This Meristream Dummy version is a model of the existing SaaS platform for Meristream that leverages Supabase (PostgreSQL), Next.js for server-side rendering, React.js for client-side rendering, Stripe API for payments integration, and Tailwind CSS for styling. Meristream's application is as simple as pressing a button to play from there, the user will be immersed with infinite calming sounds through the meditative music algorithm that evolves the same way a relaxation music playlist would, with shifting keys and variation and textures, but all procedurally so you don't have to do a single thing.
- Secure user management and authentication with Supabase
- Powerful data access & management tooling on top of PostgreSQL with Supabase
- Integration with Stripe Checkout and the Stripe customer portal
- Automatic syncing of pricing plans and subscription statuses via Stripe webhooks
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
# or
Set up environment variables locally using the Vercel CLI:
vercel login
vercel link
vercel env pull .env.local
Set the SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY manually from your Supabase dashboard (Settings > API).
Use the Stripe CLI to test webhooks:
stripe listen --forward-to=localhost:3000/api/webhooks
Set STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET to the webhook secret in your .env.local file.
Run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application rendered.
- Archive all test mode Stripe products.
- Configure production environment variables in Vercel.
- Redeploy your project in Vercel.