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This is a simple sample code for the Hakoniwa Bridge.
With this sample code, you can test the following:
- Writing PDU data from a virtual Hakoniwa asset allows it to be referenced on the edge side.
- Delivering PDU data from the edge side allows it to be referenced by the virtual Hakoniwa asset.
The configuration of the sample program is as shown in the diagram below.
The virtual side Hakoniwa asset, HakoAssetSample, performs read and write operations on the Hakoniwa PDU data.
The data read by HakoAssetSample is RobotAvator_cmd_pos
The data written by HakoAssetSample are RobotAvator_baggage_sensor
and RobotAvator_bumper_sensor
These data are shared with the edge side (Real) through ShmProxy.
On the real side, it can be published/subscribed as ROS topics through RosProxy.
The data written by HakoAssetSample, RobotAvator_baggage_sensor
and RobotAvator_bumper_sensor
, can be referenced using ros2 topic echo.
The data read by HakoAssetSample, RobotAvator_cmd_pos
, can be sent using the ros2 topic echo command.
Please install the necessary software on both the virtual and edge sides beforehand.
Build the sample program for the virtual side.
cd examples
bash build.bash
Upon success, the following file will be created:
% ls cmake-build/sample
Please create RosProxy
by using the following custom.json.
cd hakoniwa-bridge/third-party/hakoniwa-ros2pdu
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/toppers/hakoniwa-bridge/main/examples/custom.json
bash create_proxy_ros_zenoh.bash custom.json
cd workspace
colcon build --packages-select hako_ros_proxy
Start ShmProxy.
./cmake-build/shm-proxy/shm-proxy ShmProxy ../examples/custom.json 20 master
Start the sample program.
./cmake-build/sample HakoSampleAsset ./custom.json 20
Upon success, logs will be output every second as follows:
Robot: RobotAvator, PduWriter: RobotAvator_baggage_sensor
channel_id: 1 pdu_size: 28
INFO: RobotAvator create_lchannel: logical_id=1 real_id=1 size=28
Robot: RobotAvator, PduWriter: RobotAvator_bumper_sensor
channel_id: 2 pdu_size: 28
INFO: RobotAvator create_lchannel: logical_id=2 real_id=2 size=28
INFO: asset(Hello) is registered.
INFO: my_on_initialize enter
INFO: sleep 1sec
INFO: my_on_initialize exit
INFO: start simulation
INFO: on_simulation_step enter: 20000
20000: pos data(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
INFO: on_simulation_step exit
INFO: on_simulation_step enter: 40000
40000: pos data(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
INFO: on_simulation_step exit
INFO: on_simulation_step enter: 60000
60000: pos data(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
INFO: on_simulation_step exit
Start the simulation with the Hakoniwa command.
hako-cmd start
Start RosProxy.
ros2 run hako_ros_proxy hako_ros_proxy_node
Display the list of ROS2 topics.
ros2 topic list
Reference the data written by HakoAssetSample, RobotAvator_baggage_sensor
and RobotAvator_bumper_sensor
, using ros2 topic echo.
ros2 topic echo /RobotAvator_baggage_sensor
Output: Display continues toggling between true and false
$ ros2 topic echo /RobotAvator_baggage_sensor
data: true
data: false
data: true
data: false
ros2 topic echo /RobotAvator_bumper_sensor:
Output: Display continues toggling between true and false
$ ros2 topic echo RobotAvator_bumper_sensor
data: true
data: false
data: true
data: false
Send the data read by HakoAssetSample, RobotAvator_cmd_pos
, using the ros2 topic echo command as follows.
ros2 topic pub RobotAvator_cmd_pos geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
"{linear: {x: 3.5, y: 2.0, z: 1.0}, angular: {x: 0.1, y: 0.1, z: 0.2}}"
Upon success, the virtual side will display the received data as follows:
INFO: on_simulation_step enter: 2500000
2500000: pos data(3.500000, 2.000000, 1.000000)
INFO: on_simulation_step exit