A Chess AI bot for AI Introduction Project
You can use pip install directly but I recommend you should use a virtual environment to interact with pip and python. You can easily install requirements by command if you had python and pip.
pip install -r requirement.txt
However, to avoid some conflicts, you should create a python virtual enviroment and activate it. If this package is not installed, please download Python and this package with Linux OS.
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
or to create and activate a virtual environment on Windows, run command
python -m venv venv
After enviroment activation, you must install requirement by this command.
.venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
or in Window
pip install -r requirements.txt
First, you must unzip chess.zip to get data. This data I used is derived from Chess-Game-From-12-Top-Player
Second, you can run the notebook scripts in the analysis folder with this activated virtual environment to get our analysis.
The AI module is written in ./script/chess_ai with the algorithm mapping file is ChessAI. You can use it to call AI algorithms from this file. Now, there are 2 algorithms in this moudule:
- Minimax
- Minimax with Alpha Beta Pruning
- Negamax
- Negamax with ALpha Beta Pruning
You can run a game with bot with run main.py python file or run it in terminal by command in window
python main.py -h
or in linux
python3 main.py -h
To get some help about how to running this game in terminal and custom your algorithm parameters like depth, ...
The chess app is written by Flask and could played in localhost. You can use it by run app.py python file by terminal by command in window
python app.py
or in linux
python3 app.py
After that, you can open browser with to start chess app