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196 lines (171 loc) · 6.61 KB

Proper TLS/SSL CA-signed Certs

  • setup domain & its nameservers in domain registrar's control panel

      • nameservers for Linode VM:,, ..
  • add NS record, A/AAAA records for hostname/IP addrs in VM control panel

  • ssh to VM

  • check certbot docs for requirements for your SW/OS

  • in docker-compose.yml include a shared volume for certbot to put certs in and for nginx to use

  • in nginx.conf, allow letsencrypt to find files for validation

    server {
          listen [::]:80;
          listen 80;
          location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
            root /letsencrypt/;
          location / {
            gzip off;
            root /usr/share/nginx/html/;
            index  index.html;
  • cd init_TLS

  • fire up docker containers

    • docker compose up -d
  • check NGINX is all good

    • curl localhost
    • check that you mounted stuff correctly
  • hop in certbot container and create TLS key/cert

    • docker exec -it cerbot bash
    • certbot certonly --webroot
      • webroot: /letsencrypt
    • congrats
  • bring down the init_TLS docker containers

    • docker compose down
  • clean up

    • docker system prune --all
    • docker ps
    • cd ..
  • back up a copy of letsencrypt files

    • cp -r letsencrypt/ ~
  • Go Live

    • cd go_live
    • docker compose up -d

  • check NGINX logs (official NGINX Docker image symlinks access & error logs to stdout & stderr)

    • docker logs {your-container-id-here} -f
  • Set Up certbot

    • docker exec -it go_live-certbot-1 bash
    • verify certbot works
      • certbot renew --dry-run
    • add a cron job for certbot to renew cert before expiry
      • docker exec -it go_live-certbot-1 bash
      • apt update && apt install cron
      • cron (background)
      • apt install vim
      • export EDITOR='vim'
      • crontab /etc/cron.d/certbot
      • crontab -l
    • FYI: apparently NGINX needs to be restarted to pick up the new cert
      • docker compose down
      • docker compose up -d

Manual Certbot Renew

  • docker container ls
  • docker exec -it certbot bash
  • certbot renew --dry-run
  • certbot renew
  • exit
  • cp -r ~/letsencrypt ~/letsencrypt_bak
  • cp -r Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/letsencrypt/ ~
  • cd Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/go_live
  • docker compose down
  • docker compose up -d

Docker Compose -> K8s

You need letsencrypt/ with certs already created by Docker Compose init_TLS cerbot above
You can use scp to copy certs from elsewhere, but you'll need to re-symlink the certs in live/ to latest in archive/

$ cd ~/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/
$ ls -1

Kompose Docker Compose to K8s Helm Templates

curl -L -o kompose
./kompose convert -f ./go_live/docker-compose.yml --volumes hostPath -c
mkdir helm
mv ./go_live/docker_compose/ ./helm/thesr/
rm kompose
# add `imagePullPolicy: Never` to each of ./helm/thesr/templates/*deployment.yaml
# per
# so k8s doesn't try to pull images from external registries
# ensure volume paths are correct in deployment templates

Kind cluster setup

  • Kind (K8s in Docker) runs the K8s node/host as a Docker container itself, so to mount local directories in the pods, we need to first mount it in the Kind node, from which it will be mounted into the pods
  • Also for Kind, extraPortMappings allow the local host to make requests to an Ingress controller over ports 80/443; Kind Ingress docs
  • Create kind_config.yaml with below contents
kind: Cluster
  - role: control-plane
      - hostPath: /mnt/c/Users/JohnHupperts/Documents/Programming_Projects/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/letsencrypt/
        containerPath: /mnt/c/Users/JohnHupperts/Documents/Programming_Projects/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/letsencrypt/
    - containerPort: 80
      hostPort: 80
      protocol: TCP
    - containerPort: 443
      hostPort: 443
      protocol: TCP
#  - role: worker
#    extraMounts:
#      - hostPath: /mnt/c/Users/JohnHupperts/Documents/Programming_Projects/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/letsencrypt/
#        containerPath: /mnt/c/Users/JohnHupperts/Documents/Programming_Projects/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/letsencrypt/
kind create cluster --name local-dev --config kind_config.yaml

kind get clusters
kind get nodes --name local-dev
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get all
# kubectl proxy  # to expose cluster to localhost

Allow kubectl binary to port-forward K8s to localhost low ports

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /usr/bin/kubectl

Docker build images

docker images

cd ~/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/go_live/services/nginx-reverse-proxy/
docker build -t nginx-reverse-proxy:latest .

cd ~/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/go_live/services/certbot/
docker build -t certbot:latest .

cd ~/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/go_live/services/waitress-flask-wsgi/
docker build -t waitress-flask-wsgi:latest .

docker images

Kind load images into cluster local registry

kind load docker-image nginx-reverse-proxy:latest --name local-dev
kind load docker-image certbot:latest --name local-dev
kind load docker-image waitress-flask-wsgi:latest --name local-dev

Helm install charts

cd ~/Thesaurus_Rex/docker_k8s/
helm upgrade --install thesr ./helm/thesr/ --dry-run
kubectl get all
kubectl exec --stdin --tty nginx-reverse-proxy-56877cb6cb-4df7x -- /bin/bash
# curl -k https://localhost