either`, only for its left and right projections.
+Having said that, let's take a quick look at the right-biased methods that `EitherT` offers:
+| Method | Takes | Returns |
+| :---: | --- | --- |
+| `map[D]` | `B => D` | `EitherT[F, A, D]` |
+| `subflatMap[D]` | `B => Either[A, D]` | `EitherT[F, A, D]` |
+| `semiflatMap[D]` | `B => F[D]` | `EitherT[F, A, D]` |
+| `flatMapF[D]` | `B => F[Either[A, D]]` | `EitherT[F, A, D]` |
+| `flatMap[D]` | `B => EitherT[F, A, D]` | `EitherT[F, A, D]` |
+As a side note, there are also certain methods in `EitherT` (that you're likely to need at some point) which map over the `Left` value, like `leftMap`, or over both `Left` and `Right` values, like `fold` or `bimap`.
+`EitherT` is very useful for fail-fast chained verifications:
+case class Item(state: String)
+class ItemOrder { /* ... */ }
+case class ItemNotFoundException(message: String) extends BaseException(message)
+case class InvalidItemStateException(message: String) extends BaseException(message)
+def getItemById(itemId: Int): Future[Option[Item]] = { /* .. */ ??? }
+def ensureItemExists(itemId: Int): EitherT[Future, BaseException, Item] = {
+ OptionT(getItemById(itemId))
+ .toRight(ItemNotFoundException(s"item not found, itemId = $itemId"))
+def ensureItemStateIs(actual: String, expected: String): EitherT[Future, BaseException, Unit] = {
+ // Returns a Unit value wrapped into Right and then into Future if condition is true,
+ // otherwise the provided exception wrapped into Left and then into Future.
+ EitherT.cond(actual == expected, (), InvalidItemStateException(s"actual=$actual, expected=$expected"))
+def placeOrderForItem(userId: Int, itemId: Int, count: Int): Future[ItemOrder] = { /* ... */ ??? }
+def buyItem(userId: Int, itemId: Int, count: Int): EitherT[Future, BaseException, ItemOrder] = {
+ for {
+ user <- ensureUserExists(userId)
+ item <- ensureItemExists(itemId)
+ _ <- ensureItemStateIs(item.state, "AVAILABLE_IN_STOCK")
+ // EitherT.liftF is necessary to make EitherT[Future, BaseException, ItemOrder] out of Future[ItemOrder]
+ placedOrder <- EitherT.liftF(placeOrderForItem(userId, itemId, count))
+ } yield placedOrder
+In the above example, we're running various checks against the item one by one.
+If any of the checks fails, the resulting `EitherT` will contain a `Left` value.
+Otherwise, if all of the checks yield a `Right` (of course we mean a `Right` wrapped into an `EitherT`), then the final outcome will also contain `Right`.
+This is a fail-fast behavior: we're effectively stopping the `for` comprehension flow at the first `Left`-ish result.
+If you're instead looking for validation that accumulates the errors (e.g. when dealing with user-provided form data), `cats.data.Validated` may be a good choice.
+# Common issues
+If anything doesn't compile as expected, first make sure all the required Cats implicits are in the scope — just try importing ```cats.implicits._``` and see if the problem persists.
+As mentioned before, though, it's better to use narrow imports, but if the code doesn't compile it's sometimes worth just importing the entire library to check if it solves the problem.
+If you're using `Futures`, make sure to provide an implicit `ExecutionContext` in the scope, otherwise Cats won't be able to infer implicit instances for `Future`'s type classes.
+IntelliJ sometimes reports errors in Cats-loaded code even though the source passes under scalac.
+One such example are invocations of the methods of `cats.data.Nested` class, which compile correctly under scalac, but don't type check under IntelliJ's presentation compiler.
+It should work without trouble under [Scala IDE](http://scala-ide.org/), though.
+As an advice for your future learning: the `Applicative` type class, despite it's key significance in functional programming, comes slightly difficult to understand.
+In my opinion it's much less intuitive than `Functor` or `Monad`, even though it actually stands right between `Functor` and `Monad` in the inheritance hierarchy.
+The best approach to grasp `Applicative` is to first understand how `product` (which transforms an `F[A]` and `F[B]` to an `F[(A, B)]`) works rather than focus on the somewhat exotic `ap` operation itself.