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title az204Module
Lab: Monitoring services that are deployed to Azure
Module 12: Monitor and optimize Azure solutions

Lab: Monitoring services that are deployed to Azure

Microsoft Azure user interface

Given the dynamic nature of Microsoft cloud tools, you might experience Azure UI changes after the development of this training content. These changes might cause the lab instructions and steps to not match up.

Microsoft updates this training course when the community brings needed changes to our attention. However, because cloud updates occur frequently, you might encounter UI changes before this training content updates. If this occurs, adapt to the changes, and then work through them in the labs as needed.


Before you start

Review the installed applications

Find the taskbar on your Windows 10 desktop. The taskbar contains the icons for the applications that you'll use in this lab:

  • Microsoft Edge

  • File Explorer

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Windows PowerShell

Exercise 1: Create and configure Azure resources

Task 1: Open the Azure portal

  1. On the taskbar, select the Microsoft Edge icon.

  2. In the open browser window, go to the Azure portal (

  3. From the sign-in page, enter the email address for your Microsoft account, and then select Next.

  4. Enter the password for your Microsoft account, and then select Sign in.

Note: If this is your first time signing in to the Azure portal, a dialog box will display an offer to tour the portal. Select Get Started to skip the tour and begin using the portal.

Task 2: Create an Application Insights resource

  1. In the Azure portal's navigation pane, select Create a resource.

  2. From the New blade, find the Search the Marketplace text box.

  3. In the search box, enter Insights, and then select Enter.

  4. From the Marketplace search results blade, select the Application Insights result.

  5. From the Application Insights blade, select Create.

  6. Find the tabs from the second Application Insights blade, such as Basics.

    Note: Each tab represents a step in the workflow to create a new Application Insights instance. You can select Review + Create at any time to skip the remaining tabs.

  7. From the Basics tab, perform the following actions:

    1. Leave the Subscription text box set to its default value.

    2. In the Resource group section, select Create new, enter MonitoredAssets, and then select OK.

    3. In the Name text box, enter instrm[yourname].

    4. In the Region drop-down list, select the (US) East US region.

    5. In the Resource Mode section, select the Classic option.

    6. Select Review + Create.

  8. From the Review + Create tab, review the options that you selected during the previous steps.

  9. Select Create to create the Application Insights instance by using your specified configuration.

    Note: Wait for the creation task to complete before you move forward with this lab.

  10. In the Azure portal's navigation pane, select Resource groups.

  11. From the Resource groups blade, select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  12. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the instrm[yourname] Application Insights account that you created earlier in this lab.

  13. From the Application Insights blade, in the Configure category, select the Properties link.

  14. In the Properties section, find the value of the Instrumentation Key text box. This key is used by client applications to connect to Application Insights.

Task 3: Create a web app by using Azure App Services resource

  1. In the Azure portal's navigation pane, select Create a resource.

  2. From the New blade, find the Search the Marketplace text box.

  3. In the search box, enter Web, and then select Enter.

  4. From the Marketplace search results blade, select the Web App result.

  5. From the Web App blade, select Create.

  6. Find the tabs from the second Web App blade, such as Basics.

    Note: Each tab represents a step in the workflow to create a new web app. You can select Review + Create at any time to skip the remaining tabs.

  7. From the Basics tab, perform the following actions:

    1. Leave the Subscription text box set to its default value.

    2. In the Resource group drop-down list, select MonitoredAssets.

    3. In the Name text box, enter smpapi[yourname].

    4. In the Publish section, select Code.

    5. In the Runtime stack drop-down list, select Node 12 LTS.

    6. In the Operating System section, select Windows.

    7. In the Region drop-down list, select the East US region.

    8. In the Windows Plan (East US) section, select Create new, enter the value MonitoredPlan into the Name text box, and then select OK.

    9. Leave the SKU and size section set to its default value.

    10. Select Next: Monitoring.

  8. From the Monitoring tab, perform the following actions:

    1. In the Enable Application Insights section, select Yes.

    2. In the Application Insights drop-down list, select the instrm[yourname] Application Insights account that you created earlier in this lab.

    3. Select Review + Create.

  9. From the Review + Create tab, review the options that you selected during the previous steps.

  10. Select Create to create the web app by using your specified configuration.

    Note: Wait for the creation task to complete before you move forward with this lab.

  11. In the Azure portal's navigation pane, select Resource groups.

  12. From the Resource groups blade, select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  13. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the smpapi[yourname] web app that you created earlier in this lab.

  14. From the App Service blade, in the Settings category, select the Configuration link.

  15. In the Configuration section, perform the following actions:

    1. Select the Application settings tab.

    2. Select Show Values to get the secrets associated with your API.

    3. Find the value corresponding to the APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY key. This value was set automatically when you built your Web Apps resource.

  16. From the App Service blade, in the Settings category, select the Properties link.

  17. In the Properties section, record the value of the URL text box. You'll use this value later in the lab to make requests against the API.

Task 4: Configure web app autoscale options

  1. From the App Service blade, in the Settings category, select the Scale out (App Service Plan) link.

  2. In the Scale out section, perform the following actions:

    1. Select Custom autoscale.

    2. In the Autoscale setting name text box, enter ComputeScaler.

    3. In the Resource group list, select MonitoredAssets.

    4. In the Scale mode section, select Scale based on a metric.

    5. In the Minimum text box in the Instance limits section, enter 2.

    6. In the Maximum text box in the Instance limits section, enter 8.

    7. In the Default text box in the Instance limits section, enter 3.

    8. Select Add a rule. In the Scale rule pop-up dialog, leave all boxes set to their default values, and then select Add.

    9. Within the section, select Save.

    Note: Wait for the save operation to complete before you move forward with this lab.


In this exercise, you created the resources that you'll use for the remainder of the lab.

Exercise 2: Monitor a local web application by using Application Insights

Task 1: Build a Node.js Web API project

  1. On the taskbar, select the Visual Studio Code icon.

  2. From the File menu, select Open Folder.

  3. In the File Explorer window, browse to \Allfiles\Labs\12\Starter\Api, and then select Select Folder.

  4. In the Visual Studio Code window, right-click the Explorer pane or activate the shortcut menu, and then select Open in Terminal.

  5. At the command prompt, enter the following command, and then select Enter to create a new application:

    npm init -y
  6. Open the file package.json and update file with application name SimpleApi and directory.

  7. At the command prompt, enter the following command, and then select Enter to import applicationinsights from npm to the current project:

    npm install applicationinsights
  8. At the command prompt, enter the following command to install additional packages.

    npm install express body-parser
  9. Create new file app.js and add following code:

    const appInsights = require('applicationinsights');
  10. Open file package.json and add following record to the scripts section.

    "start": "node app.js",

Task 2: Update application code to disable HTTPS and use Application Insights

  1. In the Visual Studio Code window, in the Explorer pane, select the app.js file to open the file in the editor.

  2. In the app.js file, add a new static string constant named INSTRUMENTATION_KEY with its value set to the instrumentation key that you copied from the Application Insights resource you created earlier in this lab:

    const INSTRUMENTATION_KEY = '{your_instrumentation_key}';
  3. Add a new line of code at the end of the ConfigureServices method to configure Application Insights using the provided instrumentation key:

    appInsights.setup(INSTRUMENTATION_KEY).setInternalLogging(true, true).start(); 
  4. Provide following code in in the app.js file:

    const express = require("express");
    const app = express();
    const bodyparser = require("body-parser");
    const port = process.env.PORT || 3200;
    app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
    app.listen(port, () => {
        console.log(`running at port ${port}`);
  5. Add the following to support GET request to the web site. The code should be provided before app.listen:

    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  6. In the same way provide the code for get request to /weatherforecast above app.listen.

    app.get("/weatherforecast", (req, res) => {
  7. Create new file named \forecast.js

  8. Provide following code to create weatherForecast class:

    var summaries = [
    class weatherForecast {
    weatherForecast.temperatureF = function (temperatureC) {
        return Math.floor(32 + temperatureC / 0.5556);
    exports.weatherForecast = weatherForecast;
  9. Provide following code below to prepare function for export.

    module.exports = {
        getRandom: function (min, max) {
            return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
        getForecast: function () {
            Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
                var date = new Date(this.valueOf());
                date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
                return date;
            var forecast = [];
            for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                var wf = new weatherForecast();
       = (new Date()).addDays(i)
                wf.temperatureC = Math.floor(this.getRandom(-20, 55));
                wf.temperatureF = weatherForecast.temperatureF(wf.temperatureC);
                wf.summary = summaries[Math.floor(this.getRandom(0,summaries.length-1))];
        return forecast;
  10. Save the forecast.js file.

  11. Return back to the app.js file and add the line on top of the file:

    const forecast = require("./forecast");
  12. Save the app.js file.

Task 3: Test an API application locally

  1. At the command prompt, enter the following command, and then select Enter to run the web application.

    node start
  2. On the taskbar, open the context menu for the Microsoft Edge icon, and then open a new browser window.

  3. In the open browser window, go to the /weatherforecast relative path of your test application that's hosted at localhost on port 3200.

    Note: The full URL is http://localhost:3200/weatherforecast

  4. Close the browser window that's displaying the http://localhost:3200/weatherforecast address.

  5. Close the currently running Visual Studio Code application.

Task 4: Get metrics in Application Insights

  1. Return to your currently open browser window that's displaying the Azure portal.

  2. In the portal, select Resource groups.

  3. From the Resource groups blade, find and select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  4. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the instrm[yourname] Application Insights account that you created earlier in this lab.

  5. From the Application Insights blade, in the tiles in the center of the blade, find the displayed metrics. Specifically, find the number of server requests that have occurred and the average server response time.

    Note: It can take up to five minutes to observe requests in the Application Insights metrics charts.


In this exercise, you created an API by using express and configured it to stream application metrics to Application Insights. You then used the Application Insights dashboard to get performance details about your API.

Exercise 3: Monitor a web app using Application Insights

Task 1: Deploy an application to the web app

  1. On the taskbar, select the Visual Studio Code icon.

  2. From the File menu, select Open Folder.

  3. In the File Explorer window, browse to \Allfiles\Labs\12\Starter\Api, and then select Select Folder.

  4. In the Visual Studio Code window, right-click the Explorer pane or activate the shortcut menu, and then select Open in Terminal.

  5. At the open command prompt, enter the following command, and then select Enter to sign in to the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI):

    az login
  6. In the browser window, perform the following actions:

    1. Enter the email address for your Microsoft account, and then select Next.

    2. Enter the password for your Microsoft account, and then select Sign in.

  7. Return to the currently open command prompt application.

    Note: Wait for the sign-in process to finish.

  8. At the command prompt, enter the following command, and then select Enter to list all the apps in your MonitoredAssets resource group:

    az webapp list --resource-group MonitoredAssets
  9. Enter the following command, and then select Enter to find the apps that have the prefix smpapi:

    az webapp list --resource-group MonitoredAssets --query "[?starts_with(name, 'smpapi')]"
  10. Enter the following command, and then select Enter to render out only the name of the single app that has the smpapi:

    az webapp list --resource-group MonitoredAssets --query "[?starts_with(name, 'smpapi')].{Name:name}" --output tsv
  11. Enter the following command, and then select Enter to change the current directory to the \Allfiles\Labs\12\Starter directory that contains the deployment files.

  12. Enter the following command, and then select Enter to deploy the file to the web app that you created earlier in this lab:

    az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group MonitoredAssets --src --name <name-of-your-api-app>

    Note: Replace the name-of-your-api-app placeholder with the name of the web app that you created earlier in this lab. You recently queried this app’s name in the previous steps.

    Note: Wait for the deployment to complete before you move forward with this lab.

  13. Close the currently running Visual Studio Code application.

  14. Return to your currently open browser window that's displaying the Azure portal.

  15. In the Azure portal's navigation pane, select Resource groups.

  16. From the Resource groups blade, select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  17. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the smpapi[yourname] web app that you created earlier in this lab.

  18. From the App Service blade, select Browse. A new browser window or tab will open and return a "404 (Not Found)" error.

  19. In the browser address bar, update the URL by appending the suffix /weatherforecast to the end of the current URL, and then select Enter.

    Note: For example, if your URL is, the new URL would be

  20. Find the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) array that's returned as a result of using the API.

Task 2: Configure in-depth metric collection for Web Apps

  1. Return to your currently open browser window that's displaying the Azure portal.

  2. In the Azure portal's navigation pane, select Resource groups.

  3. From the Resource groups blade, select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  4. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the smpapi[yourname] web app that you created earlier in this lab.

  5. From the App Service blade, select Application Insights.

  6. From the Application Insights blade, perform the following actions:

    1. Ensure that the Application Insights section is set to Enable.

    2. In the Instrument your application section, select the Node.js tab.

    3. In the Collection level section, select Recommended.

    4. In the Profiler secton, select On.

    5. In the Snapshot debugger section, select Off.

    6. In the SQL Commands section, select Off.

    7. Select Apply.

    8. In the confirmation dialog, select Yes.

  7. Close the Application Insights blade.

  8. Back from the App Service blade, select Browse. A new browser window or tab will open and return a "404 (Not Found)" error.

  9. In the browser address bar, update the URL by appending the suffix /weatherforecast to the end of the current URL, and then select Enter.

    Note: For example, if your URL is, the new URL would be

  10. Observe the JSON array that's returned as a result of using the API.

  11. Record the URL that you used to access the JSON array.

    Note: Using the example from the previous step, you would record the URL

Task 3: Get updated metrics in Application Insights

  1. Return to your currently open browser window that's displaying the Azure portal.

  2. In the portal, select Resource groups.

  3. From the Resource groups blade, find and select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  4. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the instrm[yourname] Application Insights account that you created earlier in this lab.

  5. From the Application Insights blade, in the tiles in the center of the blade, find the displayed metrics. Specifically, find the number of server requests that have occurred and the average server response time.

    Note: It can take up to five minutes to observe requests in the Application Insights metrics charts.

Task 4: View real-time metrics in Application Insights

  1. Return to your currently open browser window that's displaying the Azure portal.

  2. In the portal, select Resource groups.

  3. From the Resource groups blade, find and select the MonitoredAssets resource group that you created earlier in this lab.

  4. From the MonitoredAssets blade, select the instrm[yourname] Application Insights account that you created earlier in this lab.

  5. From the Application Insights blade, select Live Metrics Stream in the Investigate section.

  6. On the taskbar, open the context menu for the Microsoft Edge icon, and then open a new browser window.

  7. In the new browser window, go to the URL that you recorded earlier in this lab.

  8. Observe the JSON array result.

  9. Return to your currently open browser window that's displaying the Azure portal.

  10. Observe the updated Live Metrics Stream blade.

    Note: The Incoming Requests section should update within seconds, showing the requests that you made to the web app.


In this exercise, you deployed your web application to Azure App Service and monitored your metrics from the same Application Insights instance.

Exercise 4: Clean up your subscription

Task 1: Open Azure Cloud Shell

  1. In the Azure portal, select the Cloud Shell icon to open a new shell instance.

    Note: The Cloud Shell icon is represented by a greater than sign (>) and underscore character (_).

  2. If this is your first time opening Cloud Shell using your subscription, you can use the Welcome to Azure Cloud Shell Wizard to configure Cloud Shell for first-time usage. Perform the following actions in the wizard:

    1. A dialog box prompts you to create a new storage account to begin using the shell. Accept the default settings, and then select Create storage.

    Note: Wait for Cloud Shell to finish its initial setup procedures before moving forward with the lab. If you don't notice the Cloud Shell configuration options, this is most likely because you're using an existing subscription with this course's labs. The labs are written with the presumption that you're using a new subscription.

Task 2: Delete resource groups

  1. Enter the following command, and then select Enter to delete the MonitoredAssets resource group:

    az group delete --name MonitoredAssets --no-wait --yes
  2. Close the Cloud Shell pane in the portal.

Task 3: Close the active applications

  1. Close the currently running Microsoft Edge application.

  2. Close the currently running Visual Studio Code application.


In this exercise, you cleaned up your subscription by removing the resource groups used in this lab.