Azure resource group & storage account created in azure-native. Datalakegen2filesystem and Datalake2path created using classic.
We can only have the datalakegen2path resource have the aces at creation, we are not able to add a user to it afterwards. We get the following 403 error message
1 error occurred: * setting access control for Path "enreched" in File System "demo-dlake.." in Storage Account "demosa..": datalakestore.Client#SetAccessControl: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error.
Status=403 Code="AuthorizationPermissionMismatch" Message="This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission."
This seems to be releated to this upstream.
Login to Azure CLI (you will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step)
az login
Create a new stack
pulumi stack init dev
Install dependencies
npm install
Configure the location to deploy the resources to. The Azure region to deploy to is pre-set to WestUS - but you can modify the region you would like to deploy to.
The objectid_azure_ad_user_1/2 Specifies the Object ID of the Azure Active Directory User or Group that the entry relates to. Only valid for user or group entries. They are passed in as secrets because we did not want them hard coded in our code.
pulumi config set azure-native:location eastus2 pulumi config set objectid_azure_ad_user_1 objectid_azure_user1 --secret pulumi config set objectid_azure_ad_user_2 objectid_azure_user1 --secret
Create that stack via
pulumi up
pulumi up -y
The Result will be
View Live: Type Name Status + pulumi:pulumi:Stack azure-ts-keyvault-dev created + ├─ azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup demo-rg created + ├─ random:index:RandomString demo-roleName created + ├─ azure-native:authorization:RoleDefinition demo-custom-role created + ├─ azure-native:managedidentity:UserAssignedIdentity demo-userassignedidentity created + ├─ azure-native:containerinstance:ContainerGroup demo-containergroup created + ├─ azure-native:keyvault:Vault demo-vault created + ├─ azure-native:keyvault:Secret demo-mysecret created + └─ azure-native:keyvault:Key demo-mykey created Outputs: container_name : "demo-containergroupa38d56ef" resourcegroup_name: "demo-rg8ebacc35" useridentity_name : "demo-userassignedidentity5ea5a496" vault_key_name : "demo-mykey" vault_name : "demo-vault7db84b18" vault_secret_name : "demo-mysecret" Resources: + 9 created Duration: 2m19s
Check the Outputs
pulumi stack output
Current stack outputs (6): OUTPUT VALUE container_name demo-containergroupa38d56ef resourcegroup_name demo-rg8ebacc35 useridentity_name demo-userassignedidentity5ea5a496 vault_key_name demo-mykey vault_name demo-vault7db84b18 vault_secret_name demo-mysecret
Destroy the Stack
pulumi destoy -y
Remove the stack
pulumi stack rm dev