10:00 - 13:00 Morning Session (resp. Benoît)
- Introduction
- Update on the work done (each WP leader to prepare short presentation)
- Agenda and organization of the week
- Explore more in detail ARC and Relais (short live demos)
- First discussion on ARC-Relais integration (with Laura)
14:30 - 17:30 Afternoon Session (resp. Romain):
- ARC Relais integration
- Presentation of methodology and use case for Relais
- Requirements for reuse, generally and more specifically for ARC and Relais
- Sharing algorithms (Matjaž)
10:00 - 13:00 Morning Session (resp. Jakob)
- Presentation on CSPA work from Toulouse Document
- Brainstorming on the technologies and services for the WP3 platform. Identify capabilities needed in the platform
- Map the result of the brainstorming with a "shortlist" of CSPA-features (scalability, security, sandboxing ...) that can be partially or fully implemented by using cloud-capabilities/technologies.
- List pros/cons by implementing these features by using cloud-capabilities
- Prioritize between technologies for features that can be implemented using multiple cloud technologies
- Describe how the different services could be implemented by using cloud platforms/technologies (cookbook with examples)
- Setup prioritized plan for implementations. Output: a collaborative platforms (perhaps a digital one) with votes on capabilities
14:30 - 17:30 Afternoon Session (resp. Mauro; to discuss: split in two groups or not)
- Description of a statistical service generalized architecture
- Presentation of the Relais TO-BE architecture and live demo of the first set of implemented functionalities. Application of the morning results to the Relais example.
- Presentation of the ARC architecture. Application of the morning results to the ARC example
- First elements for an unified architecture
Three hackathon threads:
- Track 1: prototype of Relais and ARC containerization (resp. Trygve). Containerization of ARC and Relais (minimum packaging : put the application on a container and run it on a cloud platform; need for a platform). Comprehensive demo of the containerized applications.
- Track 2: VTL editor, development of new functionalities (resp. Pina). VTL description. How to integrate VTL in ARC. Agreement on the objectives for this integration.
- Track 3: success stories (resp. António). Survey on service reuses. Tools for sharing success stories (audio, video ...). Examples in a cookbook.
14:30 - 16:00 Closing Session (resp. Franck)
- Pitches of the three threads (30 minutes by thread, each thread rapporteur to prepare 15 minutes presentation, if necessary the pitches can be done during the morning)
- Overview of Eurostat projects (Luca Gramaglia)
- Unece MSW workshop
- Toulouse hackathon
- Roadmap