This is a logspout adapter that will parse logs for metrics and forward them to statsd.
You can test this by running through the following walkthrough.
NOTE: If you're on a mac, replace localhost below with your docker-machine ip
First, start up stats/graphite with this prebuilt image:
docker run -d\
--name graphite\
-p 80:80\
-p 2003-2004:2003-2004\
-p 2023-2024:2023-2024\
-p 8125:8125/udp\
-p 8126:8126\
Test if it's working:
echo "foo:1|c" | nc -u -w0 localhost 8125
Go to http://localhost/dashboard
, you should see
Copy the files in the custom-build
in this repo, then run:
docker build -t mylogspouter .
Now start up logspout with new module, replace the papertrail URL to your own account.
docker run --rm --name=logspout \
-v=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-p 8000:80 \
mylogspouter \
Now we have to add the statsd route;
curl http://localhost:8000/routes -d '{
"adapter": "statsd",
"filter_sources": ["stdout" ,"stderr"],
"address": "localhost:8125"
Now run our emitter image to test:
docker run --rm iron/emitter
You should see some logging messages in papertrail and some metrics in graphite!
Any log line from any container that contains a metric
key will be forwarded to statsd, so your applications should output log lines like this:
metric=someevent value=1 type=count
metric=somegauge value=50 type=gauge
See iron-io's fork of logspout and read
Copy to the logspout dir and run it with:
SYSLOG=syslog:// ./`