<?php /* |=============================================== | Mosyle |=============================================== | | A working Mosyle instance is required for use of this module. | | To use the Mosyle module's API aspect, set 'mosyle_enable' to TRUE | and enter the a dedicated Mosyle username (email address), password | and API key for accessing your Mosyle instance. | | If using Mosyle School, you may need to change the Mosyle Address. | | This module pulls data about Macs that are in Mosyle. | */ return [ 'mosyle_enable' => env('MOSYLE_ENABLE', false), 'mosyle_username' => env('MOSYLE_USERNAME', ""), 'mosyle_password' => env('MOSYLE_PASSWORD', ""), 'mosyle_api_key' => env('MOSYLE_API_KEY', ""), 'mosyle_address' => env('MOSYLE_ADDRESS', "https://businessapi.mosyle.com/"), ];