diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 036a4e3..ea971c2 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
## features
-- new release for amazon tv series
-- allow amazon tv search for indivdual series
-- new release for cinema-paradiso tv
+- allow the use of playlists for finding music / TV / movies
## bugs
-- music, a-ha/ash doesnt match as an artist why ?
- improve cinema-paradiso movie scrape, many search results are the same page. wasted processing
+- flatten amazon tv search results
+- improve best match for tv series
## done
@@ -43,3 +42,6 @@
- speed up plex fetch of movie details
- speed up plex fetch of tv shows
- when scraping movies, do we stop at the first best match ?
+- new release for cinema-paradiso tv
+- new release for amazon tv series
+- allow amazon tv search for indivdual series
diff --git a/amazon/amazon.go b/amazon/amazon.go
index d98abeb..497ece5 100644
--- a/amazon/amazon.go
+++ b/amazon/amazon.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+ "strconv"
@@ -23,10 +24,56 @@ const (
var (
numberMoviesProcessed int = 0
numberTVProcessed int = 0
+ //nolint: mnd
+ seasonNumberToInt = map[string]int{
+ "one": 1,
+ "two": 2,
+ "three": 3,
+ "four": 4,
+ "five": 5,
+ "six": 6,
+ "seven": 7,
+ "eight": 8,
+ "nine": 9,
+ "ten": 10,
+ "eleven": 11,
+ "twelve": 12,
+ "thirteen": 13,
+ "fourteen": 14,
+ "fifteen": 15,
+ "sixteen": 16,
+ "seventeen": 17,
+ "eighteen": 18,
+ "nineteen": 19,
+ "twenty": 20,
+ }
+ //nolint: mnd
+ ordinalNumberToSeason = map[string]int{
+ "first season": 1,
+ "second season": 2,
+ "third season": 3,
+ "fourth season": 4,
+ "fifth season": 5,
+ "sixth season": 6,
+ "seventh season": 7,
+ "eighth season": 8,
+ "ninth season": 9,
+ "tenth season": 10,
+ "eleventh season": 11,
+ "twelfth season": 12,
+ "thirteenth season": 13,
+ "fourteenth season": 14,
+ "fifteenth season": 15,
+ "sixteenth season": 16,
+ "seventeenth season": 17,
+ "eighteenth season": 18,
+ "nineteenth season": 19,
+ "twentieth season": 20,
+ }
// nolint: dupl, nolintlint
-func SearchAmazonMoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie, language, region string) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
+func MoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie, language, region string) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
numberMoviesProcessed = 0
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, len(plexMovies))
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, types.ConcurrencyLimit)
@@ -35,7 +82,7 @@ func SearchAmazonMoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie, language, region
go func(i int) {
semaphore <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-semaphore }()
- searchAmazonMovie(&plexMovies[i], language, region, ch)
+ searchMovie(&plexMovies[i], language, region, ch)
@@ -51,7 +98,7 @@ func SearchAmazonMoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie, language, region
// nolint: dupl, nolintlint
-func SearchAmazonTVInParallel(plexTVShows []types.PlexTVShow, language, region string) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
+func TVInParallel(plexTVShows []types.PlexTVShow, language, region string) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
numberMoviesProcessed = 0
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, len(plexTVShows))
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, types.ConcurrencyLimit)
@@ -60,7 +107,7 @@ func SearchAmazonTVInParallel(plexTVShows []types.PlexTVShow, language, region s
go func(i int) {
semaphore <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-semaphore }()
- searchAmazonTV(&plexTVShows[i], language, region, ch)
+ searchTV(&plexTVShows[i], language, region, ch)
@@ -83,15 +130,24 @@ func GetTVJobProgress() int {
return numberTVProcessed
-func ScrapeTitlesParallel(searchResults []types.SearchResults, region string) (scrapedResults []types.SearchResults) {
- numberMoviesProcessed = 0
+func ScrapeTitlesParallel(searchResults []types.SearchResults, region string, isTV bool) (scrapedResults []types.SearchResults) {
+ // are we tv or movie
+ if isTV {
+ numberTVProcessed = 0
+ } else {
+ numberMoviesProcessed = 0
+ }
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, len(searchResults))
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, types.ConcurrencyLimit)
for i := range searchResults {
go func(i int) {
semaphore <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-semaphore }()
- scrapeTitles(&searchResults[i], region, ch)
+ if isTV {
+ scrapeTVTitles(&searchResults[i], region, ch)
+ } else {
+ scrapeMovieTitles(&searchResults[i], region, ch)
+ }
@@ -99,14 +155,23 @@ func ScrapeTitlesParallel(searchResults []types.SearchResults, region string) (s
for range searchResults {
result := <-ch
scrapedResults = append(scrapedResults, result)
- numberMoviesProcessed++
+ if isTV {
+ numberTVProcessed++
+ } else {
+ numberMoviesProcessed++
+ }
- numberMoviesProcessed = 0
- fmt.Println("amazon Movie titles scraped:", len(scrapedResults))
+ if isTV {
+ numberTVProcessed = 0
+ } else {
+ numberMoviesProcessed = 0
+ }
+ fmt.Println("amazon titles scraped:", len(scrapedResults))
return scrapedResults
-func scrapeTitles(searchResult *types.SearchResults, region string, ch chan<- types.SearchResults) {
+// nolint: dupl, nolintlint
+func scrapeMovieTitles(searchResult *types.SearchResults, region string, ch chan<- types.SearchResults) {
dateAdded := searchResult.PlexMovie.DateAdded
for i := range searchResult.MovieSearchResults {
// this is to limit the number of requests
@@ -134,7 +199,36 @@ func scrapeTitles(searchResult *types.SearchResults, region string, ch chan<- ty
ch <- *searchResult
-func searchAmazonMovie(plexMovie *types.PlexMovie, language, region string, movieSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
+// nolint: dupl, nolintlint
+func scrapeTVTitles(searchResult *types.SearchResults, region string, ch chan<- types.SearchResults) {
+ dateAdded := searchResult.PlexTVShow.DateAdded
+ for i := range searchResult.TVSearchResults {
+ // this is to limit the number of requests
+ if !searchResult.TVSearchResults[i].BestMatch {
+ continue
+ }
+ rawData, err := makeRequest(searchResult.TVSearchResults[i].URL, region)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("scrapeTitle: Error making request:", err)
+ ch <- *searchResult
+ return
+ }
+ // Find the release date
+ searchResult.TVSearchResults[i].ReleaseDate = time.Time{} // default to zero time
+ r := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?)`)
+ match := r.FindStringSubmatch(rawData)
+ if match != nil {
+ stringDate := match[1]
+ searchResult.TVSearchResults[i].ReleaseDate, _ = time.Parse("Jan 02, 2006", stringDate)
+ }
+ if searchResult.TVSearchResults[i].ReleaseDate.After(dateAdded) {
+ searchResult.TVSearchResults[i].NewRelease = true
+ }
+ }
+ ch <- *searchResult
+func searchMovie(plexMovie *types.PlexMovie, language, region string, movieSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
result := types.SearchResults{}
result.PlexMovie = *plexMovie
@@ -152,7 +246,7 @@ func searchAmazonMovie(plexMovie *types.PlexMovie, language, region string, movi
result.SearchURL = amazonURL
rawData, err := makeRequest(amazonURL, region)
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("searchAmazonMovie: Error making request:", err)
+ fmt.Println("searchMovie: Error making request:", err)
movieSearchResult <- result
@@ -163,12 +257,12 @@ func searchAmazonMovie(plexMovie *types.PlexMovie, language, region string, movi
movieSearchResult <- result
-func searchAmazonTV(plexTVShow *types.PlexTVShow, language, region string, tvSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
+func searchTV(plexTVShow *types.PlexTVShow, language, region string, tvSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
result := types.SearchResults{}
result.PlexTVShow = *plexTVShow
result.SearchURL = amazonURL
- urlEncodedTitle := url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%s complete series", plexTVShow.Title)) // complete series
+ urlEncodedTitle := url.QueryEscape(plexTVShow.Title)
amazonURL := amazonURL + urlEncodedTitle
// this searches for the movie in a language
switch language {
@@ -181,7 +275,7 @@ func searchAmazonTV(plexTVShow *types.PlexTVShow, language, region string, tvSea
rawData, err := makeRequest(amazonURL, region)
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("searchAmazonTV: Error making request:", err)
+ fmt.Println("searchTV: Error making request:", err)
tvSearchResult <- result
@@ -202,7 +296,6 @@ func findTitlesInResponse(response string, movie bool) (movieResults []types.Mov
response = response[startIndex:]
endIndex := strings.Index(response, ``)
// If both start and end index are found
if endIndex != -1 {
// Extract the entry
@@ -235,13 +328,14 @@ func findTitlesInResponse(response string, movie bool) (movieResults []types.Mov
movieResults = append(movieResults, types.MovieSearchResult{
URL: returnURL, Format: format, Year: year, FoundTitle: foundTitle, UITitle: format})
} else {
- boxSet := false
- if strings.Contains(foundTitle, ": The Complete Series") {
- foundTitle = strings.TrimSuffix(foundTitle, ": The Complete Series")
- boxSet = true
- }
- tvResults = append(tvResults, types.TVSearchResult{
- URL: returnURL, Format: []string{format}, Year: year, FoundTitle: foundTitle, UITitle: foundTitle, BoxSet: boxSet})
+ decipheredTitle, number, boxSet := decipherTVName(foundTitle)
+ // split year
+ splitYear := strings.Split(year, "-")
+ year = splitYear[0]
+ tvResult := types.TVSearchResult{
+ URL: returnURL, Format: []string{format}, Year: year, FoundTitle: decipheredTitle, UITitle: decipheredTitle}
+ tvResult.Seasons = append(tvResult.Seasons, types.TVSeasonResult{URL: returnURL, Format: format, Number: number, BoxSet: boxSet})
+ tvResults = append(tvResults, tvResult)
// remove the movie entry from the response
@@ -291,3 +385,46 @@ func makeRequest(inputURL, region string) (response string, err error) {
rawResponse := string(body)
return rawResponse, nil
+func decipherTVName(name string) (title string, number int, boxset bool) {
+ parts := strings.Split(name, ":")
+ title = parts[0]
+ if len(parts) == 1 {
+ //nolint: gocritic
+ // fmt.Printf("warn: decipherTVName, no colon%q\n", name)
+ return title, -1, false
+ }
+ // everything after the first colon
+ seasonBlock := strings.Join(parts[1:], "")
+ seasonBlock = strings.ToLower(seasonBlock)
+ if strings.Contains(seasonBlock, "complete series") || strings.Contains(seasonBlock, "complete seasons") {
+ return title, number, true
+ }
+ // does the second part have a number as an integer or as a word.
+ r := regexp.MustCompile(`seasons?\ (\d+)`)
+ match := r.FindStringSubmatch(seasonBlock)
+ if len(match) > 1 {
+ // var err error
+ number, _ = strconv.Atoi(match[1])
+ //nolint: gocritic
+ // if err != nil {
+ // fmt.Printf("warn: decipherTVName, integer not converted%q\n", name)
+ // }
+ return title, number, false
+ }
+ for k, v := range seasonNumberToInt {
+ if strings.Contains(seasonBlock, ("season "+k)) || strings.Contains(seasonBlock, ("seasons "+k)) {
+ return title, v, false
+ }
+ }
+ for k, v := range ordinalNumberToSeason {
+ if strings.Contains(seasonBlock, k) {
+ return title, v, false
+ }
+ }
+ //nolint: gocritic
+ // fmt.Printf("warn: decipherTVName, got to the end%q\n", name)
+ return title, -1, false
diff --git a/amazon/amazon_test.go b/amazon/amazon_test.go
index e40a9c2..97a1d6f 100644
--- a/amazon/amazon_test.go
+++ b/amazon/amazon_test.go
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func TestFindMoviesInResponse(t *testing.T) {
func TestSearchAmazon(t *testing.T) {
- result := SearchAmazonMoviesInParallel([]types.PlexMovie{{Title: "napoleon dynamite", Year: "2004"}}, "", amazonRegion)
+ result := MoviesInParallel([]types.PlexMovie{{Title: "napoleon dynamite", Year: "2004"}}, "", amazonRegion)
if len(result) == 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected search results, but got none")
@@ -57,19 +57,20 @@ func TestSearchAmazonTV(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("ACCEPTANCE TEST: PLEX environment variables not set")
show := types.PlexTVShow{
- Title: "Friends",
- Year: "1994",
+ // Title: "Friends",
+ // Year: "1994",
// Title: "Charmed",
// Year: "1998",
// Title: "Adventure Time",
// Year: "2010",
+ Title: "Star Trek: Enterprise",
+ Year: "2001",
- result := SearchAmazonTVInParallel([]types.PlexTVShow{show}, "", amazonRegion)
+ result := TVInParallel([]types.PlexTVShow{show}, "", amazonRegion)
if len(result) == 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected search results, but got none")
- fmt.Println(result)
func TestScrapeTitlesParallel(t *testing.T) {
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ func TestScrapeTitlesParallel(t *testing.T) {
- }, amazonRegion)
+ }, amazonRegion, false)
if len(result) == 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected search results, but got none")
diff --git a/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso.go b/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso.go
index 4a2b29e..eda28aa 100644
--- a/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso.go
+++ b/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ var (
// nolint: dupl, nolintlint
-func GetCinemaParadisoMoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
+func MoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
numberMoviesProcessed = 0
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, len(plexMovies))
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, types.ConcurrencyLimit)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func GetCinemaParadisoMoviesInParallel(plexMovies []types.PlexMovie) (searchResu
return searchResults
-func ScrapeMovieTitlesParallel(searchResults []types.SearchResults) []types.SearchResults {
+func ScrapeMoviesParallel(searchResults []types.SearchResults) []types.SearchResults {
numberMoviesProcessed = 0
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, len(searchResults))
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, types.ConcurrencyLimit)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func ScrapeMovieTitlesParallel(searchResults []types.SearchResults) []types.Sear
// nolint: dupl, nolintlint
-func GetCinemaParadisoTVInParallel(plexTVShows []types.PlexTVShow) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
+func TVInParallel(plexTVShows []types.PlexTVShow) (searchResults []types.SearchResults) {
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, len(plexTVShows))
semaphore := make(chan struct{}, types.ConcurrencyLimit)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func GetCinemaParadisoTVInParallel(plexTVShows []types.PlexTVShow) (searchResult
go func(i int) {
semaphore <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-semaphore }()
- searchCinemaParadisoTV(&plexTVShows[i], ch)
+ searchTVShow(&plexTVShows[i], ch)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func searchCinemaParadisoMovie(plexMovie *types.PlexMovie, movieSearchResult cha
result.SearchURL = cinemaparadisoSearchURL + "?form-search-field=" + urlEncodedTitle
rawData, err := makeRequest(result.SearchURL, http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("form-search-field=%s", urlEncodedTitle))
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error making web request:", err)
+ fmt.Println("searchCinemaParadisoMovie:", err)
movieSearchResult <- result
@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ func searchCinemaParadisoMovie(plexMovie *types.PlexMovie, movieSearchResult cha
func scrapeMovieTitle(result *types.SearchResults, movieSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
- // now we can get the series information for each best match
+ // now we can get the season information for each best match
for i := range result.MovieSearchResults {
if !result.MovieSearchResults[i].BestMatch {
rawData, err := makeRequest(result.MovieSearchResults[i].URL, http.MethodGet, "")
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error making web request:", err)
+ fmt.Println("scrapeMovieTitle:", err)
movieSearchResult <- *result
@@ -162,14 +162,14 @@ func scrapeMovieTitle(result *types.SearchResults, movieSearchResult chan<- type
movieSearchResult <- *result
-func searchCinemaParadisoTV(plexTVShow *types.PlexTVShow, tvSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
+func searchTVShow(plexTVShow *types.PlexTVShow, tvSearchResult chan<- types.SearchResults) {
result := types.SearchResults{}
urlEncodedTitle := url.QueryEscape(plexTVShow.Title)
result.PlexTVShow = *plexTVShow
result.SearchURL = cinemaparadisoSearchURL + "?form-search-field=" + urlEncodedTitle
rawData, err := makeRequest(result.SearchURL, http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("form-search-field=%s", urlEncodedTitle))
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("searchCinemaParadisoTV: Error making web request:", err)
+ fmt.Println("searchTVShow: Error making web request:", err)
tvSearchResult <- result
@@ -177,65 +177,70 @@ func searchCinemaParadisoTV(plexTVShow *types.PlexTVShow, tvSearchResult chan<-
_, tvFound := findTitlesInResponse(rawData, false)
result.TVSearchResults = tvFound
result = utils.MarkBestMatch(&result)
- // now we can get the series information for each best match
+ // now we can get the season information for each best match
for i := range result.TVSearchResults {
if result.TVSearchResults[i].BestMatch {
- result.TVSearchResults[i].Seasons, _ = findTVSeriesInfo(result.TVSearchResults[i].URL)
+ result.TVSearchResults[i].Seasons, _ = findTVSeasonInfo(result.TVSearchResults[i].URL)
tvSearchResult <- result
-func findTVSeriesInfo(seriesURL string) (tvSeries []types.TVSeasonResult, err error) {
+func findTVSeasonInfo(seriesURL string) (tvSeasons []types.TVSeasonResult, err error) {
// make a request to the url
rawData, err := makeRequest(seriesURL, http.MethodGet, "")
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("findTVSeriesInfo: Error making web request:", err)
- return tvSeries, err
+ fmt.Println("findTVSeasonInfo: Error making web request:", err)
+ return tvSeasons, err
- tvSeries = findTVSeriesInResponse(rawData)
- return tvSeries, nil
+ tvSeasons = findTVSeasonsInResponse(rawData)
+ return tvSeasons, nil
-func findTVSeriesInResponse(response string) (tvSeries []types.TVSeasonResult) {
+func findTVSeasonsInResponse(response string) (tvSeasons []types.TVSeasonResult) {
// look for the series in the response
r := regexp.MustCompile(`
match := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(response, -1)
for i, m := range match {
- tvSeries = append(tvSeries, types.TVSeasonResult{Number: i, URL: m[1]})
+ tvSeasons = append(tvSeasons, types.TVSeasonResult{Number: i, URL: m[1]})
// remove the first entry as it is general information
- results := make([]types.TVSeasonResult, 0, len(tvSeries))
- if len(tvSeries) > 0 {
- tvSeries = tvSeries[1:]
+ scrapedTVSeasonResults := make([]types.TVSeasonResult, 0, len(tvSeasons))
+ if len(tvSeasons) > 0 {
+ tvSeasons = tvSeasons[1:]
- for i := range tvSeries {
- seriesResult, err := makeSeriesRequest(tvSeries[i])
+ for i := range tvSeasons {
+ detailedSeasonResults, err := makeSeasonRequest(tvSeasons[i])
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error making series request:", err)
+ fmt.Println("findTVSeasonsInResponse: Error making season request:", err)
- results = append(results, seriesResult)
+ scrapedTVSeasonResults = append(scrapedTVSeasonResults, detailedSeasonResults...)
// sort the results by number
- sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool {
- return results[i].Number < results[j].Number
+ sort.Slice(scrapedTVSeasonResults, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return scrapedTVSeasonResults[i].Number < scrapedTVSeasonResults[j].Number
- return results
+ return scrapedTVSeasonResults
-func makeSeriesRequest(tv types.TVSeasonResult) (types.TVSeasonResult, error) {
+func makeSeasonRequest(tv types.TVSeasonResult) (result []types.TVSeasonResult, err error) {
rawData, err := makeRequest(cinemaparadisoSeriesURL, http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("FilmID=%s", tv.URL))
if err != nil {
- return tv, fmt.Errorf("makeSeriesRequest: error making request: %w", err)
+ return result, fmt.Errorf("makeSeasonRequest: error making request: %w", err)
+ // os.WriteFile("series.html", []byte(rawData), 0644)
// write the raw data to a file
r := regexp.MustCompile(`{.."Media..":.."(.*?)",.."ReleaseDate..":.."(.*?)"}`)
// Find all matches
matches := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(rawData, -1)
+ // there will be multiple formats for each season eg https://www.cinemaparadiso.co.uk/rentals/airwolf-171955.html#dvd
for _, match := range matches {
- tv.Format = append(tv.Format, strings.ReplaceAll(match[1], "\\", ""))
+ newSeason := types.TVSeasonResult{}
+ newSeason.Number = tv.Number
+ newSeason.Format = strings.ReplaceAll(match[1], "\\", "")
+ newSeason.URL = fmt.Sprintf("https://www.cinemaparadiso.co.uk/rentals/%s.html#%s", tv.URL, newSeason.Format)
// strip slashes from the date
date := strings.ReplaceAll(match[2], "\\", "")
var releaseDate time.Time
@@ -243,9 +248,10 @@ func makeSeriesRequest(tv types.TVSeasonResult) (types.TVSeasonResult, error) {
if err != nil {
releaseDate = time.Time{}
- tv.ReleaseDate = releaseDate
+ newSeason.ReleaseDate = releaseDate
+ result = append(result, newSeason)
- return tv, nil
+ return result, nil
func findTitlesInResponse(response string, movie bool) (movieResults []types.MovieSearchResult, tvResults []types.TVSearchResult) {
diff --git a/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso_test.go b/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso_test.go
index d6cff49..ee9012d 100644
--- a/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso_test.go
+++ b/cinemaparadiso/cinemaparadiso_test.go
@@ -67,27 +67,37 @@ func TestFindTVSeriesInResponse(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Error reading testdata/friends.html: %s", err)
- tvSeries := findTVSeriesInResponse(string(rawdata))
+ tvSeries := findTVSeasonsInResponse(string(rawdata))
- if len(tvSeries) != 10 {
- t.Errorf("Expected 10 tv series, but got %d", len(tvSeries))
+ if len(tvSeries) != 20 {
+ t.Errorf("Expected 20 tv series, but got %d", len(tvSeries))
// check the first tv series
- if tvSeries[0].Number != 1 {
+ if tvSeries[1].Number != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected number 1, but got %d", tvSeries[0].Number)
- expected := time.Date(2012, time.November, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+ expected := time.Date(2004, time.October, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
if tvSeries[0].ReleaseDate.Compare(expected) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected date %s, but got %s", expected, tvSeries[0].ReleaseDate)
if tvSeries[0].Number != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected number 1, but got %d", tvSeries[0].Number)
- if tvSeries[0].Format[0] != types.DiskDVD {
- t.Errorf("Expected format %s, but got %s", types.DiskDVD, tvSeries[0].Format[0])
+ if tvSeries[0].Format != types.DiskDVD {
+ t.Errorf("Expected dvd, but got %s", tvSeries[0].Format)
+ }
+ if tvSeries[1].Number != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Expected number 1, but got %d", tvSeries[0].Number)
+ }
+ expected = time.Date(2012, time.November, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+ if tvSeries[1].ReleaseDate.Compare(expected) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("Expected date %s, but got %s", expected, tvSeries[0].ReleaseDate)
+ }
+ if tvSeries[1].Number != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("Expected number 1, but got %d", tvSeries[0].Number)
- if tvSeries[0].Format[1] != types.DiskBluray {
- t.Errorf("Expected format %s, but got %s", types.DiskBluray, tvSeries[0].Format[1])
+ if tvSeries[1].Format != types.DiskBluray {
+ t.Errorf("Expected Blu-ray, but got %s", tvSeries[0].Format)
@@ -104,7 +114,7 @@ func TestSearchCinemaParadisoTV(t *testing.T) {
Year: "2010",
ch := make(chan types.SearchResults, 1)
- searchCinemaParadisoTV(&show, ch)
+ searchTVShow(&show, ch)
got := <-ch
if len(got.TVSearchResults) == 0 {
@@ -154,7 +164,7 @@ func TestScrapeMovieTitlesParallel(t *testing.T) {
- detailedSearchResults := ScrapeMovieTitlesParallel(searchResults)
+ detailedSearchResults := ScrapeMoviesParallel(searchResults)
if len(detailedSearchResults) != len(searchResults) {
t.Errorf("Expected %d detailed search results, but got %d", len(searchResults), len(detailedSearchResults))
diff --git a/cmd/amazon.go b/cmd/amazon.go
index 59e8e1b..6aaf139 100644
--- a/cmd/amazon.go
+++ b/cmd/amazon.go
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func performAmazonLookup() {
if libraryType == types.PlexMovieType {
plexMovies := initializePlexMovies()
// lets search movies in amazon
- searchResults := amazon.SearchAmazonMoviesInParallel(plexMovies, "", amazonRegion)
+ searchResults := amazon.MoviesInParallel(plexMovies, "", amazonRegion)
for i := range searchResults {
for _, individualResult := range searchResults[i].MovieSearchResults {
if individualResult.BestMatch && (individualResult.Format == types.DiskBluray || individualResult.Format == types.Disk4K) {
diff --git a/cmd/cinemaparadiso.go b/cmd/cinemaparadiso.go
index 29a3869..96c1c5e 100644
--- a/cmd/cinemaparadiso.go
+++ b/cmd/cinemaparadiso.go
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func performCinemaParadisoLookup() {
if libraryType == types.PlexMovieType {
plexMovies := initializePlexMovies()
// lets search movies in cinemaparadiso
- searchResults := cinemaparadiso.GetCinemaParadisoMoviesInParallel(plexMovies)
+ searchResults := cinemaparadiso.MoviesInParallel(plexMovies)
// if hit, and contains any format that isnt dvd, print the movie
for i := range searchResults {
for _, individualResult := range searchResults[i].MovieSearchResults {
diff --git a/plex/plex.go b/plex/plex.go
index 21087d1..3328cda 100644
--- a/plex/plex.go
+++ b/plex/plex.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
+ "sort"
@@ -764,6 +765,9 @@ func GetPlexTV(ipAddress, libraryID, plexToken string) (tvShowList []types.PlexT
var filteredTVShows []types.PlexTVShow
for i := range tvShowList {
if len(tvShowList[i].Seasons) > 0 {
+ // set the first and last episode air dates
+ tvShowList[i].FirstEpisodeAired = tvShowList[i].Seasons[0].FirstEpisodeAired
+ tvShowList[i].LastEpisodeAired = tvShowList[i].Seasons[len(tvShowList[i].Seasons)-1].LastEpisodeAired
filteredTVShows = append(filteredTVShows, tvShowList[i])
@@ -810,10 +814,16 @@ func getPlexTVSeasons(ipAddress, plexToken, ratingKey string) (seasonList []type
// now we have all of the resolutions for the episodes
detailedSeasons[i].LowestResolution = findLowestResolution(listOfResolutions)
- // get the last episode added date
+ // get the dates for the season
detailedSeasons[i].LastEpisodeAdded = detailedSeasons[i].Episodes[len(detailedSeasons[i].Episodes)-1].DateAdded
+ detailedSeasons[i].LastEpisodeAired = detailedSeasons[i].Episodes[len(detailedSeasons[i].Episodes)-1].OriginallyAired
+ detailedSeasons[i].FirstEpisodeAired = detailedSeasons[i].Episodes[0].OriginallyAired
filteredSeasons = append(filteredSeasons, detailedSeasons[i])
+ // sort the seasons by season number
+ sort.Slice(filteredSeasons, func(i, j int) bool {
+ return filteredSeasons[i].Number < filteredSeasons[j].Number
+ })
return filteredSeasons
@@ -877,16 +887,15 @@ func extractTVEpisodes(xmlString string) (episodeList []types.PlexTVEpisode) {
for i := range container.Video {
- intTime, err := strconv.ParseInt(container.Video[i].AddedAt, 10, 64)
- var parsedDate time.Time
+ dateAdded := parsePlexDate(container.Video[i].AddedAt)
+ // "2017-04-21"
+ originallyAired, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", container.Video[i].OriginallyAvailableAt)
if err != nil {
- parsedDate = time.Time{}
- } else {
- parsedDate = time.Unix(intTime, 0)
+ originallyAired = time.Time{}
episodeList = append(episodeList, types.PlexTVEpisode{
Title: container.Video[i].Title, Resolution: container.Video[i].Media.VideoResolution,
- Index: container.Video[i].Index, DateAdded: parsedDate})
+ Index: container.Video[i].Index, DateAdded: dateAdded, OriginallyAired: originallyAired})
return episodeList
diff --git a/types/types.go b/types/types.go
index e7dcab6..b2472ef 100644
--- a/types/types.go
+++ b/types/types.go
@@ -75,27 +75,32 @@ type MovieSearchResult struct {
// ==============================================================================================================
type PlexTVShow struct {
- Title string
- Year string
- RatingKey string
- DateAdded time.Time
- Seasons []PlexTVSeason
+ Title string
+ Year string
+ RatingKey string
+ DateAdded time.Time
+ FirstEpisodeAired time.Time
+ LastEpisodeAired time.Time
+ Seasons []PlexTVSeason
type PlexTVSeason struct {
- Title string
- Number int
- RatingKey string
- LowestResolution string
- LastEpisodeAdded time.Time
- Episodes []PlexTVEpisode
+ Title string
+ Number int
+ RatingKey string
+ LowestResolution string
+ LastEpisodeAdded time.Time
+ FirstEpisodeAired time.Time
+ LastEpisodeAired time.Time
+ Episodes []PlexTVEpisode
type PlexTVEpisode struct {
- Title string
- Index string
- Resolution string
- DateAdded time.Time
+ Title string
+ Index string
+ Resolution string
+ DateAdded time.Time
+ OriginallyAired time.Time
type TVSearchResult struct {
@@ -107,14 +112,14 @@ type TVSearchResult struct {
Year string
ReleaseDate time.Time
NewRelease bool
- BoxSet bool
Seasons []TVSeasonResult
type TVSeasonResult struct {
Number int
URL string
- Format []string
+ Format string
+ BoxSet bool
ReleaseDate time.Time
diff --git a/utils/utils.go b/utils/utils.go
index 7256cf0..f5575a8 100644
--- a/utils/utils.go
+++ b/utils/utils.go
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ func MarkBestMatch(search *types.SearchResults) types.SearchResults {
+ expectedYear = YearToDate(search.PlexTVShow.Year)
for i := range search.TVSearchResults {
resultYear := YearToDate(search.TVSearchResults[i].Year)
if search.TVSearchResults[i].FoundTitle == search.PlexTVShow.Title && WitinOneYear(resultYear.Year(), expectedYear.Year()) {
diff --git a/web/movies/movies.go b/web/movies/movies.go
index f4bd8b6..cea43ae 100644
--- a/web/movies/movies.go
+++ b/web/movies/movies.go
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ func (c MoviesConfig) ProcessHTML(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
go func() {
startTime := time.Now()
if lookup == "cinemaParadiso" {
- searchResults = cinemaparadiso.GetCinemaParadisoMoviesInParallel(filteredPlexMovies)
+ searchResults = cinemaparadiso.MoviesInParallel(filteredPlexMovies)
if lookupFilters.NewerVersion {
- searchResults = cinemaparadiso.ScrapeMovieTitlesParallel(searchResults)
+ searchResults = cinemaparadiso.ScrapeMoviesParallel(searchResults)
} else {
- searchResults = amazon.SearchAmazonMoviesInParallel(filteredPlexMovies, lookupFilters.AudioLanguage, c.Config.AmazonRegion)
+ searchResults = amazon.MoviesInParallel(filteredPlexMovies, lookupFilters.AudioLanguage, c.Config.AmazonRegion)
// if we are filtering by newer version, we need to search again
if lookupFilters.NewerVersion {
- searchResults = amazon.ScrapeTitlesParallel(searchResults, c.Config.AmazonRegion)
+ searchResults = amazon.ScrapeTitlesParallel(searchResults, c.Config.AmazonRegion, false)
diff --git a/web/tv/tv.go b/web/tv/tv.go
index 5325460..b2ea301 100644
--- a/web/tv/tv.go
+++ b/web/tv/tv.go
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func (c TVConfig) ProcessHTML(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
filters = newFilters
//nolint: gocritic
- // plexTV = plexTV[:30]
+ //plexTV = plexTV[:10]
//lint: gocritic
tvJobRunning = true
@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ func (c TVConfig) ProcessHTML(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
go func() {
startTime := time.Now()
if lookup == "cinemaParadiso" {
- tvSearchResults = cinemaparadiso.GetCinemaParadisoTVInParallel(plexTV)
+ tvSearchResults = cinemaparadiso.TVInParallel(plexTV)
} else {
- tvSearchResults = amazon.SearchAmazonTVInParallel(plexTV, filters.AudioLanguage, c.Config.AmazonRegion)
+ tvSearchResults = amazon.TVInParallel(plexTV, filters.AudioLanguage, c.Config.AmazonRegion)
+ tvSearchResults = amazon.ScrapeTitlesParallel(tvSearchResults, c.Config.AmazonRegion, true)
tvJobRunning = false
fmt.Printf("\nProcessed %d TV Shows in %v\n", totalTV, time.Since(startTime))
@@ -99,30 +100,25 @@ func renderTVTable(searchResults []types.SearchResults) (tableRows string) {
tableRows = `Plex Title | Blu-ray Seasons | 4K-ray Seasons | Disc |
` //nolint: lll
for i := range searchResults {
// build up plex season / resolution row
- seasony := "Season:"
- for _, season := range searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons {
- seasony += fmt.Sprintf(" %d@%s,", season.Number, season.LowestResolution)
+ plexSeasonsString := "Season:"
+ for j := range searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons {
+ plexSeasonsString += fmt.Sprintf(" %d@%s,",
+ searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons[j].Number, searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons[j].LowestResolution)
- seasony = seasony[:len(seasony)-1] // remove trailing comma
+ plexSeasonsString = plexSeasonsString[:len(plexSeasonsString)-1] // remove trailing comma
tableRows += fmt.Sprintf(
`%s [%v] %s | %d | %d | `,
- searchResults[i].SearchURL, searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Title, searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Year, seasony,
+ searchResults[i].SearchURL, searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Title, searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Year, plexSeasonsString,
searchResults[i].MatchesBluray, searchResults[i].Matches4k)
if (searchResults[i].MatchesBluray + searchResults[i].Matches4k) > 0 {
tableRows += ""
for j := range searchResults[i].TVSearchResults {
if searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].BestMatch {
- if searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].BoxSet {
- tableRows += fmt.Sprintf(`%s Box Set`,
- searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].URL, searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].Format[0])
- } else {
- for _, season := range searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].Seasons {
- disks := fmt.Sprintf("%v", season.Format)
- tableRows += fmt.Sprintf(
- `Season %d: %v`,
- searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].URL, season.Number, disks)
- tableRows += " "
- }
+ for _, season := range searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].Seasons {
+ tableRows += fmt.Sprintf(
+ `Season %d: %v`,
+ searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[j].URL, season.Number, season.Format)
+ tableRows += " "
@@ -148,10 +144,11 @@ func removeOwnedTVSeasons(searchResults []types.SearchResults) []types.SearchRes
if len(searchResults[i].TVSearchResults) > 0 {
tvSeasonsToRemove := make([]types.TVSeasonResult, 0)
// iterate over plex tv season
- for _, plexSeasons := range searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons {
+ for plexSeasonPointer := range searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons {
// iterate over search results
for _, searchSeasons := range searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[0].Seasons {
- if searchSeasons.Number == plexSeasons.Number && !discBeatsPlexResolution(plexSeasons.LowestResolution, searchSeasons.Format) {
+ if searchSeasons.Number == searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons[plexSeasonPointer].Number &&
+ !discBeatsPlexResolution(searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons[plexSeasonPointer].LowestResolution, searchSeasons.Format) {
tvSeasonsToRemove = append(tvSeasonsToRemove, searchSeasons)
@@ -167,10 +164,10 @@ func removeOldDiscReleases(searchResults []types.SearchResults) []types.SearchRe
if len(searchResults[i].TVSearchResults) > 0 {
tvSeasonsToRemove := make([]types.TVSeasonResult, 0)
// iterate over plex tv season
- for _, plexSeasons := range searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons {
+ for plesSeasonPointer := range searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons {
// iterate over search results
for _, searchSeasons := range searchResults[i].TVSearchResults[0].Seasons {
- if searchSeasons.ReleaseDate.Compare(plexSeasons.LastEpisodeAdded) == 1 {
+ if searchSeasons.ReleaseDate.Compare(searchResults[i].PlexTVShow.Seasons[plesSeasonPointer].LastEpisodeAdded) == 1 {
tvSeasonsToRemove = append(tvSeasonsToRemove, searchSeasons)
@@ -198,18 +195,16 @@ func cleanTVSeasons(original, toRemove []types.TVSeasonResult) []types.TVSeasonR
return cleaned
-func discBeatsPlexResolution(lowestPlexResolution string, format []string) bool {
- for i := range format {
- switch format[i] {
- case types.Disk4K:
- return true // 4K beats everything
- case types.DiskBluray:
- if slices.Contains([]string{types.PlexResolution1080, types.PlexResolution720, // HD
- types.PlexResolution576, types.PlexResolution480, types.PlexResolution240, types.PlexResolutionSD}, // SD
- lowestPlexResolution) {
- return true
- }
- } // DVD is not considered
- }
+func discBeatsPlexResolution(lowestPlexResolution, format string) bool {
+ switch format {
+ case types.Disk4K:
+ return true // 4K beats everything
+ case types.DiskBluray:
+ if slices.Contains([]string{types.PlexResolution1080, types.PlexResolution720, // HD
+ types.PlexResolution576, types.PlexResolution480, types.PlexResolution240, types.PlexResolutionSD}, // SD
+ lowestPlexResolution) {
+ return true
+ }
+ } // DVD is not considered
return false
diff --git a/web/tv/tv_test.go b/web/tv/tv_test.go
index 7fbc5b7..6c2c9a4 100644
--- a/web/tv/tv_test.go
+++ b/web/tv/tv_test.go
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func TestCleanTVSeries(t *testing.T) {
func Test_discBeatsPlexResolution(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
lowestResolution string
- format []string
+ format string
tests := []struct {
name string
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func Test_discBeatsPlexResolution(t *testing.T) {
name: "4K disc beats everything",
args: args{
lowestResolution: types.PlexResolution4K,
- format: []string{types.Disk4K},
+ format: types.Disk4K,
want: true,
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func Test_discBeatsPlexResolution(t *testing.T) {
name: "Blu-ray disc beats 1080p",
args: args{
lowestResolution: types.PlexResolution1080,
- format: []string{types.DiskBluray},
+ format: types.DiskBluray,
want: true,
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func Test_discBeatsPlexResolution(t *testing.T) {
name: "Blu-ray disc is beaten by 4K",
args: args{
lowestResolution: types.PlexResolution4K,
- format: []string{types.DiskBluray},
+ format: types.DiskBluray,
want: false,