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node-cmdln Changelog

not yet released

  • [Backward incompatible change] Drop support for versions before node v12. Before this compat was back to v0.10.0. I don't intend to break anything, but I will only test with v12 and later. This bump allows me to update (dev)Dependencies to not have security PRs for them so often.


  • [Backward incompatible change] This changes the formatting of "error info" -- a feature introduced in v6.0.0. There are two changes:

    1. Error info is now always rendered via JSON.stringify. Previously that was only done if showErrStack. This deals with an issue where the other rendering would result in, e.g., res: [object Object] if the info value was an Object.
    2. Indentation has been increased.

    Before v7.0.0 example:

    $ mytool list
    mytool list: error: 3 errors:
        error gathering rebalancer-agent info on storage inst 70521b69-4c31-469b-b120-00d7e2300517
        error gathering rebalancer-agent info on storage inst 887bb8e7-5117-4173-a9a3-6499ab10651c
        error gathering rebalancer-agent info on storage inst 20e480c9-fb66-4a64-8d92-c2f89e496da1
        res: [object Object]

    With v7.0.0 example:

    $ mytool list
    mytool list: error: 3 errors:
        error gathering rebalancer-agent info on storage inst 20e480c9-fb66-4a64-8d92-c2f89e496da1
        error gathering rebalancer-agent info on storage inst 887bb8e7-5117-4173-a9a3-6499ab10651c
        error gathering rebalancer-agent info on storage inst 70521b69-4c31-469b-b120-00d7e2300517
        error info:
                "res": {
                    "uuid": "cc9ad6da-e05e-11e2-8e23-002590c3f078",
                    "hostname": "S12612523509075",
                    "zonename": "20e480c9-fb66-4a64-8d92-c2f89e496da1",
                    "service": "storage",
                    "result": {
                        "exit_status": 2,
                        "stdout": "edfeb9c7-1c22-41ca-ab17-b8c3bfdf8037\nnot-frobbed\n",
                        "stderr": "bash: line 33: syntax error: unexpected end of file\n"


  • [Backward incompatible change] Drop support for cmdln.main() accepting a non-Error instance from a <Cmdln>.main(). Before this change a subcommand calling back with something like callback(true) would "work". Now it will throw:

      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: err from main is not an Error: true
  • [Backward incompatible change] Drop the undocumented cli.suppressShowErr option.

  • [Backward incompatible change] Add showErrInfo option to cmdln.main(). "Error info" is additional info on an error instance in the callback from the run command, per

    For example, you could have code like this in a subcommand handler:

      var err = new VError(
              name: 'NotEnoughSpaceError'
              info: {'x-request-id': response.headers['x-request-id']
          'not enough free space for 5120 MB'
      err.code = 'NotEnoughSpace';

    Here that info: ... object is the "error info". That would look like the following on the command-line:

      mbucket cp: error (NotEnoughSpace): not enough free space for 5120 MB
          x-request-id: 5f41a396-e800-4d64-8b01-11e65fe74aa5

    This is a backward incompatible change if you already have subcommands that can return a VError instance with info. To get the old behaviour, use:

      cmdln.main(cli, {showErrInfo: false});

    Note that before this change, error info was already being shown in the output when showErrStack was true.


  • [issue #19] Add strings config option to Cmdln creation that allows overriding the strings used in some generated output -- in particular the help output headers. E.g., one can use:

    function CLI() {, {
            // ...
            strings: {
                helpHeaderUsage: 'USAGE',
                helpHeaderOptions: 'OPTIONS',
                helpHeaderCommands: 'COMMANDS'

    To have the CLI help output use "USAGE" rather than "Usage:", etc.

    See for a complete example.


  • [Backward incompatible change, issue #12] Cmdln's dispatch to do_* subcommand handler functions is no longer wrapped in a try/catch block, which means that exceptions from programmer errors will no longer be swallowed. Before this change a programmer error could not be distinguished from a command calling back with a runtime error.

    Take this example:

    var util = require('util');
    var cmdln = require('.');
    function CLI() {, {name: 'boom'});
    util.inherits(CLI, cmdln.Cmdln);
    CLI.prototype.do_hi = function (subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
        someMissingHelperFunction(); // OOPS
    if (require.main === module) {
        cmdln.main(new CLI());

    Before cmdln v5:

    $ node boom.js hi
    boom: error: someMissingHelperFunction is not defined
    $ echo $?

    And as of this change:

    $ node boom.js hi
    ReferenceError: someMissingHelperFunction is not defined
        at CLI.do_hi (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/boom.js:10:5)
        at CLI.dispatch (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/lib/cmdln.js:1315:17)
        at mainInit (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/lib/cmdln.js:727:14)
        at CLI.init (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/lib/cmdln.js:965:5)
        at CLI.cmdlnMain [as main] (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/lib/cmdln.js:702:10)
        at Object.main (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/lib/cmdln.js:1493:9)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/trentm/tm/node-cmdln/boom.js:15:11)
        at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
        at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
        at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
    $ echo $?
  • Switch testing to node-tap (requires node v6 to run test suite).

  • Drop "support" for node 0.8.

  • Switch checking/formatting to eslint/prettier.


  • [#18] Improve printing of error details in cmdln.main(). Specifically:

    • If the err is a verror.MultiError, then print all of collected errors' messages.
    • With showErrStack use VError.fullStack() to print the full cause chain.
    • With showErrStack print if there is any.

    See [issue #18] for examples.


  • Fix CLI.prototype.defaultHandler to pass through args. Before this change opts and args were undefined. After the change they are opts = {} and args is the array of arguments after the subcmd.`


  • Add a new CLI.prototype.defaultHandler = function (subcmd, opts, args, cb) hook that can be used for custom handling of giving an unknown sub-command name.


  • It turns out specifying a finale option to cmdln.main(CLI, OPTIONS) never worked. Fix that.


  • Expose the includeHidden option to Cmdln#bashCompletion(). It is passed through to Cmdln#bashCompletionSpec(). Also correct a bug where includeHidden did not propagate to nested subcommands.


  • [trentm/node-dashdash#30] Change the output used by Bash completion support to indicate "there are no completions for this argument" to cope with different sorting rules on different Bash/platforms.


  • errHelp fix: If the handler function for a subcmd didn't have a <func>.name (i.e. it was anonymous), e.g. the former in:

      MyCli.prototype.do_foo = function (subcmd, opts, args, cb) {};  # anon
      MyCli.prototype.do_foo = function do_foo(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {};

    then UsageError.cmdlnErrHelpFromErr would not correctly determine the subcmd name for interpolation of a {{cmd}} template var in the handlers synopses. Fix that.


  • [Potentially backward incompatible change] Change cmdln.main() behaviour on complete to attempt to "soft exit", by which I mean attempt to avoid calling process.exit(code), because with node.js that means std handles won't necessarily be flushed before process exit. Starting in node.js 0.12 process.exitCode was added to set the exit code without the hard exit.

    Warning: A side-effect of avoiding process.exit() is that apps using cmdln.main() that have active handles open will now hang instead of exiting. To get the old behaviour, use:

      cmdln.main(cli, {finale: 'exit'});
  • [issue #11] Add finale and callback options to cmdln.main(<cli>, <options>). finale defines what to do when done. Valid values are:

    • "softexit" (the default): set process.exitCode if the node.js version supports it (node v0.12 and above do), else call process.exit(). Note the warning above that a process with open handles (e.g. a setTimeout) will hang.
    • "exit": call process.exit() which can result in std handles not being flushed
    • "callback": call the given options.callback
    • "none": Do nothing


  • [Backward incompatible change] The signature of the callback from <cmdln instance>.main(argv, callback) changed from: function (err, subcmd) # old to: function (err) # new in v4 The subcmd value was not always set and, when nested Cmdln instances were used (e.g. a multi-subcmd tool, triton instance list ...), the subcmd value was unhelpfully only the last one (list in the example). Instead, the err object (if there was an error) is assigned some cmdln state to assist with getting error details. Read on.

  • When err is returned from <cmdln instance>.main()'s callback, it now has properties (private props prefixed with _cmdln) that identify on what cmdln handler the error occurred. Two new functions can work with this info:

    • cmdln.nameFromErr(err) will give the full command name to where the error occurred (e.g. "triton instance list" in the example above).
    • cmdln.errHelpFromErr(err) will attempt to construct an appropriate "errHelp" string for the error. Read on.
  • The concepts of command synopses and errHelp have been added to this module. errHelp is a brief message after a printed error, giving potentially helpful info. Some examples from familiar commands (marked here with >):

          $ ls -D
          ls: illegal option -- D
      >   usage: ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUWabcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]
          $ git foo
          git: 'foo' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
      >   Did you mean this?
      >          fo

    synopses are short usage statements that outline how to call a command (e.g. the SYNOPSIS section of a typical man page). There are a few changes in this module that make it easy for your tools to get these kinds of error help.

    See the "errHelp and Errors" section of the README for how to use this.



  • Bash completion: Add completionArgtypes: CLI.prototype.do_.completionArgtypes = ;` to be able to define custom completion types for positional args.

    Also update to dashdash 1.12.2 for bash completion improvements. Of note, this changes so that mytool <TAB> does not offer options as completions, mytool -<TAB> does. See dashdash's changelog.

    See "examples/conan.js" for an example:

      $ alias conan="node examples/conan.js"
      $ conan completion > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/conan
      $ source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/conan
      $ conan crush --weapon
      bow-and-array  mattock        spear          sword
      $ conan crush --weapon spear
      King-Osric    Subotai       Thulsa-Doom   _mbsetupuser  trentm


  • Guard against collisions in subcmd aliases.

  • Change the Cmdln.prototype.dispatch call signature (the old signature is still supported) to allow calling with unprocessed argv (as before) and with process argv (i.e. with args and opts). This enables better handling of "shortcut" commands.

    E.g. the triton uses this to define a top-level triton images that is a shortcut for triton image list like this:

      function do_images(subcmd, opts, args, callback) {
          // Hand off processing to 'image list' handler:
              subcmd: 'list',
              opts: opts,
              args: args
          }, callback);
      // Help specific to the shortcut: = 'A shortcut for "triton image list".';
      // Present the same options (important for Bash completion generation):
      do_images.options = require('./do_image/do_list').options;
      module.exports = do_images;


  • Bash completion: Properly handle hidden subcmds, and new includeHidden option to include them in completions.



  • Re-export dashdash to allow callers to cmdln.dashdash.addOptionType.


  • Fix a bug in Cmdln.prototype.main where it could callback twice if there was an OptionError processing the top-level options. This wasn't noticed because the commonly used cmdln.main() function that calls it would process.exit on the first callback.


  • [pull #10] Add the {{cmd}} template var for subcommand help text (by Dave Eddy).


  • <MyCLI instance>.bashCompletion() will generate bash completions for the MyCLI tool. You can add, e.g., a 'completion(s)' command to your CLI for users to run. Or you could generate completions and distribute those with your tool.

    See "examples/conan.js" for example usage.

      $ alias conan="node examples/conan.js"
      $ conan completion > conan.completion
      $ source conan.completion
      $ conan <TAB>
      --help      --version   -v          completion  hear        see
      --verbose   -h          -x          crush       help        smash

    Bash completion support is mostly by <>.


  • Add support for MyCLI.prototype.do_frob.allowUnknownOptions = true. Instead of raising a usage error, unknown options to that subcommand will be passed through in args.


  • Add support for MyCLI.prototype.do_frob.interspersedOptions = false to disable interspersed options (i.e. options after the first argument) to a given command. By default cmdln allows interspersed options for subcommands (using the node-dashdash default).


  • Don't error with:

      Error: "helpSubcmds" error: unmatched command handlers found: foo, bar

    if the "foo" and "bar" commands are hidden (via do_foo.hidden = true).


  • [issue #8] Fix error class name in stack traces in node 0.12 and later.


  • [pull #7] Support for hidden command aliases to allow renaming a command while preserving the old name (though not documenting it).

      MyCLI.prototype.do_frob.hiddenAliases = ['ye-old-frob'];
      MyCLI.prototype.do_frob.aliases = ['fr'];

    By Dave Pacheco.


  • [issue #5] Add helpSubcmds constructor option to allow control over the output of the "Commands:" section of top-level help. For example, this code:

      helpSubcmds: [
          { group: '' },
          { group: 'Most Excellent Commands' },
          { group: 'Other Commands', unmatched: true }

    yields help output something like:

          help (?)        Help on a specific sub-command.
          in-empty-group  Do in-empty-group things.
        Most Excellent Commands:
          awesome         Do awesome things.
        Other Commands:
          something-else  Do something-else things.

    By Josh Clulow.

  • [issue #4] Add Cmdln.prototype.helpFromSubcmd(subcmd) to get the help string for the given subcommand. This can be useful for tools that want to emit usage information as part of a usage error. E.g.:

      MyCLI.prototype.do_frob = do_frob(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
          if (!opts.frobber) {
              return callback(new Error('you forgot the frobber\n' +
          // ...


  • Change to use '^' semver ranges for dependencies. This allows for better de-duping under "node_modules" for apps using this package.


  • Allow one to override how option help is formatted for a subcmd by setting CLI.prototype.do_<subcmd>.helpOpts = <dashdash helpOpts object>;. See supported helpOpts in the dashdash help config docs.

  • Update to latest dashdash (1.7.1).


  • [Backward incompatible change] Change the signature of a <cmdln>.fini method from:

      MyCLI.prototype.fini = function fini(subcmd, cb) {


      MyCLI.prototype.fini = function fini(subcmd, err, cb) {

    where err is the error returned by the invocation of the CLI. This allows a fini method to use or deal with that error, if necessary.

  • Update cmdln.main(...) to support a showErr boolean as an option or on the <Cmdln> instance. For example, this could allow a fini method to suppress printing an error. By default errors from subcommands are shown (i.e. the same current behaviour by default).


  • Update deps to latest (in particular to get a extsprintf version without accidentally large included files).


  • Only use the first line of <SubCmdln instance>.desc for the sub-command list help output for a sub-subcommand handler.


  • Make sure to carry over all properties set on a sub-subcommand handler class to the implicit handler function created. E.g., myCustomFlag in the following:

      Git.prototype.do_remote = GitRemote;
      Git.prototype.do_remote.myCustomFlag = true;


  • Support sub-subcommands (like git remote add|rename|remove ...) simply by setting do_<subcmd> to another Cmdln subclass for the subcommand. Basically like this:

      function GitRemote(parent) {
          this.parent = parent;
, {
              name: 'git remote',
              // ...
      util.inherits(GitRemote, Cmdln);
      GitRemote.prototype.emptyLine = function (cb) {
          // ... implement `git remote`
      GitRemote.prototype.do_add = function (subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
          // ... implment `git remote add`
      function Git() {
, {
              name: 'git',
              // ...
      util.inherits(Git, Cmdln);
      Git.prototype.do_remote = GitRemote;

    See examples/fauxgit.js for a more complete example.


  • Improvements to the cmdln.main() function:

    • The call signature has changed to take a Cmdln subclass instance rather than the constructor function. This allows one to initialize it with parameters if necessary. The new signature is:

        function main(<cli-instance>, <options>)
    • Added the options.showErrStack option to force the printing of the full error stack for a shown exit error. Instead, <cli>.showErrStack can be set true to show the full stack on error. One can use the latter to control error stack printing in the <cli>.init() method, e.g. from a --verbose option or an envvar (see this test command for an example).

    • The default handling of NoCommandError, i.e. calling the CLI with no subcommand, has changed to not show an error string (a la git, brew and others). The new options.showNoCommandErr option was added. Set it to true to get the old behaviour.

    Note on backward compatibility: If the old call signature is used, then cmdln.main() will function as before. However, please upgrade to the new form. From this:

      cmdln.main(CLI, argv, options);  # old

    to this:

      var cli = new CLI();
      cmdln.main(cli, {argv: argv, ...other options...});  # new
  • Add <Cmdln>.fini(...) hook method run after a subcommand handler -- to complement <Cmdln>.init(...).

  • Reduce the npm package size (drop tests, examples, build tools, etc.)



  • Add <Cmdln>.handlerFromSubcmd(<subcmd>) hook. For example this could allow a user's Cmdln subclass to lookup attributes on the handler functions during <Cmdln>.init().

  • Don't process.exit(0) in cmdln.main for success to allow open listeners to continue.


  • Add helpBody optional param to Cmdln constructor. This is string content that will be included at the help of automatic help output.


  • Add a Cmdln.emptyLine hook that is called when no argv is given, i.e. when your command is called with no args:

      $ mycmd

    The default behaviour (as before) is to print help output. A change in default behaviour is that this will now exit non-zero. If you want different behaviour, then override emptyLine() in your Cmdln subclass.

  • Improve the cmdln.main convenience function's printing of error messages. An options.showCode has been added to allow printing error instances' code attribute, if defined. E.g., with this usage:

      cmdln.main(MyCmd, process.argv, {showCode: true});

    You get this output for errors (in this example the error is an unknown subcommand):

      $ node mycmd.js bogus
      mycmd bogus: error (UnknownCommand): unknown command: "bogus"


  • Fix {{name}}-replacement in subcmd help templates: all {{name}} usages are replaced. Change from using the subcommand name as the value of {{name}} to the tool name (i.e. the top-level command name).


  • Pass the subcmd back as the second arg in the <cli>.main callback. This enabled the subcmd to be quoted in an error message if there was an err returned. E.g.:

      var cli = new Mo();
      cli.main(process.argv, function (err, subcmd) {
          if (err) {
              var subcmdStr = subcmd ? ' ' + subcmd : '';    // <---- HERE
              if (err.body && err.body.code) {
                  console.error('%s%s: error (%s): %s',, subcmdStr,
                      err.body.code, err.message);
              } else {
                  console.error('%s%s: error: %s',, subcmdStr,
              if (cli.opts.verbose && err.stack) {
                  console.error('\n' + err.stack);
          } else {


  • [Backward incompatible change] Underscores in sub-command do_* methods are translated to hyphens for the sub-command name. This means you can have sub-commands with hyphens, at the cost of not allowing underscores.

    A sub-command method like this:


    results in a 'foo-bar' sub-command.

    Shout if this breaks you. I could see about making this configurable.


  • Update to dashdash 1.3.2: fix a subtlety with an option using all of type: 'bool', default and env (IOW, rare).


  • Update to dashdash 1.3.1: fix 'env' not working for options with a 'default'.



  • Update to dashdash 1.2.0: envvar integration, '--dry-run' -> opts.dry_run.


  • Add cmdln.main for simpler mainline usage, e.g.:

      function MyTool() {
          // ...
      util.inherits(MyTool, cmdln.Cmdln);
      // ...
      if (require.main === module) {
  • Drop support for 'help_FOO' help commands. Not worth the complexity.

  • Allow custom options given in constructor and a Cmdln.prototype.init hook that is called to handle the top-level options after they are parsed out and before subcmd dispatch. See "examples/conan.js" for an example.

  • Top-level options are put on this.opts for use by subcmds.



  • Fix for a subcmd calling do_help on itself.


First release.