This is an Operate-First toolbox that comprises of the commonly used tooling to supplement workflows.
$ toolbox create --image
Created container: opf-toolbox
Enter with: toolbox enter --container opf-toolbox-v0.10.0
This will create a container called opf-toolbox-<version-id>
$ toolbox enter --container opf-toolbox-v0.10.0
- Kustomize
- Helm
- Helm Secrets
- Hash Annotator
- Conftest
- YQ
- Make
- NPM and nodejs
- Prow's label_sync and peribolos
- pre-commit
- opfcli
- Kubeval
- kubectl
- OpenShift CLI (oc)
- Vault CLI
You may see the following error when running a kustomize build
using ksops
plugin was built with a different version of package internal/cpu
Toolbox will try to absorb as much from your parent environment as possible, this may result in environment variables in the toolbox being overwritten by your own environment. Try sourcing these environment variables again to fix the issue above:
See toolbox for more info on how a toolbox works.