This is experimental go binding for CEF.
This library is build with `cef_binary_115.3.15+g21130e0+chromium-115.0.5790.173_windows64'.
- Windows 10 64bit
- msys2/mingw64
Download Spotify's Autobuild Image (windos 64bit)
Expand it.
Copy library files and Resouce files to a Directory in PATH Envrironment Variable (eg. $GOPATH/bin).
C:\> xcopy /e \path\to\expand_dir\Release \path\to\gopath\bin C:\> xcopy /e \path\to\expand_dir\Resources \path\to\gopath\bin
create cefingo.pc file on PKG_CONFIG_PATH
target=C:/path/to/gopath/bin libdir=${target} includedir=C:/path/to/expand_dir Name: cefingo Version: 0.1 Description: cefingo Cflags: -I${includedir} Libs: -L${libdir} -lcef
Some functions and methods of cef has thread constraint. Any functions and methods in this package are not disable goroutine preemption. So thread error may be produced.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This project quotes header files of the following third party libraries:
- Chromium Embedded Framework licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. Website:
Thanks to .