[build-system] requires = [ "hatchling >=1.11.1,<2.0.0", "hatch-vcs >=0.3.0,<0.4", ] build-backend = "hatchling.build" [project] name = "dymoprint" description = "Linux Software to print with LabelManager PnP from Dymo" readme = "README.md" url = "https://github.com/computerlyrik/dymoprint" authors = [{name = "Sebastian J. Bronner", email = "waschtl@sbronner.com"}] maintainers = [{name = "Ben Mares", email = "services-dymoprint@tensorial.com"}] license = "Apache-2.0" license-file = "LICENSE" dependencies = [ "importlib-metadata; python_version<'3.8'", "appdirs", "Pillow>=8.1.2,<11", "PyQRCode>=1.2.1,<2", "python-barcode>=0.13.1,<1", "pyusb", "PyQt6", "PyQt6-tools", ] classifiers = [ "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Topic :: Printing" ] dynamic = ["version"] requires-python = ">=3.7,<4" [project.urls] Homepage = "https://github.com/computerlyrik/dymoprint" source = "https://github.com/computerlyrik/dymoprint" tracker = "https://github.com/computerlyrik/dymoprint/issues" [project.scripts] dymoprint = "dymoprint.command_line:main" dymoprint_gui = "dymoprint.gui:main" [tool.hatch.version] source = "vcs" # See configuration details in https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm raw-options = {version_scheme = "no-guess-dev"} [tool.hatch.build.hooks.vcs] version-file = "src/dymoprint/_version.py" [tool.hatch.build.targets.wheel] packages = ["src/dymoprint"] [tool.isort] src_paths = ["src"] profile = "black" [tool.tox] legacy_tox_ini = """ [tox] envlist = py37 py311 [gh-actions] python = 3.7: py37 3.11: py311 [testenv] commands = pip check pip freeze dymoprint --version dymoprint --help dymoprint --preview "single line" dymoprint --preview multiple lines dymoprint --preview -qr "qr text" dymoprint --preview -c code128 "bc txt" dymoprint --preview -qr "qr text" qr caption dymoprint --preview -c code128 "bc txt" barcode caption [testenv:{clean,build}] description = Build (or clean) the package in isolation according to instructions in: https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_meta.html#how-to-use-it https://github.com/pypa/pep517/issues/91 https://github.com/pypa/build # NOTE: build is still experimental, please refer to the links for updates/issues skip_install = True changedir = {toxinidir} deps = build: build[virtualenv] commands = clean: python -c 'from shutil import rmtree; rmtree("build", True); rmtree("dist", True)' build: python -m build . [testenv:publish] description = Publish the package you have been developing to a package index server. By default, it uses testpypi. If you really want to publish your package to be publicly accessible in PyPI, use the `-- --repository pypi` option. skip_install = True changedir = {toxinidir} passenv = TWINE_USERNAME TWINE_PASSWORD TWINE_REPOSITORY deps = twine commands = python -m twine check dist/* python -m twine upload {posargs:--repository testpypi} dist/* """