description |
How to convert between different aspects of data for |
In Cosmos, every denomination amount is formatted as an unsigned integer. With this, the chain does not have to deal with fractions. For an EVM chain this amount is typically 10**18
power, while Juno and other native Cosmos chains use the 10**6
power. This means if I want to send you 1 JUNO, I am actually sending 1,000,000 of the smaller token.
You can figure out which power a token uses by its prefix character in the denomination. In the case of JUNO, the actual denomination is shown as ujuno
. This u signals that it is using any amount times 10**6
to get the human readable amount.
{% hint style="info" %}
10JUNO = 10,000,000ujuno
0.5 JUNO = 500,000ujuno
0.00001 JUNO = 10ujuno
This means the smallest amount anyone can send is 0.000001 JUNO
{% endhint %}
Convert the validator operator wallet to a standard base address
// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
import {toBech32, fromBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
let toPrefix = "juno"
let initial = "junovaloper196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcqcnylw"
let converted = toBech32(toPrefix, fromBech32(initial).data)
// juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh
{% hint style="info" %} You can only convert between the same cointype, so converting a JUNO (118) to EVM address such as Terra's 330 will not properly convert. This is not possible to do without their private key {% endhint %}
// Typescript
// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
import {toBech32, fromBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
let toPrefix = "cosmos"
let initial = "juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh"
let converted = toBech32(toPrefix, fromBech32(initial).data)
// cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt
# pip install bech32 -
import bech32
address = "juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh"
def address_convert(address=address, prefix="cosmos"):
_, data = bech32.bech32_decode(address)
return bech32.bech32_encode(prefix, data)
converted_addr = address_convert(address, "cosmos")
# cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt
junod debug bech32-convert juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh -p cosmos
# cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt
// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
import {fromHex, toBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
// where junovalcons is the wallet prefix for the chain + valcons
const prefix = "junovalcons"
let addr = toBech32(prefix, fromHex("1470B9237056641663CB4DFDEC86B064578B29BF"))
// This outputs junovalcons1z3ctjgms2ejpvc7tfh77ep4sv3tck2dl30r3mx
// which matches their page
With this, you can now make a mapping between a junovaloper and signing junovalcons address
Convert juno address between hex
and bech32
junod debug addr [address] [flags]
{% hint style="info" %} TIP
The command will accept either hex
or bech32
coded address as the [address]
argument. The command will return the same output for either.
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} TIP
Your bech32
encoded juno local addresses can be queried with junod keys list
{% endhint %}
Example usage:
# query bech32 encoded address
junod debug addr juno1ludczrvlw36fkur9vy49lx4vjqhppn30h42ufg
# query hex address
junod debug addr FF1B810D9F74749B7065612A5F9AAC902E10CE2F
Address: [255 27 129 13 159 116 116 155 112 101 97 42 95 154 172 144 46 16 206 47]
Address (hex): FF1B810D9F74749B7065612A5F9AAC902E10CE2F
Bech32 Acc: juno1ludczrvlw36fkur9vy49lx4vjqhppn30h42ufg
Bech32 Val: junovaloper1ludczrvlw36fkur9vy49lx4vjqhppn30ggunj3
Convert raw bytes output (eg. [10 21 13 127]) to hex
junod debug raw-bytes <raw-bytes>
Example command:
junod debug raw-bytes "10 21 13 127"
Convert a validators public key to the validator consensus tendermint address
{% hint style="info" %}
You can get the Public Key from the REST/LCD endpoint:
{% endhint %}
// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
import {fromBase64, toBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
// npm i @cosmjs/crypto
import { sha256 } from '@cosmjs/crypto'
let prefix = "junovalcons"
// Chain Format:
// {
// "@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
// "key":"/O7BtNW0pafwfvomgR4ZnfldwPXiFfJs9mHg3gwfv5Q="
// }
// we just need the .key string from the object
let pubKey = "/O7BtNW0pafwfvomgR4ZnfldwPXiFfJs9mHg3gwfv5Q="
const addr = toBech32(prefix, sha256(fromBase64(pubKey)).slice(0, 20))
// junovalcons1z3ctjgms2ejpvc7tfh77ep4sv3tck2dl30r3mx
Decode a ED255191 pubkey from hex
, base64
, or bech32
junod debug pubkey [pubkey] [flags]
{% hint style="info" %} TIP
The command will accept hex
, base64
or bech32
coded keys as [pubkey]
argument. The command will return the same output for any of these inputs.
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} TIP
Your bech32
encoded validator pubkey can be queried with junod tendermint show-validator
{% endhint %}
Example usage:
# query hex address
junod debug pubkey F2AF5F796A1626C8BB51535E361F2E4B66A61B9AAD177B83452E0FCD5A14690DE
# query base64 encoded address
junod debug pubkey 8q9feWoWJsi7UVNeNh8uS2amG5qtF3uDRS4PzVoUaQ0=
# query base32 encoded address
junod debug pubkey junopub1zcjduepq72h477t2zcnv3w632d0rv8ewfdn2vxu645thhq699c8u6ks5dyxs7f2qt6Returns something similar to:
Address: A50DF747BBF892E0FB0BCBAE6C3E2A5AE4A17D5A
Hex: F2AF5F796A1626C8BB51535E361F2E4B66A61B9AAD177B83452E0FCD5A14690D
JSON (base64): {"type":"tendermint/PubKeyEd25519","value":"8q9feWoWJsi7UVNeNh8uS2amG5qtF3uDRS4PzVoUaQ0="}
Bech32 Acc: junopub1zcjduepq72h477t2zcnv3w632d0rv8ewfdn2vxu645thhq699c8u6ks5dyxs7f2qt6
Bech32 Validator Operator: junovaloperpub1zcjduepq72h477t2zcnv3w632d0rv8ewfdn2vxu645thhq699c8u6ks5dyxssaf8x6
Bech32 Validator Consensus: junovalconspub1zcjduepq72h477t2zcnv3w632d0rv8ewfdn2vxu645thhq699c8u6ks5dyxsahwpfj