diff --git a/tests/behat/test_combinator_grader.feature b/tests/behat/test_combinator_grader.feature
index 5c6245a9..c7993e60 100644
--- a/tests/behat/test_combinator_grader.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/test_combinator_grader.feature
@@ -29,26 +29,26 @@ Feature: test_combinator_grader
And I set the field "id_useace" to "0"
And I set the field "id_uiplugin" to "None"
And I set the field "id_template" to:
- """
- import subprocess, json, sys
- {{ STUDENT_ANSWER | e('py') }}
- tests = json.loads('''{{ TESTCASES | json_encode | e('py') }}''')
- test_results = [['Test', 'Expected', 'Got', 'iscorrect']]
- num_right = 0
- for test in tests:
- code = test['testcode']
- expected = int(test['expected'])
- got = eval(code)
- test_results.append([code, expected, got, expected == got])
- if expected == got:
- num_right += 1
- print(json.dumps({
- 'testresults': test_results,
- 'fraction': num_right / len(tests),
- 'prologuehtml': '
I am a prologue
- 'epiloguehtml': 'I am an epilogue
- }))
- """
+ """
+ import subprocess, json, sys
+ {{ STUDENT_ANSWER | e('py') }}
+ tests = json.loads('''{{ TESTCASES | json_encode | e('py') }}''')
+ test_results = [['Test', 'Expected', 'Got', 'iscorrect']]
+ num_right = 0
+ for test in tests:
+ code = test['testcode']
+ expected = int(test['expected'])
+ got = eval(code)
+ test_results.append([code, expected, got, expected == got])
+ if expected == got:
+ num_right += 1
+ print(json.dumps({
+ 'testresults': test_results,
+ 'fraction': num_right / len(tests),
+ 'prologuehtml': 'I am a prologue
+ 'epiloguehtml': 'I am an epilogue
+ }))
+ """
And I set the field "id_iscombinatortemplate" to "1"
And I set the field "id_grader" to "TemplateGrader"
And I click on "a[aria-controls='id_advancedcustomisationheadercontainer']" "css_element"
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ Feature: test_combinator_grader
| id_ordering_1 | 20 |
| id_answer | def sqr(n): return n * n |
+ And I wait "180" seconds
Then I should see "Failed testing"
And I should see "Click on the << button to replace the expected output of this testcase with actual output."