Triton Server C-API Wrapper wraps up the functionality of Triton in-process C-API , providing a simpler interface for users to use Triton in-process C API for developing their application without having in-depth knowledge of Triton implementation details or writing complicated code. This wrapper is also called the "Higher Level In Process C++ API" or just "Server Wrapper" for short. The header files that defines and documents the Server C-API Wrapper is server_wrapper.h. Ask questions or report problems in the main Triton issues page.
To build and install the Server Wrapper library from
, use the following commands.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=`pwd`/install ..
$ make install
The following required Triton repositories will be pulled and used in the build. By default the "main" branch/tag will be used for each repo but the listed CMake argument can be used to override.
- triton-inference-server/common: -DTRITON_COMMON_REPO_TAG=[tag]
- triton-inference-server/core: -DTRITON_CORE_REPO_TAG=[tag]
See the CMakeLists.txt file for other build options.
When the build completes, the library libtritondevelopertoolsserver.a
and examples
can be found in the install directory.
For custom application, you can refer to CMakeLists.txt to see how to build your executable with the Server Wrapper library.
Triton Server C-API Wrapper is encapsulated in a shared library which is built from source contained in this repository. You can include the full capabilities by linking the shared library into your application and by using the C++ API defined in server_wrapper.h.
Three main objects will be used for Server Wrapper.
The top-level abstraction used by Server Wrapper is TritonServer
which represents the Triton core logic that is capable of implementing
some of the features and capabilities of Triton.
carries the information for a inference request. This object
allows you to set inference options, add inputs and requeseted outputs to a request.
provides an interface to interpret the inference response, making
it more easily to retrieve output data.
Performing an inference request requires the use of some Server C++ API functions and objects, as demonstrated in The general usage requires the following steps.
- Start Server
To start a Triton server, you need to create a TritonServer
instance with
the ServerOptions
structure which contains the server options used to
initialize the server.
auto server = TritonServer::Create(ServerOptions options({"path/to/your/model_repository", "path/to/another/model_repository"}));
- Load model (optional)
This step is optional as all the models in the model repository paths provided in the previous step will be loaded to the server by default. However, if model control mode is set to "EXPLICIT" when setting the server options in the previous step, you can load a specific model by calling
- Construct
with infer options
Initialize the request with InferOptions
structure, specifying the name of
the model that you want to run an inference on and other inference options.
auto request = InferRequest::Create(InferOptions("your_model_name"));
- Add inputs / requested outputs to a request
You can add an input to a request by either using Tensor
object, which
contains the information of an input tensor, or using the iterator if the input
data is stored in a contiguous container. Iterator can also be used if input
data is of 'string' type and is stored in a contiguous container. Note that the
input data buffer within the 'Tensor' object must not be modified until
inference is completed and result is returned.
For output, you can add the name of requested output to a request, indicating what output to be calculated and returned for inference. You can also provide pre-allocated buffer for output in this step if you want the output data to be stored in-place in the provided buffer. See "Use pre-allocated buffer" section in the next step for more information.
// Assume that we have input data in these two vectors.
std::vector<char> input0_data;
std::vector<char> input1_data;
Tensor input0(&input0_data[0], input0_data.size(), DataType::INT32, {1, 16}, MemoryType::CPU, 0);
Tensor input1(&input1_data[0], input1_data.size(), DataType::INT32, {1, 16}, MemoryType::CPU, 0);
request->AddInput("INPUT0_NAME", input0);
request->AddInput("INPUT1_NAME", input1);
- Call the inference method
Server Wrapper uses promise-future based structure for asynchronous inference.
A future of a unique pointer of InferResult
object will be returned from
function, and the result can be retrieved whenever needed by
calling future.get()
decoupled models
with multi-part responses we recommend using the example GetResults
function, as demonstrated in, to ensure the entire
response from the model is collected.
When running inference, Server Wrapper provides three options for the allocation and deallocation of output tensors.
- Use default allocator
Default output allocation/deallocation will be used. No need to specify how to allocate/deallocate the output tensors.
// Call the inference method.
std::future<std::unique_ptr<InferResult>> result_future = server->AsyncInfer(*request);
// Get the infer result and check the result.
auto result = result_future.get();
if (result->HasError()) {
std::cerr << result->ErrorMsg();
} else {
// Retrieve output data from 'InferResult' object...
- Use custom allocator
You can provide your custom allocator using Allocator
object. You need to
register your callback functions to the allocator when creating the
object, and set InferOptions
properly when initializing
. The signatures of the callback functions are defined in
// 'ResponseAllocator' and 'ResponseRelease' are the custom output allocation
// and deallocation functions.
Allocator allocator(ResponseAllocator, ResponseRelease);
auto infer_options = InferOptions("your_model_name");
// Set custom allocator to 'InferOptions'.
infer_options.custom_allocator_ = &allocator;
auto request = InferRequest(infer_options);
Add inputs/requested outputs to a request as shown in the previous step...
// Call the inference method, and the custom allocator will be used.
std::future<std::unique_ptr<InferResult>> result_future = server->AsyncInfer(*request);
// Get the infer result and check the result.
auto result = result_future.get();
if (result->HasError()) {
std::cerr << result->ErrorMsg();
} else {
// Retrieve output data from 'InferResult' object...
- Use pre-allocated buffer
You can pre-allocate buffers for output tensors. The output data will be
stored in the buffer you provided when adding requested outputs to a request in
the previous step. Note that those buffers will not be freed when the Tensor
object goes out of scope, and should be freed manually when they are no
longer needed.
Add inputs to a request as shown in the previous step...
void* buffer_ptr0 = malloc(64);
void* buffer_ptr1 = malloc(64);
// Provide pre-allocated buffer for each output tensor.
Tensor output0(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer_ptr0), 64, MemoryType::CPU, 0);
Tensor output1(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer_ptr1), 64, MemoryType::CPU, 0);
request->AddRequestedOutput("OUTPUT0_NAME", output0);
request->AddRequestedOutput("OUTPUT1_NAME", output1);
// Call the inference method.
std::future<std::unique_ptr<InferResult>> result_future = server->AsyncInfer(*request);
// Get the infer result and check the result.
auto result = result_future.get();
if (result->HasError()) {
std::cerr << result->ErrorMsg();
} else {
// Retrieve output data from 'InferResult' object...
// Need to free the buffer manually.
The lifetime of output data is owned by each returned output Tensor
For cases using default allocator or custom allocator, the deallocation of
the buffer where the output data is stored will occurs when the Tensor
object goes out of scope.
Server Wrapper contains APIs for loading/unloading models, getting metrics, and model index, etc. The use of these functions is straightforward and these functions are documented in server_wrapper.h. You can find some of the functions demonstrated in the examples.
Most Higher Level Server C++ API functions throws a TritonException
when an
error occurs. You can utilize TritonException
, which is documented in
common.h, in your application for
error handling.
A simple example using the Server Wrapper can be found in which is heavily commented. For string type IO, an example can be found in For decoupled models, please refer to
When running the examples, make sure the model repository is placed under the
same path, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is set properly for
# Prepare the models required by the examples.
$ cd /path/to/developer_tools/server
$ mkdir -p ./examples/models
# Copy over the models placed in the qa folder.
$ cp -r ../qa/L0_server_unit_test/models/add_sub* ./examples/models/.
# Copy over the models placed in the server repository.
$ git clone
$ cp -r server/docs/examples/model_repository/simple ./examples/models/.
# Copy over the decoupled model placed in the python_backend repository.
$ git clone
$ mkdir -p ./examples/models/square_int32/1
$ cp python_backend/examples/decoupled/ ./examples/models/square_int32/1/
$ cp python_backend/examples/decoupled/square_config.pbtxt ./examples/models/square_int32/config.pbtxt
# Copy over the executables from the install directory.
$ cp /path/to/install/bin/simple_addsub_async_infer ./examples
$ cp /path/to/install/bin/addsub_string_async_infer ./examples
$ cp /path/to/install/bin/square_async_infer ./examples
# Assume is placed under "/opt/tritonserver/lib"
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tritonserver/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
$ cd ./examples
# Run examples
$ ./simple_addsub_async_infer
$ ./addsub_string_async_infer
$ ./square_async_infer
Similar to the Java bindings for In-Process Triton Server API C-API Wrapper Java Bindings is created using Java CPP.
The API is documented in
Note: Currently,
contains bindings for both
In-Process API
and C-API Wrapper
More information about the In-Process API
can be found in Inference Protocol README.
A simple example using the Java API can be found in
Samples folder
which includes
which is similar to
, which uses the In-Process API
In the QA folder, folders starting with L0_java include Java API tests.
Please refer to Java API setup instructions for instructions on how to use C-API Wrapper Java Bindings.