This module contains different algorithms for convex hull creation from a given point set.
- Incremental Construction
- Direct hull from 3 or 4 points
- Brute force
- Graham Scan
- Divide and Conquer
var convexHull = ConvexHull.ConvexHull4(a, b, c, d);
convexHull.Add(new Point2(5, 5));
These are special cases of brute force approach to very small point sets. The convex hull of four points can be created using a specific method:
var a = new Point2(0, 0);
var c = new Point2(1, 0);
var b = new Point2(1, 1);
var d = new Point2(0, 1);
var convexHull4 = ConvexHull.ConvexHull4(a, b, c, d);
Or for a general case of sets of up to five points (inclusive) a more generic method can be used:
var pts = new List<Point2>()
new(0, 0),
new(0, 1),
new(1, 0)
var ch = ConvexHull.CreateSimpleHull(pts);
In the case of five points, this general method uses the brute-force approach.
It possible to create convex hulls using the brute force algorithms on arbitrary large sets of points using the following static method:
var a = new Point2(0, 0);
var c = new Point2(2, 0);
var b = new Point2(2, 3);
var d = new Point2(1, 3);
var e = new Point2(0, 2);
var ch = ConvexHull.BruteForce(new[] { a, b, c, d, e });
The computational complexity of this algorithm is O(n3).
Graham Scan works in two steps - first the points are sorted and then scanned.
When sorting the points, first an extreme point p0 is found that is sure to be positioned on the convex hull, in our case, that is the leftmost point with minimum y-coordinate. The other points in the set are then sorted according to the counterclockwise angle between positive x-axis and the the line defined by p0 and the point being sorted pi.
Scanning step then traverses all of the points and only adds those points which create counterclockwise-oriented new edges on the convex hull.
var a = new Point2(0, 0);
var b = new Point2(1, 0);
var c = new Point2(1, 1);
var d = new Point2(0, 1);
var ch = ConvexHull.GrahamScan(new[] { a, b, c, d });
flowchart TD
A[p = set of points] --> B{"size(p) < 6?"}
B -- Yes --> C["Return CH(p)"]
B -- No --> D[Split p in half to p_1 and p_2]
D --> E["CH(p_1)"] & F["CH(p_2)"]
E --> G["Join CH(p_1) and CH(p_2)"]
F --> G
G --> H["Return CH(p)"]
The divide and conquer algorithm creates convex hulls of 3-4 point subsets directly and uses the brute force approach for 5 point subsets. The Join step is performed using Graham Scan.