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Small, sync and async es6 template engine, built on top of gana and ES6/ES2015 Template Strings, working on [email protected] too!

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Behind the scenes es6-template uses gana which in turns use gana-compile. So the footprint and codebase is very small (~1-2kb minified and not gzipped), easy (just sync and async .compile and .render methods) and very well tested (this one has ~25 tests).

Works well on browsers and even in [email protected]. Read more on gana readme.


npm i es6-template --save


For more use-cases see the tests

const es6template = require('es6-template')

Render template with locals and optionally pass a cb callback. If no callback is passed, the rendered string is returned. It is alias of and acts like .render method.


  • <template> {String}: string to be rendered.
  • <locals> {Object}: data to be used in template.
  • [cb] {Function}: callback with cb(err, res) signature.
  • returns {String}: if no cb is passed.


var es6template = require('es6-template')

var template = 'Hello ${ucfirst(} and have a ${mood} day!'
var locals = {
  author: {
    name: 'charlike'
  mood: 'nice',
  ucfirst: function ucfirst (val) {
    return val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.slice(1)

// synchronous
var str = es6template(template, locals)
// => 'Hello Charlike and have a nice day!'

// async
es6template(template, locals, function cb (err, res) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)

  // => 'Hello Charlike and have a nice day!'

Compile a template to a function that can accept locals object to render a string. If cb is passed, it pass a compileFn as result. It's a gana mirror, so if there's a problem, so please report it in the gana's issue tracker.


  • <template> {String}: string to be compile to a function.
  • [cb] {Function}: callback with cb(err, compileFn) signature.
  • returns {Function}: if no cb is passed.


var es6template = require('es6-template')

var template = 'You, ${uppercase(name)}, are awesome ${person}!'
var locals = {
  name: 'charlike',
  person: 'developer',
  uppercase: function uppercase (val) {
    return val.toUpperCase()

// sync
var compileFn = es6template.compile(template)
var result = compileFn(locals)
// => 'You, CHARLIKE, are awesome developer!'

// asynchronous, gives you `compileFn` in the callback
es6template(template, function cb (err, compileFn) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)

  var result = compileFn(locals)
  // => 'You, CHARLIKE, are awesome developer!'

Renders a template with locals. If no cb is passed, returns a rendered string, otherwise pass the result to cb callback function. Acts like a es6template() which is mirror of this one. If there are some problems, please report them to the gana or gana-compile issue trackers, because this basically is gana(template)(locals).


  • <template> {String}: string to be rendered.
  • <locals> {Object}: data to be used in template.
  • [cb] {Function}: callback with cb(err, res) signature.
  • returns {String}: if no cb is passed.


var es6template = require('es6-template')

var str = es6template.render('Hello ${name}.', { name: 'Charlike' })
// => 'Hello Charlike.'


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
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