This is a program for the company X and what it does it is to implement algorithm to mow rectangular surfaces. LawnMower will control sequentially N lawn mowers, each one following directives from a configuration file. In the directory input_files you'll find examples and documentation of the input files that LawnMower consumes. LawnMower will output the final position and orientation of each mower in the order that the mower appeared in the input.
To build the project just run the following command:
$mvn package
To perform this you'll have to install Maven:3.+.
This operation will create a directory named target
where the java package will be contained.
If you don't want to install Maven and all its dependencies you always can grab the official Maven's image from dockerhub and run it as it's shown bellow:
$docker login
$docker pull maven:3.3-jdk-8
$docker run -it --rm --name LawnMower -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/LawnMower -w /usr/src/LawnMower maven:3.3-jdk-8 mvn clean install
You must install docker to take this building option.
After running the above commands the directory target
will be created containing the java package of LawnMower.
Once the package is built you'll just have to run the following command:
$java -cp target/LawnMower-1.0.jar App input_file.txt
An SDK of Java8 or greater must be installed in your system to run LawnMower.
To run a production version LawnMower you just have to run the following commands:
$docker login
$docker pull tul1/lawnmower:tagname
$docker run -v ./input_files:/app/input_files -t tul1/lawnmower:latest java -cp target/LawnMower-1.0.jar App /app/input_files/input_file.txt
Production version are based on LawnMower releases. Alternatively you can access the container with the interactive mode and run the LawnMower inside, with the following commands:
$docker login
$docker pull tul1/lawnmower:tagname
$docker run -it -v ./input_files:/app/input_files -t tul1/lawnmower:latest bash
#java -cp target/LawnMower-1.0.jar App /app/input_files/input_file.txt
- v1.0.0: Bulbasaur
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- All tests Passing!
- Coverage over 90%