Here we detail the decision tree of the security related features that did:webs
users should consider to determine what features they need to build their secure identity with did:webs
%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
subgraph graph legend
CORESEC[Core security features];
COREDISC[\Core discovery features\];
OPSEC([Optional security features]);
OPDISC{{Optional discovery features}};
DTREE{Graph of dependencies for did:webs feature choices} --> AROT;
AROT{Administrative Root-Of-Trust} --> WID{Web Identifier};
CROT{Cryptographic Root-Of-Trust} --> SCID{Self-Certifying Identifier};
WID --> DIDWEB[\did:web\];
DIDWEB --> X509[\X.509, TLS, CA/Browser Forum\];
SCID --> DIDWS[did:webs];
AID --> KEL[Key event log];
AID --> END{{Service Endpoints}};
KEL --> KHIST[Key History];
K -.-> ENCRYPT([Encryption]);
KHIST --> K[Current Keys];
K --> sK[Signature Key];
sK --> mK([Additional Signature Keys]);
KHIST --> nK([Next Keys]);
nK --> sK;
KEL --> BACK([Distributed Receipts]);
BACK --> WIT([Witnesses]);
mK --> sTHRESH([Thresholded]);
mK --> sWEIGHT([Weighted]);
KEL --> THIST([Transaction History]);
THIST --> KOTHER([Other Keys]);
THIST --> CRED([Credentials]);
CRED([Credentials]) --> WHOIS([whois]);
CRED --> DALIAS([Designated Aliases]);
DALIAS --> EQUIVID([Equivalent Identifiers]);
DALIAS --> AKA([Also Known As]);
DALIAS --> REDIRECT([Redirects]);
END --> ENDOTHER{{Other Endpoints}};
END --> AGENT{{Agent}};
END --> MAIL{{Mailbox}};
style AROT fill:#FF6;
style X509 fill:#FF6;
style DIDWEB fill:#FF6;
style CROT fill:#080;
style WID fill:#FF6;
style SCID fill:#080;
style DIDWS fill:#080;
style KHIST fill:#080;
style THIST fill:#44F;
style AID fill:#080;
style KEL fill:#080;
style END fill:#FF6;
style K fill:#080;
style sK fill:#080;
style mK fill:#44F;
style nK fill:#44F;
style BACK fill:#44F;
style WIT fill:#44F;
style sTHRESH fill:#44F;
style sWEIGHT fill:#44F;
style CRED fill:#44F;
style DALIAS fill:#44F;
style AKA fill:#44F;
style EQUIVID fill:#44F;
style REDIRECT fill:#44F;
style WHOIS fill:#44F;
style DIDCOMM fill:#FF6;
style ENDOTHER fill:#FF6;
style AGENT fill:#FF6;
style MAIL fill:#FF6;
style ENCRYPT fill:#44F;
style KOTHER fill:#44F;
style CORESEC fill:#080;
style COREDISC fill:#ff6;
style OPSEC fill:#44F;
style OPDISC fill:#ff6;