diff --git a/docs/FAQ.md b/docs/FAQ.md
index 038a77c4..45702a56 100644
--- a/docs/FAQ.md
+++ b/docs/FAQ.md
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ conda env remove -n gdal-user
 followed by creating a new environment and install wahoomc into:
-conda create -n gdal-user python=3.10 geojson=2.5 gdal=3.6 pip --channel conda-forge --override-channels
+conda create -n gdal-user python=3.10 geojson=2.5 gdal=3.4 requests=2.28 shapely=1.8 pip --channel conda-forge --override-channels
 conda activate gdal-user
 pip install wahoomc
diff --git a/tests/test_osm_maps.py b/tests/test_osm_maps.py
index d6d1e888..b14a300d 100644
--- a/tests/test_osm_maps.py
+++ b/tests/test_osm_maps.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import unittest
 # import custom python packages
-from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import OsmData
+from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import CountryOsmData, XYOsmData
 from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import OsmMaps
 from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import get_xy_coordinates_from_input
 # from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import TileNotFoundError
@@ -106,14 +106,16 @@ def process_and_check_border_countries(self, inp_val, calc_border_c, exp_result,
         o_input_data = InputData()
+        o_input_data.process_border_countries = calc_border_c
         if inp_mode == 'country':
             o_input_data.country = inp_val
+            o_osm_data = CountryOsmData(o_input_data)
         elif inp_mode == 'xy_coordinate':
             o_input_data.xy_coordinates = inp_val
-        o_input_data.process_border_countries = calc_border_c
+            o_osm_data = XYOsmData(o_input_data)
-        o_osm_data = OsmData()
-        o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool(o_input_data)
+        o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool()
         result = o_osm_data.border_countries
@@ -138,8 +140,8 @@ def test_input_country_malta(self):
         o_input_data = InputData()
         o_input_data.country = 'malta'
-        o_osm_data = OsmData()
-        o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool(o_input_data)
+        o_osm_data = CountryOsmData(o_input_data)
+        o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool()
         result = o_osm_data.country_name
         self.assertEqual(result, 'malta')
@@ -211,8 +213,10 @@ def test_version_and_tags_of_country_config_file(self):
         # prevent from downloading land_polygons each time
         o_input_data.max_days_old = 1000
-        o_osm_data = OsmData()
-        o_downloader = o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool(o_input_data)
+        o_osm_data = CountryOsmData(o_input_data)
+        o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool()
+        o_downloader = o_osm_data.get_downloader()
         # download files marked for download to fill up map_file per country to write to config
@@ -224,7 +228,7 @@ def test_version_and_tags_of_country_config_file(self):
-        country_config = fd_fct.read_json_file(os.path.join(
+        country_config = fd_fct.read_json_file_country_config(os.path.join(
             constants.USER_OUTPUT_DIR, o_input_data.country, ".config.json"))
         self.assertEqual(constants.VERSION, country_config["version_last_run"])
diff --git a/wahoomc/file_directory_functions.py b/wahoomc/file_directory_functions.py
index 0d5946a9..5c338dc6 100644
--- a/wahoomc/file_directory_functions.py
+++ b/wahoomc/file_directory_functions.py
@@ -60,26 +60,24 @@ def create_empty_directories(parent_dir, tiles_from_json, border_countries):
         os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
-def read_json_file(json_file_path):
+def read_json_file_country_config(json_file_path):
-    read the tiles from the given json file
+    read the country config (of last run) from the given json file
     log.debug('-' * 80)
-    log.debug('# Read json file')
+    log.debug('# Read country config json file')
-    with open(json_file_path, encoding="utf-8") as json_file:
-        tiles_from_json = json.load(json_file)
-        json_file.close()
-    if tiles_from_json == '':
+    country_config = read_json_file_generic(json_file_path)
+    if country_config == '':
         log.error('! Json file could not be opened.')
-        '+ Use json file %s with %s tiles', json_file.name, len(tiles_from_json))
-    log.debug('+ Read json file: OK')
+        '+ Use country config file %s', json_file_path)
+    log.debug('+ Read country config json file: OK')
-    return tiles_from_json
+    return country_config
 def read_json_file_generic(json_file_path):
diff --git a/wahoomc/geofabrik.py b/wahoomc/geofabrik.py
index ea8e9696..8173e1cb 100644
--- a/wahoomc/geofabrik.py
+++ b/wahoomc/geofabrik.py
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ def compose_bouding_box(self, input) -> dict:
         """calculate bounding box based on geometry or X/Y combination"""
+    def log_tile(self, counter, all):
+        """
+        unified status logging for this class
+        """
+        log.info(
+            '(+ tile %s of %s) Find needed countries ', counter, all)
 class CountryGeofabrik(InformalGeofabrikInterface):
     """Geofabrik processing for countries"""
@@ -82,8 +89,7 @@ def find_needed_countries(self, bbox_tiles, wanted_map, wanted_region_polygon) -
         for tile in bbox_tiles:
             # Do progress indicator every 50 tiles
             if counter % 50 == 0:
-                log.info(
-                    'Processing tile %s of %s', counter, len(bbox_tiles)+1)
+                self.log_tile(counter, len(bbox_tiles)+1)
             counter += 1
             parent_added = 0
@@ -274,8 +280,7 @@ def find_needed_countries(self, bbox_tiles, wanted_map, wanted_region_polygon) -
         for tile in bbox_tiles:
             # Do progress indicator every 50 tiles
             if counter % 50 == 0:
-                log.info(
-                    'Processing tile %s of %s', counter, len(bbox_tiles)+1)
+                self.log_tile(counter, len(bbox_tiles)+1)
             counter += 1
             parent_added = 0
diff --git a/wahoomc/main.py b/wahoomc/main.py
index b8acce96..15ac7b38 100644
--- a/wahoomc/main.py
+++ b/wahoomc/main.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 from wahoomc.downloader import download_tooling
 from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import OsmMaps
-from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import OsmData
+from wahoomc.osm_maps_functions import CountryOsmData, XYOsmData
 # logging used in the terminal output:
 # # means top-level command
@@ -58,9 +58,14 @@ def run(run_level):
         if o_input_data.contour:
-        o_osm_data = OsmData()
+        if o_input_data.country:
+            o_osm_data = CountryOsmData(o_input_data)
+        elif o_input_data.xy_coordinates:
+            o_osm_data = XYOsmData(o_input_data)
         # Check for not existing or expired files. Mark for download, if dl is needed
-        o_downloader = o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool(o_input_data)
+        o_osm_data.process_input_of_the_tool()
+        o_downloader = o_osm_data.get_downloader()
         # Download files marked for download
diff --git a/wahoomc/osm_maps_functions.py b/wahoomc/osm_maps_functions.py
index 6c574a1d..153d94b7 100644
--- a/wahoomc/osm_maps_functions.py
+++ b/wahoomc/osm_maps_functions.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import logging
 # import custom python packages
-from wahoomc.file_directory_functions import read_json_file, create_empty_directories, write_json_file_generic
+from wahoomc.file_directory_functions import read_json_file_country_config, create_empty_directories, write_json_file_generic
 from wahoomc.constants_functions import translate_tags_to_keep, \
     get_tooling_win_path, get_tag_wahoo_xml_path, TagWahooXmlNotFoundError
@@ -64,24 +64,31 @@ def run_subprocess_and_log_output(cmd, error_message, cwd=""):
     run given cmd-subprocess and issue error message if wished
     if not cwd:
-        with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) as process:
-            for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):  # b'\n'-separated lines
-                try:
-                    log.debug('subprocess:%r', line.decode("utf-8").strip())
-                except UnicodeDecodeError:
-                    log.debug('subprocess:%r', line.decode("latin-1").strip())
+        process = subprocess.Popen(
+            cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd) as process:
-            for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):  # b'\n'-separated lines
-                try:
-                    log.debug('subprocess:%r', line.decode("utf-8").strip())
-                except UnicodeDecodeError:
-                    log.debug('subprocess:%r', line.decode("latin-1").strip())
+        process = subprocess.Popen(  # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
+            cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=cwd)
     if error_message and process.wait() != 0:  # 0 means success
+        for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):  # b'\n'-separated lines
+            # print(line.rstrip())
+            try:
+                log.error('subprocess:%r', line.decode("utf-8").strip())
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                log.error('subprocess:%r', line.decode("latin-1").strip())
+    else:
+        for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):  # b'\n'-separated lines
+            # print(line.rstrip())
+            try:
+                log.debug('subprocess:%r', line.decode("utf-8").strip())
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                log.debug('subprocess:%r', line.decode("latin-1").strip())
 def get_timestamp_last_changed(file_path):
@@ -92,148 +99,206 @@ def get_timestamp_last_changed(file_path):
     return datetime.fromtimestamp(chg_time).isoformat()
-class OsmData():  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+class InformalOsmDataInterface:
     object with all internal parameters to process maps
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, o_input_data):
-        xxx
+        steps in constructor:
+        1. take over input paramters (force_processing is changed in the function further down)
+        2. check + download geofabrik file (always)
         self.force_processing = False
         self.tiles = []
         self.border_countries = {}
         self.country_name = ''
-    def process_input_of_the_tool(self, o_input_data):
+        self.o_downloader = Downloader(
+            o_input_data.max_days_old, o_input_data.force_download, self.border_countries)
+        # takeover what is given by user first for force_processing
+        self.force_processing = o_input_data.force_processing
+        self.process_border_countries = o_input_data.process_border_countries
+        log.info('-' * 80)
+        # geofabrik file
+        if self.o_downloader.should_geofabrik_file_be_downloaded():
+            self.force_processing = True
+            self.o_downloader.download_geofabrik_file()
+    def process_input_of_the_tool(self):
         Process input: get relevant tiles and if border countries should be calculated
         The three primary inputs are giving by a separate value each and have separate processing:
         1. country name
         2. x/y combinations
+        """
-        # Check for not existing or expired files. Mark for download, if dl is needed
-        # - land polygons file
-        # - .osm.pbf files
+    def calc_tiles(self):
+        """
+        calculate relevant tiles for input country or xy coordinate
+        """
-        steps in this function:
-        1. take over input paramters (force_processing is changed in the function further down)
-        2. check + download geofabrik file if geofabrik-processing
-        3. calculate relevant tiles for map creation
-        4. calculate border countries for map creation
-        5. evaluate the country-name for folder cration during processing
-        6. calculate if force_processing should be set to true
+    def calc_border_countries(self):
+        """
+        calculate the border countries for the given tiles. i.e.
+        - if CLI/GUI input by user
+        - if processing x/y coordinates
+        log.info('# Determine involved/border countries')
-        o_downloader = Downloader(
-            o_input_data.max_days_old, o_input_data.force_download, self.border_countries)
-        # takeover what is given by user first for force_processing
-        self.force_processing = o_input_data.force_processing
+        # Build list of countries needed
+        for tile in self.tiles:
+            for country in tile['countries']:
+                if country not in self.border_countries:
+                    self.border_countries[country] = {}
-        log.info('-' * 80)
+    def log_border_countries(self):
+        """
+        write calculated border countries/involved countries to log
+        """
+        for country in self.border_countries:
+            log.info('+ Involved country: %s', country)
-        # geofabrik file
-        if o_downloader.should_geofabrik_file_be_downloaded():
+        # input can be only one country, if there are more than one,
+        # border countries must be selected
+        if len(self.border_countries) > 1:
+            log.info('+ Border countries will be processed')
+    def get_downloader(self):
+        """
+        steps in this function:
+        1. Check for not existing or expired files. Mark for download, if dl is needed
+        - land polygons file
+        - .osm.pbf files
+        2. Calculate if force_processing should be set to true
+        """
+        # calc force processing
+        # Check for not existing or expired files. Mark for download, if dl is needed
+        self.o_downloader.check_land_polygons_file()
+        self.o_downloader.check_osm_pbf_file()
+        # If one of the files needs to be downloaded, reprocess all files
+        if self.o_downloader.need_to_dl:
             self.force_processing = True
-            o_downloader.download_geofabrik_file()
+        return self.o_downloader
+class CountryOsmData(InformalOsmDataInterface):
+    """
+    object with all internal parameters to process maps for countries
+    """
+    def __init__(self, o_input_data):
+        super().__init__(o_input_data)
+        self.input_country = o_input_data.country
+        self.o_geofabrik = CountryGeofabrik(self.input_country)
+    def process_input_of_the_tool(self):
+        """
+        steps in this function:
+        1. calculate relevant tiles for map creation
+        2. calculate border countries for map creation
+        3. evaluate the country-name for folder cration during processing
+        """
         # calc tiles
-        if o_input_data.country:
-            self.calc_tiles_country(o_input_data)
-        elif o_input_data.xy_coordinates:
-            self.calc_tiles_xy(o_input_data)
+        self.calc_tiles()
         # calc border countries
         log.info('-' * 80)
-        if o_input_data.country:
-            self.calc_border_countries_country(o_input_data)
-        elif o_input_data.xy_coordinates:
-            self.calc_border_countries()
+        self.calc_border_countries()
         # log border countries when and when not calculated to output the processed country(s)
         # calc country name
-        if o_input_data.country:
-            # country name is the input argument
-            self.country_name = o_input_data.country
-        elif o_input_data.xy_coordinates:
-            self.calc_country_name_xy()
-        # calc force processing
-        # Check for not existing or expired files. Mark for download, if dl is needed
-        o_downloader.check_land_polygons_file()
-        o_downloader.check_osm_pbf_file()
-        # If one of the files needs to be downloaded, reprocess all files
-        if o_downloader.need_to_dl:
-            self.force_processing = True
+        self.calc_country_name()
-        return o_downloader
-    def calc_tiles_country(self, o_input_data):
+    def calc_tiles(self):
         option 1: input a country as parameter, e.g. germany
-        log.info('# Input country: %s.', o_input_data.country)
+        log.info('# Input country: %s.', self.input_country)
         # use Geofabrik-URL to calculate the relevant tiles
-        o_geofabrik = CountryGeofabrik(o_input_data.country)
-        self.tiles = o_geofabrik.get_tiles_of_wanted_map()
-    def calc_tiles_xy(self, o_input_data):
-        """
-        option 2: input a x/y combinations as parameter, e.g. 134/88  or 133/88,130/100
-        """
-        log.info(
-            '# Input X/Y coordinates: %s.', o_input_data.xy_coordinates)
+        self.tiles = self.o_geofabrik.get_tiles_of_wanted_map()
-        # use Geofabrik-URL to get the relevant tiles
-        xy_coordinates = get_xy_coordinates_from_input(
-            o_input_data.xy_coordinates)
-        o_geofabrik = XYGeofabrik(xy_coordinates)
-        # find the tiles for  x/y combinations in the geofabrik json files
-        self.tiles = o_geofabrik.get_tiles_of_wanted_map()
-    def calc_border_countries_country(self, o_input_data):
+    def calc_border_countries(self):
         calculate the border countries for the given tiles when input is a country
         - if CLI/GUI input by user
-        if o_input_data.process_border_countries:
-            self.calc_border_countries()
+        if self.process_border_countries:
+            super().calc_border_countries()
         # set the to-be-processed country as border country
-            self.border_countries[o_input_data.country] = {}
+            self.border_countries[self.input_country] = {}
-    def calc_border_countries(self):
+    def calc_country_name(self):
-        calculate the border countries for the given tiles. i.e.
-        - if CLI/GUI input by user
-        - if processing x/y coordinates
+        country name is the country
+        >1 countries are separated by underscore
-        log.info('# Determine involved/border countries')
+        self.country_name = self.input_country
-        # Build list of countries needed
-        for tile in self.tiles:
-            for country in tile['countries']:
-                if country not in self.border_countries:
-                    self.border_countries[country] = {}
-    def log_border_countries(self):
+class XYOsmData(InformalOsmDataInterface):
+    """
+    object with all internal parameters to process maps for XY coordinates
+    """
+    def __init__(self, o_input_data):
+        super().__init__(o_input_data)
+        self.input_xy_coordinates = o_input_data.xy_coordinates
+    def process_input_of_the_tool(self):
-        write calculated border countries/involved countries to log
+        Process input: get relevant tiles and if border countries should be calculated
+        The three primary inputs are giving by a separate value each and have separate processing:
+        1. country name
+        2. x/y combinations
+        # Check for not existing or expired files. Mark for download, if dl is needed
+        # - land polygons file
+        # - .osm.pbf files
+        steps in this function:
+        1. calculate relevant tiles for map creation
+        2. calculate border countries for map creation
+        3. evaluate the country-name for folder cration during processing
-        for country in self.border_countries:
-            log.info('+ Involved country: %s', country)
-        # input can be only one country, if there are more than one,
-        # border countries must be selected
-        if len(self.border_countries) > 1:
-            log.info('+ Border countries will be processed')
+        # calc tiles
+        self.calc_tiles()
-    def calc_country_name_xy(self):
+        # calc border countries
+        log.info('-' * 80)
+        self.calc_border_countries()
+        # log border countries when and when not calculated to output the processed country(s)
+        self.log_border_countries()
+        # calc country name
+        self.calc_country_name()
+    def calc_tiles(self):
+        """
+        option 2: input a x/y combinations as parameter, e.g. 134/88  or 133/88,130/100
+        """
+        log.info('# Input X/Y coordinates: %s.', self.input_xy_coordinates)
+        # use Geofabrik-URL to get the relevant tiles
+        xy_coordinates = get_xy_coordinates_from_input(
+            self.input_xy_coordinates)
+        o_geofabrik = XYGeofabrik(xy_coordinates)
+        # find the tiles for  x/y combinations in the geofabrik json files
+        self.tiles = o_geofabrik.get_tiles_of_wanted_map()
+    def calc_country_name(self):
         country name is the X/Y combinations separated by minus
         >1 x/y combinations are separated by underscore
@@ -395,8 +460,7 @@ def generate_land(self):
             # create land.dbf, land.prj, land.shp, land.shx
             if not os.path.isfile(land_file) or self.o_osm_data.force_processing is True:
-                log.info(
-                    '+ Coordinates: %s,%s. (%s of %s)', tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles))
+                self.log_tile(tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count)
                 cmd = ['ogr2ogr', '-overwrite', '-skipfailures']
                 # Try to prevent getting outside of the +/-180 and +/- 90 degrees borders. Normally the +/- 0.1 are there to prevent white lines at border borders.
                 if tile["x"] == 255 or tile["y"] == 255 or tile["x"] == 0 or tile["y"] == 0:
@@ -446,8 +510,7 @@ def generate_sea(self):
             out_file_sea = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR,
                                         f'{tile["x"]}', f'{tile["y"]}', 'sea.osm')
             if not os.path.isfile(out_file_sea) or self.o_osm_data.force_processing is True:
-                log.info(
-                    '+ Coordinates: %s,%s. (%s of %s)', tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles))
+                self.log_tile(tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count)
                 with open(os.path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, 'sea.osm'), encoding="utf-8") as sea_file:
                     sea_data = sea_file.read()
@@ -534,8 +597,7 @@ def split_filtered_country_files_to_tiles(self):
             for country, val in self.o_osm_data.border_countries.items():
                 if country not in tile['countries']:
-                log.info(
-                    '+ Coordinates: %s,%s / %s (%s of %s)', tile["x"], tile["y"], country, tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles))
+                self.log_tile(tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count, country)
                 out_file = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR,
                                         f'{tile["x"]}', f'{tile["y"]}', f'split-{country}.osm.pbf')
                 out_file_names = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR,
@@ -605,8 +667,7 @@ def merge_splitted_tiles_with_land_and_sea(self, process_border_countries):
         log.info('# Merge splitted tiles with land, elevation and sea')
         tile_count = 1
         for tile in self.o_osm_data.tiles:  # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
-            log.info(
-                '+ Coordinates: %s,%s (%s of %s)', tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles))
+            self.log_tile(tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count)
             out_tile_dir = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR,
                                         f'{tile["x"]}', f'{tile["y"]}')
@@ -712,8 +773,7 @@ def create_map_files(self, save_cruiser, tag_wahoo_xml):
         tile_count = 1
         for tile in self.o_osm_data.tiles:
-            log.info(
-                '+ Coordinates: %s,%s (%s of %s)', tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles))
+            self.log_tile(tile["x"], tile["y"], tile_count)
             out_file_map = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR,
                                         f'{tile["x"]}', f'{tile["y"]}.map')
@@ -878,7 +938,7 @@ def tags_are_identical_to_last_run(self, country):
         tags_are_identical = True
-            country_config = read_json_file(os.path.join(
+            country_config = read_json_file_country_config(os.path.join(
                 USER_OUTPUT_DIR, country, ".config.json"))
             if not country_config["tags_last_run"] == translate_tags_to_keep(sys_platform=platform.system()) \
                     or not country_config["name_tags_last_run"] == translate_tags_to_keep(name_tags=True, sys_platform=platform.system()):
@@ -895,7 +955,7 @@ def last_changed_is_identical_to_last_run(self, country):
         last_changed_is_identical = True
-            country_config = read_json_file(os.path.join(
+            country_config = read_json_file_country_config(os.path.join(
                 USER_OUTPUT_DIR, country, ".config.json"))
             if not country_config["changed_ts_map_last_run"] == get_timestamp_last_changed(self.o_osm_data.border_countries[country]['map_file']):
                 last_changed_is_identical = False
@@ -903,3 +963,14 @@ def last_changed_is_identical_to_last_run(self, country):
             last_changed_is_identical = False
         return last_changed_is_identical
+    def log_tile(self, tile_x, tile_y, tile_count, additional_info=''):
+        """
+        unified status logging for this class
+        """
+        if additional_info:
+            log.info('+ (tile %s of %s) Coordinates: %s,%s / %s', tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles), tile_x,
+                     tile_y, additional_info)
+        else:
+            log.info('+ (tile %s of %s) Coordinates: %s,%s',
+                     tile_count, len(self.o_osm_data.tiles), tile_x, tile_y)