All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.2.0 (2022-11-12)
2.1.6 (2022-08-27)
2.1.5 (2022-08-21)
- fix types errors (c9ff4f4)
2.1.4 (2021-05-29)
- Cursor jump to line start in input area. (#31)
- Can not save with "detective simplified to Traditional" as auto convert option. (#22 #30)
- Grant permission for clipboard failed message now show properly.
- Switching default word now work properly (#23).
- Cursor now do not jump to line start when typing on input area (#10).
- All relating punctuations now collect and send to converter (#11).
- Prevent detect language API failed (#12).
- v1 preference for Google Chromium is now handle properly on importing (#15).
- Remove
permission due no using.
- Remove trailing bracket in context menu.
- Change default shortcut due to Chrome disallow combination of
. - Update i18n messages.
- Replace plain text in UI by i18n messages.
Compare to v1.5.1
- New convert core with completely new algorithm, convert speed is significantly increase 🚀.
- New settings page UI design.
- Import preferences is now checking with schema, provide an option to fix imported preferences if broken.
- Reset preference is now support
andReset All
, latter wipe out everthing including custom mapping words. - New Detective Auto Convert Mode which detect page content first, do nothing if page content not Chinese.
- New Default Convert Target, if page content is unknown, then extension will convert to default target.
- New Dynamic Mode which reponsively convert on page content changed (SPA web page is now supported).
- New Debug Mode which logging infomation to debug console.
- Domain rule is now support both plain text and regular expression.
- New BrowserAction Context Menu, including direct set domain rule and emit clipboard convert.
- Clipboard convert menu is moved to browser action (icon) context menu.
- Clipboard permissions is now optional.