ISOLDE Source Code License
The below license terms apply only to the source code, and must be reproduced and bundled with any copies thereof. Pre-compiled distributions of ISOLDE are covered by separate license terms. In short, ISOLDE is free for academic use. Enquiries for commercial use should be directed to [email protected].
The ISOLDE source code copyright is held by Tristan Croll, University of Cambridge (permanent contact email: [email protected]). It is free for non-profit, academic or government-funded research purposes. COMMERCIAL USE OF THE SOFTWARE REQUIRES A SEPARATELY EXECUTED WRITTEN LICENSE AGREEMENT. Within the above scope you are free to use and modify the source code for internal use, but redistribution in original or modified form outside of your institution is expressly prohibited without prior written permission by the copyright holder. Use of ISOLDE code to run an online server or provide a service to a for-profit entity is prohibited under this license but may be negotiated under commercial license terms.
No warranty, condition, undertaking or term, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, is given or assumed by the Licensor, including without limitation as to non-infringement or the condition, performance, satisfactory quality or fitness for purpose of the Software and all such warranties, conditions, undertakings and terms are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.