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File metadata and controls

147 lines (98 loc) · 5.43 KB


An Express middleware to serve up minified images retrieved from a backend.

Dependency Status Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities

master: Build Status Inline docs


Your environment must have imagemagick and graphicsmagick available in the $PATH.


First, instantiate the route. You must pass in two arguments: a backend function and an object of options.

The backend function is passed two arguments: the Express request object, and the Express response object. However, you can't just put an Express route here. This function is expected to return a Promise that resolves to a Buffer containing an image.

In the options, pass in any Imagemin plugins as an array called plugins.

const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
/* ... plugin requires go here ... */

const imageminProxy = new ImageminProxy((req, res) => {
	// Here's my backend function.
	// This is a very basic function that always returns the same image.
	return fetch('http://my.backend/folder/some-image.png')
		.then(x => x.ok ? x.buffer() : Promise.reject(x))
}, {
	plugins: [
		imageminPngQuant({quality: '45-80', strip: true, speed: 3}),
		imageminJpegOptim({max: 90}),
		imageminGifsicle({colors: 256, optimizationLevel: 3, interlaced: true}),
		imageminSvgo({plugins: [{removeViewBox: false}]}),

app.use('/img', imageminProxy)


Examples of Backend Functions

Act as a reverse proxy for some backend:

const url = require('url')
const baseUrl = 'https://some-server-with-a-folder-of-images/imgSubfolder'
const myBackendFunc = (req, res) => {
	// Change the URL so that it's pointing to the other server's folder
	const cleanUrl = url.parse(baseUrl + req.url)

	// Clean out all the query parameters from it = ''

	return fetch(cleanUrl)
		.then(x => {
			if( !x.ok ) {
				return Promise.reject(x)

			// Set the content type from the backend if there is one
			if( x.headers.has('content-type') ) {

			return x.buffer()
		.catch(err => {
			if( 'status' in err ) {
				// A Fetch error -- send it to the client
			return Promise.reject(err)



Default: []

Specify an array containing Imagemin plugins here. These will be used to minify any applicable images.


Default: true

If this is true and the backend has not set Content-Type headers (or they are set to application/octet-stream), try to figure out what the response really is.

  • If the format query parameter is specified, use that as a file extension for determining a MIME type.
  • Otherwise, try to guess using file-type.

This is a useful option if you're not always certain what you're going to get, or for some reason the backend can't get file extensions on its own.


Default: undefined

If GraphicsMagick is not in your $PATH, you will get an error like Stream yields empty buffer when attempting to resize or convert images. You can specify a directory containing the Graphicsmagick binaries (not the binary itself) here. See imagemin-gm for more information.


Default: 404

If this is a non-false value and the backend gives an empty response, send this HTTP code.

If this is a false value, throw a EmptyResponseError instead.

EmptyResponseError can be accessed at imageminProxy.errors.EmptyResponseError for type checking if desired.

Query Parameters

If this route receives certain query parameters, it will pass those along to Imagemin.

Currently supported parameters:

  • width: the width of the image as a number of pixels
  • height: the height of the image as a number of pixels
  • gravity: when resizing the image, what side of the image should be prioritized?

See imagemin-gm for more information.

Known Issues / TODO

  • other GM functions?


Please use the included ESlint configuration to enforce style when developing. Use yarn test --coverage to run the linter and test suite as well as coverage before commits.

To generate documentation, use yarn doc or yarn docdev.
