test apply() in detection
make detectorV1 work
Commit your code
- CI should work.
Back to website/docker etc.
- integration test would be nice.
add minimal tests to flask app.
- screwing around in biodiv should break the flask tests.
solve relative imports and such, everything in one package for now.
-- back in docker--
- Use NGINX to serve static and for server... backend ?
- use volumes and mount to manage static files.
- Use detector CLI
- first docker build: review structure with udemy class.
- Test it using mount
- Make Vs code docker extension specific to your project.
- Add test and use docker build on Travis
- package biodiv or your whole project as a wheel with setup tools. see: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/
- consider using poetry. its just a wrapper that creates a wheel. https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/
- transform your webapp into a labeller.
- super simple web app to wrap functions above.
- 1 container for the app, one for the detection.
- put it on AWS.
- add detection with YOLO instead of biodiv.
- Practice testing
- First foray into CI/CD
- Tesing flask apps (integration tests)
- docker
- multi-container app with docker compose
- using nginx to serve content, enable logging.
- combine above on the cloud.