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v1 #12

tunnckoCore opened this issue Nov 14, 2016 · 9 comments

v1 #12

tunnckoCore opened this issue Nov 14, 2016 · 9 comments


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tunnckoCore commented Nov 14, 2016

Let's start it. We have pretty stable libs already. Also it currently silently hides tests that do not call the callback/done. It just normal with this architecture.

So let's clarify what will happen for v1 and what will be the diffs with gruu and asia. At least for me.

mukla v1

  • does not support tests that returns streams and observables (for lower deps and i didnt use them anywhere)
  • core assert methods will remain in the exported instance/function, like currently (test.strictEqual and etc)
  • test function will only be passed with done/callback (if given)
  • detects if defined tests count is equal to runned tests count
  • still compat with mukla v0.x and assertit v0.x
  • this api will improve its testing

gruu v1

  • does not support tests that returns streams/observables
  • core assert methods won't be in the exported instance/function
  • test function will be passed with t argument, where you will find that assertion methods
  • this t argument is object that contains all assert/core-assert methods plus more and will have t.context property object for sharing context between tests (useful when you use arrow functions)
  • if not arrow function the this context of the test function will be same as t, so this.context === t.context
  • won't be compatible with mukla/assertit

asia v1

  • support for anything (it's may not support callback/done argument, like gruu)
  • better assertion methods
  • test function is passed with t argument
  • won't be compatible with mukla/assertit
  • same as gruu v1 and almost compatible with it, plus more
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tunnckoCore commented Dec 14, 2016

Sort of... It's almost done, really :D It's amazing how minimal is and what it can do.

 * mukla <>
 * Copyright (c) Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
 * Released under the MIT license.

'use strict'

var getFnName = require('get-fn-name')
var MiniBase = require('minibase').MiniBase
var results = require('minibase-results')
var flow = require('minibase-control-flow')
var isAsyncFn = require('is-async-function')

function Mukla (options) {
  if (!(this instanceof Mukla)) {
    return new Mukla(options)
  }, options)
  this.use(results()) // @TODO: remove `through2`
  this.testNames = []


Mukla.prototype.addTest = function addTest (title, fn) {
  if (typeof title === 'function') {
    fn = title
    title = null
  if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('.addTest: expect `fn` to be a function')

  title = typeof title === 'string' ? title : getFnName(fn)
  if (title === null) {
    this.stats.anonymous = this.stats.anonymous + 1

  title = title || '(unnamed test ' + this.stats.anonymous + ')'
  fn.hasCb = isAsyncFn(fn)

  return this
} = function run (done) {
  done = typeof done === 'function' ? done : function noop () {}

  var self = this
  var reporter = typeof this.options.reporter === 'function'
    ? this.options.reporter
    : defaultReporter, this)

  this.each(this.tests, this.options, {
    // @TODO: update `each-promise` to use try-catch-core
    // context: this.testContext,
    start: function () {
    beforeEach: function (item, index, arr) {
      self.emit('beforeEach', item, index, arr)
    afterEach: function (item, index, arr) {
      self.emit('afterEach', item, index, arr)

      var fn = arr[index]
      var test = {
        fn: fn,
        hasCb: fn.hasCb,
        reason: item.reason,
        value: item.value,
        index: item.index,
        title: self.testNames[index],
        tests: arr

      if (item.reason) {
        return self.emit('fail', test, test.index + 1)
      // @TODO: update `each-promise` to use try-catch-core
      if (fn.hasCb && item.value) {
        var msg = ' must not return anything, it has `done` argument'
        test.reason = new Error('test ' + (test.index + 1) + msg)
        return self.emit('fail', test, test.index + 1)
      if (!fn.hasCb && !item.value) {
        var msg = ' must return, it has not `done` argument'
        test.reason = new Error('test ' + (test.index + 1) + msg)
        return self.emit('fail', test, test.index + 1)
      self.emit('pass', test, index + 1)
    finish: function (err, res) {
      self.emit('finish', err, res, done)

function defaultReporter () {
    .once('start', function () {
      console.log('TAP version 13')
      console.log('1..' + this.stats.count)
    .on('pass', function (test, idx) {
      console.log('ok', idx, test.title)
    .on('fail', function (test, idx) {
      console.log('not ok', idx, test.title, test.reason.toString())
    .once('finish', function (err, res, done) {
      if (!done) return console.log('done')
      if (err) return done(err)
      done(null, res)

 * example usage

var delay = require('delay')
var fixtureTwo = function () {
  return [
    () => delay(900).then(() => 1),
    () => delay(770).then(() => { throw new Error('foo') }),
    () => delay(620).then(() => 3),
    () => delay(800).then(() => {}),
    () => delay(700).then(() => 5),
    (cb) => {

var app = Mukla(/*{ serial: true }*/)

fixtureTwo().forEach(function (fn) {

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blocked by each-promise update (and the workflow around Start + Rollup/Rolldown + Buble)

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Rolldown CLI is needed too, so we'll have Mukla CLI that transpiles ESM.

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gruu/mukla/asia/testup/voala, using p-map, mitt (tunnckoCore/mitt, refactor branch)

const getFnName = require('get-fn-name')
const pMap = require('p-map')
const mitt = require('./mitt')

function defaultReporter () {
  const emitter = mitt()
    .on('start', ({ stats }) => {
      console.log('TAP version 13')
    .on('afterEach', ({ test }) => {
      if (test.reason) {
        console.log('not ok', test.index, test.title, test.reason.toString())
      } else {
        console.log('ok', test.index, test.title)
    .on('finish', ({ reason, stats }) => {
      if (reason) {
        console.log('# NOT OK', stats)
      } else {
        console.log('# OK', stats)
      // console.log('# OK', stats)
      // process.exit(0)
  return emitter

function handleFn (fn, opts) {
  return new opts.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var called = false

    function done (e, res) {
      called = true
      if (e) return reject(e)
      if (res instanceof Error) {
        return reject(res)
      return resolve(res)

    var args = utils.arrayify(opts.args)
    args = fn.length ? args.concat(done) : args

    var ret = fn.apply(opts.context, args)

    if (!called) {
      ret instanceof Error
        ? reject(ret)
        : resolve(ret)

function testup (options) {
  options = Object.assign({}, options)

  const app = {
    stats: {
      anonymous: 0,
      count: 0,
      fail: 0,
      pass: 0
    options: options,
    tests: [],
    addTest: (title, fn) => {
      if (typeof title === 'function') {
        fn = title
        title = null
      if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
        throw new TypeError('.addTest: expect `fn` to be a function')

      title = typeof title === 'string' ? title : getFnName(fn)
      if (title === null) {
        app.stats.anonymous = app.stats.anonymous + 1

        title: title || `(unnamed test ${app.stats.anonymous})`,
        index: app.stats.count,
        fn: fn

      return app
    addReporter: (fn) => {
      app.reporter = fn()
      return app.reporter
    run: (opts) => {
      app.options = Object.assign({}, app.options, opts)
      if (typeof app.reporter !== 'function') {
        app.reporter = app.addReporter(defaultReporter)

      app.reporter.emit('start', { stats: app.stats })

      const mapper = (test) => {
        app.reporter.emit('beforeEach', { test: test, stats: app.stats })
        return handleFn(test.fn, app.options)
          .then((val) => {
            test.value = val
            app.reporter.emit('afterEach', { test: test, stats: app.stats })
            return val
          .catch((er) => {
            test.reason = er
            app.reporter.emit('afterEach', { test: test, stats: app.stats })
            throw er

      return pMap(app.tests, mapper, app.options).then(() => {
        app.reporter.emit('finish', { stats: app.stats })
      }, (err) => {
        app.reporter.emit('finish', { reason: err, stats: app.stats })

  return app


var delay = require('delay')
var assert = require('assert')
const runner = testup()

setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)

runner.addTest('foo bar baz', function () {
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1)
runner.addTest('quxie setty', function () {
  return delay(400).then(() => {
    assert.strictEqual(2222, 222)
runner.addTest('zeta gama', function () {
  sasa.strictEqual(3, 3)
runner.addTest('hiahahah zeah', function () {
  assert.strictEqual(3, 3)

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tunnckoCore commented Mar 7, 2017

So, let's finalize it?

Mukla v1 - minibase + each-promise (possibly node<4, through native-promise)
Gruu v1 - p-map + mitt (Node>=4, ES6 only), minimalist, functional (above)
Asia v1 - batteries included (promises, observables, streams, etc), more extensible - plugins, better API

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tunnckoCore commented Apr 29, 2017


minibase v2 and test runner


'use strict'
var dush = require('dush')
var dushOptions = require('dush-options')
var dushBetterUse = require('dush-better-use')

 * dush plugins

var redolent = require('redolent')
var mixinDeep = require('mixin-deep')
var createPlugin = require('minibase-create-plugin')

var dushPlugins = createPlugin('dush-plugins', function (app, opts) {
  app.options = mixinDeep({}, app.options, opts)


  app.define('run', function run (a, b, c) {
    var args = []
    var resolve = redolent(function resolver () {
      app.emit('start', app)
    }, app.options)

    return app._plugins
      .reduce(reducer(app, args), resolve())
      .then(function () {
        app.emit('finish', app)
      .catch(function (err) {
        app.emit('error', err)
        app.emit('finish', app)

  return app

function reducer (app, args) {
  return function reducer (promise, handler) {
    return promise.then(function () {
      app.emit('beforeEach', app, handler, args)
      return redolent(handler, {
        Promise: app.options.Promise,
        context: app.options.context || handler,
        args: args
        .then(function (res) {
          handler.value = res
          app.emit('afterEach', app, handler)
        .catch(function (err) {
          handler.reason = err
          app.emit('afterEach', app, handler)

 * MiniBase v2

function MiniBase (opts) {
  return dush()
    .use((app) => {
      app._plugins = []
      app.addTest = (title, fnc) => {
        fnc.title = title
        fnc.index = app._plugins.length + 1

        return app
    .use((app) => {
      app.on('afterEach', (app, test) => {
        if (test.reason) {

          app.emit('fail', app, test)
        } else {
          app.emit('pass', app, test)

module.exports = MiniBase


'use strict'
var minibase = require('./minibase')
var tapReport = require('dush-tap-report')

var extend = require('extend-shallow')
var assert = require('assert')

function Mukla (opts) {
  return minibase(opts).use(
      stats: {
        count: 0,
        pass: 0,
        fail: 0

var app = Mukla({
  relativePaths: false // strange bug when `true`

function test (title, fn) {
  if (title && typeof title === 'object') {
    app.options = extend({}, app.options, title)
  } else {
    app.addTest(title, fn)

  return test

setTimeout(function () {
  var done = function done (er) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      if (er) return reject(er)

  // passed to each test function
  // backward compatible: passes `done` function
  // that has `assert` methods on it too 
  var param = extend(done, assert) => {
    if (process && process.versions['electron']) {
}, 0)

module.exports = extend(test, app, assert)

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tunnckoCore commented May 22, 2018

Damn.. Love myself when document everything 🍡

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tunnckoCore commented Jul 2, 2019

Oh hell yea, but in current times it starting to lose more and more sense. Anyway, there is pretty stable implementation at asia@next (the pre-v1) too.

I'm not sure with what and when I will finally come up. But it was a wild ride through the years. A lot of experiments and learned things.

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Yep. After 3 years out, i read that thing yet again :D

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