Releases: tritonmc/Triton
Fix Maven build error
The JAR in the last version was working fine, but it was failing to compile directly from Maven. This should now fix it.
New language change events
You can now listen to language changes with
Dynamic signs!
This adds a new method that allows translating signs with dynamic content.
Add new method for the new patterns feature
New method:
Add support for new config option
It is now possible to fetch the value of language-creation.items.books
using TritonConfig#isBooks
Add support for new config option
It is now possible to fetch the value of force-client-locale-on-join
using TritonConfig#isAlwaysCheckClientLocale
New method: LanguageManager#getLanguageByLocale(String, boolean)
Added JavaDocs to Maven
When using Maven, JavaDocs are now included.
Added Maven support
You can now add the Triton API as a dependency using Maven!
New major version!
This is the API release for Triton v1.0.0.