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Contributing to BinRec

Thanks for your interest in contributing to BinRec!

This document is primarily focused on detailing BinRec's high-level development process. For information on installing and using BinRec, please refer to the README.

Issue Tracking

Bugs, new features, enhancements, and general issues are all tracked in our GitHub repository. A GitHub issue should contain all relevant discussion about the topic. If discussions about a particular issue occur in our slack instance (empire hacking), please summarize the takeaways from the discussion in a comment on the issue.

Development Environment

BinRec and its dependencies are built for and run on Ubuntu 20.04. BinRec is primarily written in Python 3.9 and LLVM-flavored C++. While we do not prescribe or maintain an environment a specific IDE / code editor, VScode is a good IDE to start with for newcomers as it provides decent support for both the Python and C++ portions of BinRec.

Repository Structure

  • binrec - BinRec Python 3 API
  • binrec_lift - BinRec C++ components (LLVM Passes) that perform Merging and Lifting functions.
  • binrec_link - BinRec C++ components that perform recompilation.
  • binrec_plugins - BinRec C++ plugins for S2E, used to generate LLVM IR and trace information during execution tracing
  • binrec_rt - BinRec runtime (used for binary recompilation)
  • binrec_traceinfo - Custom C++ library implementing the trace info data structure and its import / export functions.
  • binrec_tracemerge - Simple C++ tool for merging multiple trace info files into one. User during Merging function.
  • docs - BinRec autogenerate documentation infrastructure
  • runlib - Supplementary build files supporting recompilation
  • scripts - Various utilities
  • test - Testing infrastructure, includes benchmark samples.
  • s2e-env - Submodule for cloning, building, and interfacing with S2E.

Environment Variables

The BinRec toolkit depends on several environment variables. The .env file contains the required environment variables and is loaded by every just recipe and the Python API. The .env file needs to be loaded when calling BinRec tools manually within Bash:

source .env

Useful BinRec Development Just Commands

The BinRec justfile contains several commands that are useful for development. The following list contains these commands and a short description of their purpose:

  • just build-binrec : rebuilds the BinRec components only. Used to recompile after changes to the lifting, merging, or recompilation components.

  • just rebuild-s2e-plugins : rebuilds BinRec's plugins to S2E and any dependent code within S2E. Used to recompile after changes to the plugins. NOTE: This process may be lengthy for the first plugin rebuild after installing BinRec, but should be short for subsequent rebuilds.

  • just format : formats all code (Python and C++). CI will fail if code pushed to the remote is ill-formatted.

  • just print-coverage-report : Prints a test coverage report for the Python API. Our test coverage is not currently and likely will never be 100%, however as we add new API features / fix bugs we strive to maintain our current level of test coverage.

  • just _pretty-print-trace-info <ti-file> |--hex| : Debug command to dump trace info files produced during S2E tracing runs in a human readable format. Adding the --hex flag prints the addresses in hex rather than decimal.

  • just _diff-trace-info <ti-file-1> <ti-file-2> |--hex| : Debug command to perform a diff between two trace info files. Adding the --hex flag prints the addresses in hex rather than decimal.

    NOTE: Many BinRec commands in the justfile are "private" (i.e., unlisted) to end user. They are indicated by commands starting with an _ character. In most cases these commands are private because they are subsumed by some other command for routine usage, but may be useful to run individually for development or troubleshooting.

Code Quality

Linting and Formatting

There are several just recipes to lint and format the source code for BinRec. Formatting is enforced by CI. In general, the project uses the following tools:

  • black - Python code formatting and style
  • flake8 - Python static code analysis
  • mypy - Python type checking
  • isort - Python import order formatting
  • clang-format - C++ source code formatting and style
  • markdownlint-cli - Markdown documentation formatting
  • mdspell - Markdown spelling checker
  • doc8 - rST formatting checker that accounts for Sphinx-specific false positives
  • sphinxcontrib.spelling - spelling checker for Sphinx rST docs

These tools can be called through just using:

just lint  # Run all code linters
just _lint-<toolname>  # Run a single code linter, Ex. just lint-flake8
just format # Run all code formatters
just _format-<toolname> # Run a single code formatter, ex. just format-black


Unit and integration tests are written in pytest and GoogleTest. Running tests can be done through multiple just recipes.

just run-all-tests  # run all unit and integration tests
just run-unit-tests  # run only unit tests
just run-integration-tests  # run only integration tests (takes a few minutes)
just print-coverage-report  # print the last pytest coverage report

Integration tests use sample code and binaries provided in the test directory. Each integration test sample is run multiple times, depending on the test inputs, the runtime traces are merged, the merged trace is lifted, and then the recovered binary is compared against the original binary with the same test inputs used during the trace operations. The process exit code, stdout, and stderr are compared for each test input.

Contributing Code

BinRec uses the pull request contribution model. When working on an issue, please create a new branch for your contribution and submit code contributions via pull request.

Continuous Integration

Commits to pull requests in progress will be automatically checked to ensure the code is properly linted and passes unit tests. Additionally, the doc build will be checked. Integration tests are not automatically checked due to BinRec's complexity. Before submitting a PR for review, the contributor shall ensure integration tests pass on their development machine. Additionally, PR contributors shall add sufficient unit tests to maintain test coverage.


The build-docs just recipe builds documentation for both the Python API and the C++ API.

just build-docs

Alternatively, Python and C++ API documentation can be built independently using the language-specific just recipes.

The Python API is documented in Sphinx and the docs can be built using the build-python-docs just recipe. By default, the recipe will build HTML documentation, but this can be changed by specifying a target parameter:

# build HTML docs to docs/build/html/index.html
$ just build-python-docs

# build manpage docs to docs/build/man/binrec.1
$ just build-python-docs man

The C++ API is documented with Doxygen and the docs can be built using the build-cpp-docs just recipe.

just build-cpp-docs

List of Historical Contributors

Fabian Parzefall
Chinmay Deshpande
Anil Altinay
Joseph Nash
Taddeus Kroes
Prabhu Rajasekaran
Dixin Zhou
Adrian Dabrowski
David Gens
Yeoul Na
Stijn Volckaert
Cristiano Giuffrida
Herbert Bos
Michael Franz