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Ansible Deployment

Ansible Deployment


Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.

TiDB-Ansible is a TiDB cluster deployment tool developed by PingCAP, based on Ansible playbook. TiDB-Ansible enables you to quickly deploy a new TiDB cluster which includes PD, TiDB, TiKV, and the cluster monitoring modules.

You can use the TiDB-Ansible configuration file to set up the cluster topology, completing all operation tasks with one click, including:

  • Initializing the system, including creating a user for deployment, setting up a hostname, etc.
  • Deploying the components
  • Rolling upgrade, including module survival detection
  • Cleaning data
  • Cleaning environment
  • Configuring monitoring modules


Before you start, make sure that you have:

  1. A Control Machine with the following requirements:

    • Python 2.6 or Python 2.7

    • Python Jinja2 2.7.2 and MarkupSafe 0.11 packages. You can use the following commands to install the packages:

      pip install Jinja2==2.7.2 MarkupSafe==0.11
    • Access to the external network to install curl package and download binary.

    • Access to the managed nodes via SSH using password login or SSH authorized_key login.

  2. Several managed nodes with the following requirements:

    • 4 or more machines. At least 3 instances for TiKV. Don’t deploy TiKV together with TiDB or PD on the same machine. See Software and Hardware Requirements.

    • Recommended Operating system:

      • CentOS 7.3 or later

      • X86_64 architecture (AMD64)

      • Kernel version 3.10 or later

      • Ext4 file system.

    • The network between machines. Turn off the firewalls and iptables when deploying and turn them on after the deployment.

    • The same time and time zone for all machines with the NTP service on to synchronize the correct time. If you are using the Ubuntu platform, install the ntpstat package.

    • A remote user account which you can use to login from the Control Machine to connect to the managed nodes via SSH. It can be the root user or a user account with sudo privileges.

    • Python 2.6 or Python 2.7

Note: The Control Machine can be one of the managed nodes.

Install Ansible in the Control Machine

Install Ansible 2.3 or later to your platform:

  • PPA source on Ubuntu:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ansible
  • EPEL source on CentOS:

    yum install epel-release
    yum update
    yum install ansible

You can use the ansible --version command to see the version information.

For more information, see Ansible Documentation.

Download TiDB-Ansible to the Control Machine

Use the following command to download the TiDB-Ansible release-1.0 branch from GitHub TiDB-Ansible project. The default folder name is tidb-ansible. The tidb-ansible directory contains all files you need to get started with TiDB-Ansible.

git clone -b release-1.0

Orchestrate the TiDB cluster

The file path of inventory.ini: tidb-ansible/inventory.ini

The standard cluster has 6 machines:

  • 2 TiDB nodes, the first TiDB machine is used as a monitor
  • 3 PD nodes
  • 3 TiKV nodes

The cluster topology of single TiKV instance on a single machine

Name Host IP Services
node1 PD1, TiDB1
node2 PD2, TiDB2
node3 PD3
node4 TiKV1
node5 TiKV2
node6 TiKV3






The cluster topology of multiple TiKV instances on a single machine

Take three TiKV instances as an example:

Name Host IP Services
node1 PD1, TiDB1
node2 PD2, TiDB2
node3 PD3
node4 TiKV1-1, TiKV1-2, TiKV1-3
node5 TiKV2-1, TiKV2-2, TiKV2-3
node6 TiKV3-1, TiKV3-2, TiKV3-3


TiKV1-1 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data1/deploy tikv_port=20171 labels="host=tikv1"
TiKV1-2 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data2/deploy tikv_port=20172 labels="host=tikv1"
TiKV1-3 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data3/deploy tikv_port=20173 labels="host=tikv1"
TiKV2-1 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data1/deploy tikv_port=20171 labels="host=tikv2"
TiKV2-2 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data2/deploy tikv_port=20172 labels="host=tikv2"
TiKV2-3 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data3/deploy tikv_port=20173 labels="host=tikv2"
TiKV3-1 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data1/deploy tikv_port=20171 labels="host=tikv3"
TiKV3-2 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data2/deploy tikv_port=20172 labels="host=tikv3"
TiKV3-3 ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data3/deploy tikv_port=20173 labels="host=tikv3"





location_labels = ["host"]

Edit the parameters:

  1. For multiple TiKV instances, edit the end-point-concurrency and block-cache-size parameters in conf/tikv.yml:

    • end-point-concurrency: keep the number lower than CPU Vcores
    • rocksdb defaultcf block-cache-size(GB): MEM * 80% / TiKV instance number * 30%
    • rocksdb writecf block-cache-size(GB): MEM * 80% / TiKV instance number * 45%
    • rocksdb lockcf block-cache-size(GB): MEM * 80% / TiKV instance number * 2.5% (128 MB at a minimum)
    • raftdb defaultcf block-cache-size(GB): MEM * 80% / TiKV instance number * 2.5% (128 MB at a minimum)
  2. If multiple TiKV instances are deployed on a same physical disk, edit the capacity parameter in conf/tikv.yml:

    • capacity: (DISK - log space) / TiKV instance number (the unit is GB)

Deploy the TiDB cluster


  1. It is not recommended to use the root user account to deploy TiDB.
  2. The remote Ansible user (the ansible_user in the incentory.ini file) can use either the root user account or a normal user account with sudo privileges to deploy TiDB.

Descriptions about the two circumstances are as follows.

  • Use the root user account to deploy TiDB.

    Note: The following example uses the tidb user account as the user who runs the service.

    1. Edit inventory.ini as follows.

      Remove the code comments for ansible_user = root, ansible_become = true and ansible_become_user. Add comments for ansible_user = tidb.

      ## Connection
      # ssh via root:
      ansible_user = root
      ansible_become = true
      ansible_become_user = tidb
      # ssh via normal user
      # ansible_user = tidb
    2. Connect to the network and download TiDB binary to the Control Machine.

      ansible-playbook local_prepare.yml
    3. Initialize the system environment and edit the kernel parameters.

      ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml

      Note: If the service user does not exist, the initialization operation will automatically create the user.

      If the remote connection using the root user requires a password, use the -k (lower case) parameter. This applies to other playbooks as well:

      ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -k
    4. Deploy the TiDB cluster.

      ansible-playbook deploy.yml -k
    5. Start the TiDB cluster.

      ansible-playbook start.yml -k
  • Use the normal user account to deploy TiDB.

    Note: Before the deployment, you should create the normal tidb user account and add the sudo privileges. The following example uses the tidb user account as the user who runs the service.

    1. Edit the inventory.ini file.

      ## Connection
      # ssh via root:
      # ansible_user = root
      # ansible_become = true
      # ansible_become_user = tidb
      # ssh via normal user
      ansible_user = tidb
    2. Connect to the network and download TiDB binary to the Control Machine.

      ansible-playbook local_prepare.yml
    3. Initialize the system environment and modify the kernel parameters.

      ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -k -K

      If the remote connection using the normal user requires a password, add the -k (lower case) parameter. This applies to other playbooks as well:

      ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -k

      The execution of this playbook requires root privileges. If a password is needed when the normal user gets root privileges from sudo, add the -K (upper case) parameter:

      ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -k -K
    4. Deploy the TiDB cluster.

      ansible-playbook deploy.yml -k
    5. Start the TiDB cluster.

      ansible-playbook start.yml -k

Test the cluster

It is recommended to configure load balancing to provide uniform SQL interface.

  1. Connect to the TiDB cluster using the MySQL client.

    mysql -u root -h -P 4000

    Note: The default port of TiDB service is 4000.

  2. Access the monitoring platform using a web browser.

    The default account and password: admin/admin.

Perform rolling update

  • The rolling update of the TiDB service does not impact the ongoing business. Minimum requirements: pd*3, tidb*2, tikv*3.
  • For remote connection privileges, see the procedures described in the above section. But if the mutual authentication is already set up, you don't need to add the -k parameter.
  • If the pump/drainer services are running in the cluster, it is recommended to stop the drainer service first before the rolling update. The rolling update of the TiDB service automatically updates the pump service.

Download the binary

  1. Edit the value of the tidb_version parameter in inventory.ini, and specify the version number you need to update to. The following example specifies the version number as v1.0.2:

    tidb_version = v1.0.2
  2. Delete the existing downloads directory tidb-ansible/downloads/.

    rm -rf downloads
  3. Use playbook to download the TiDB 1.0 binary and replace the existing binary in tidb-ansible/resource/bin/ automatically.

    ansible-playbook local_prepare.yml

Download the binary manually

You can also download the binary manually. Use wget to download the binary and replace the existing binary in tidb-ansible/resource/bin/ manually.


Note: Remember to replace the version number in the download link.

Use Ansible for rolling update

  1. To apply rolling update to a specific service, such as TiKV.

    ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml --tags=tikv
  2. To apply rolling update to all the services.

    ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml

Summary of common operations

Job Playbook
Start the cluster ansible-playbook start.yml
Stop the cluster ansible-playbook stop.yml
Destroy the cluster ansible-playbook unsafe_cleanup.yml (If the deployment directory is a mount point, an error will be reported, but implementation results will remain unaffected)
Clean data (for test) ansible-playbook cleanup_data.yml
Rolling Upgrade ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml
Rolling upgrade TiKV ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml --tags=tikv
Rolling upgrade modules except PD ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml --skip-tags=pd

For more advanced features of TiDB including data migration, performance tuning, etc., see TiDB Documents.


The download links for various TiDB versions.

How to download and install TiDB of a specified version?

If you need to install TiDB 1.0 version, download the TiDB-Ansible release-1.0 branch and make sure tidb_version = v1.0.0 in the inventory.ini file. For installation procedures, see the above description in this document.

Download the TiDB-Ansible release-1.0 branch from GitHub:

git clone -b release-1.0

Custom port

Component Variable Port Default Port Description
TiDB tidb_port 4000 the communication port for the application and DBA tools
TiDB tidb_status_port 10080 the communication port to report TiDB status
TiKV tikv_port 20160 the TiKV communication port
PD pd_client_port 2379 the communication port between TiDB and PD
PD pd_peer_port 2380 the inter-node communication port within the PD cluster
Pump pump_port 8250 the pump communication port
Prometheus prometheus_port 9090 the communication port for the Prometheus service
Pushgateway pushgateway_port 9091 the aggregation and report port for TiDB, TiKV, and PD monitor
node_exporter node_exporter_port 9100 the communication port to report the system information of every TiDB cluster node
Grafana grafana_port 3000 the port for the external Web monitoring service and client (Browser) access

Custom deployment directory

Component Variable Directory Default Directory Description
Global deploy_dir /home/tidb/deploy the deployment directory
TiDB tidb_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the TiDB log directory
TiKV tikv_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the TiKV log directory
TiKV tikv_data_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/data the data directory
TiKV wal_dir "" the rocksdb write-ahead log directory, consistent with the TiKV data directory when the value is null
TiKV raftdb_path "" the raftdb directory, being tikv_data_dir/raft when the value is null
PD pd_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the PD log directory
PD pd_data_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/data.pd the PD data directory
Pump pump_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the Pump log directory
Pump pump_data_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/data.pump the Pump data directory
Prometheus prometheus_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the Prometheus log directory
Prometheus prometheus_data_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/data.metrics the Prometheus data directory
pushgateway pushgateway_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the pushgateway log directory
node_exporter node_exporter_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the node_exporter log directory
Grafana grafana_log_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/log the Grafana log directory
Grafana grafana_data_dir {{ deploy_dir }}/data.grafana the Grafana data directory