- AWS Account with VPC
- VPC Subnets with access to internet.
- SSH Key Pair for accessing hosts. For security reasons ssh key pair is not created as part of provisioning
Totem ECS cluster requires certain components to be created for all clusters. These are created automatically by spinning up cloudformation stack: totem-global.
aws cloudformation deploy \
--region=<aws-region> \
--template-file=./totem-global.yml \
--stack-name=totem-global \
- The global stack requires IAM capabilities to create instance profiles and service roles.
- If the specified stack name already exists, the current stack will be updated.
Environment stack is used to create environmental resources for the cluster that requires IAM capabilities like
- instance role
- service role
These environment components can automatically by spinning up cloudformation stack: totem-environment.
set -o pipefail
TOTEM_BUCKET="$(aws --profile=$PROFILE cloudformation describe-stack-resource \
--logical-resource-id=TotemBucket \
--stack-name=totem-global \
--output text | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')" &&
OUTPUT_TEMPLATE="$TOTEM_BUCKET/cloudformation/totem-environment.yml" &&
aws --profile=$PROFILE s3 cp ./provisioning/totem-environment.yml s3://$OUTPUT_TEMPLATE &&
aws --profile=$PROFILE cloudformation create-stack \
--template-url=https://s3.amazonaws.com/$OUTPUT_TEMPLATE \
--stack-name=totem-environment \
--capabilities=CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--tags \
"Key=app,Value=totem-v3" \
"Key=env,Value=development" \
"Key=client,Value=totem" \
- The environment stack requires IAM capabilities to create instance profiles and service roles.
- If the specified stack name already exists, the current stack will be updated.
- This step assumes that global resources have already been created using totem global stack.
Note: This step assumes that
- global resources have already been created using global stack.
- Environment Stack have already been created using environment stack.
aws cloudformation deploy \
--region=<aws-region> \
--template-file=./totem-cluster.yml \
--stack-name=totem-cluster \
--parameter-overrides \
"ECSSubnetID=<comma-separated-subnet-ids>" \
"KeyName=<ssh-key-pair-name>" \
Here is the list of complete parameters that can be overridden
Parameter Name | Required | Default Value | Example Value | Description |
ECSSubnetID | Yes | subnet-fasb4e9e,subnet-ad66abf4 | Comma separated private VPC subnets | |
KeyName | Yes | totem-development | SSH Key Pair for ECS hosts | |
EcsSecurityGroups | Yes | sg-a7fea2ba,sg-a6aeb3ea | Comma separated security groups for ECS hosts | |
DesiredCapacity | No | 1 | 2 | Number of instances to launch in your ECS cluster |
MaxSize | No | 1 | 3 | Maximum number of instances that can be launched in your ECS cluster |
InstanceType | No | t2.micro | r3.large | EC2 Instance Size |
EnvironmentStack | No | totem-environment | totem-environment-production | Name of totem environment stack for cross stack reference |
StackVersion | No | 1.0.0 | 1.0.1 | Version identifier for current stack |
Environment | No | development | production | Environment for the current stack (for tagging) |
- This step assumes that there are no services being currently deployed to current cluster.
aws cloudformation delete-stack \
--region=<aws-region> \