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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 13, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: Torbuntu/Leikr

Dependency Boost

29 Sep 00:03
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No new features in this release.
A number of dependency version bumps.


13 Nov 03:45
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Leikr is now written in Groovy!

Fixed some commands that were not working quite right.

Updated sprite methods to be more uniform and fixed some broken ones.

Input redo

08 Aug 18:52
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Temporarily removing Controller input until I can rework it to be more stable and usable.

Removed Tools/Utilities as separate concepts. They will now simply live in Programs with games and programs.

Version bumps

07 Aug 19:26
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Bumping the version of some libraries.

Some bug fixes

17 Apr 21:34
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A few places were still trying to read from Mdx.files.local instead of Mdx.files.external.

Fixed the DataManager being able to save/load data using the correct gamePath variable.

New Security

15 Apr 22:16
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  • New approach to security using a custom ClassLoader
  • Remove old buggy java security policy
  • Leikr still takes a launch parameter insecure for running without security
  • Fixed SpriteLoader's lookup for loadSpriteSheet(String project) loading external sheets
  • Added more javadocs
  • A new "Transition" animation. Would like feedback on ways to make this look cooler. It is essentially the "inserting cartridge" transition before the load screen.


10 Apr 19:20
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  • Adding WizRobo as another demo again, now with sounds!
  • Adding version command to terminal
  • Some math commands have been updated to take BigDecimal to remove need for casting from Groovy code. (floor)


02 Apr 20:02
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Fixed spriteSc with flipX/Y arguments was causing glitching.

Upgraded framework dependency versions.

Customized Environment

20 Oct 11:58
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  • The cursor is now, again, released during a game when it is paused. This stops folks from being trapped in Leikr until they stop running a game/program
  • Updated some libs (including now using Groovy 4 alpha)


  • Leikr now checks for a LEIKR_HOME environment variable. This is used to set a custom leikr.home directory so you no longer have to be stuck with a Leikr directory using up space in your clean $HOME directory :) be advised, this is an absolute path, so an example would be: /home/username/Projects, Leikr on startup will find that path and set /home/username/Projects/Leikr/ and related subdirectories there. This does not remove the Leikr sandboxing jvm policy.
  • > home [path] command is now available in the Leikr terminal view. This will dynamically at runtime adjust the new LEKR_HOME location. Mostly I only see this being useful for testing, since it does not persist the location (you will need to set the LEIKR_HOME variable externally for this to be permanent)


  • The usual refactor/cleanup.

Command fixes

03 Oct 04:19
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Discovered most of the commands got broken when run from Flatpak. Made some fixes for the new path on $HOME/Leikr