diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
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@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Editor preferences are available in the [editor config](.editorconfig) for easy
Keep track of development and community news.
* Follow [@twbootstrap on Twitter](http://twitter.com/twbootstrap).
-* Read and subscribe to the [The Official Bootstrap Blog](http://blog.getbootstrap.com).
+* Read and subscribe to [The Official Bootstrap Blog](http://blog.getbootstrap.com).
* Have a question that's not a feature request or bug report? [Ask on the mailing list.](http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-bootstrap)
* Chat with fellow Bootstrappers in IRC. On the `irc.freenode.net` server, in the `##twitter-bootstrap` channel.
diff --git a/_includes/nav-getting-started.html b/_includes/nav-getting-started.html
index 243c05fb0517..c06896e6a5c4 100644
--- a/_includes/nav-getting-started.html
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You're looking at the official documentation for Bootstrap (v{{ site.version }}), a front-end framework for building on the Web. Before diving in, get the background story on Bootstrap, useful tidbits about the docs, helpful community links, and more.
Brief history
Bootstrap was created at Twitter in mid-2010 by @mdo and @fat. Prior to being open-sourced framework, Bootstrap was known as Twitter Blueprint. A few months into development, Twitter held its first Hack Week and the project exploded. It served as the style guide for internal tools development at the company for over a year before its public release.
Originally released on , we've had over twenty releases, including two major rewrites with v2 and v3. With Bootstrap 2, we added responsive functionality to the entire framework as an optional stylesheet. Building on that with Bootstrap 3, we rewrote the library once more to make it responsive by default with a mobile first approach.
Core team
Bootstrap is maintained by the founding team and a small group of invaluable core contributors, with the massive support and involvement of our community.
We use callouts throughout the docs to direct attention to important contextual information. These callouts can be informative and optional (blue), warnings (yellow), or dangerously important (red).
Extra information
These are helpful notes that provide background information or additional context.
Heads up
This is a warning used to highlight pertinent, though not necessarily required, information.
Potential danger ahead
Pay attention to these for potentially dangerous or tricky requirements, bugs, and more.
See something worth calling out? Let us know with an issue on GitHub.
Stay up to date on the development of Bootstrap and reach out to the community with these helpful resources.