Total Value (ballpark): 50 €
- 7 100mm*100mm perfboards, one sided, (and a saw or dremel to cut the hub board)
- ~10m insulated wire (different colors are nice)
- 2m silver-plated copper wire
- Enough solder, flux, et
- 6g PLA filament
- 24 Screws, M2.5, 6mm
- 15cm label tape (and a printer), for the serial number and module names
- at least 30mm each heat-shrink tubing, 2.5mm, white/yellow/red/blue/black
- A dab of hot glue (to stabilize some components, as necessary)
- 1 STM32F4 Discovery
- 2 15-pin female header
- 4 25-pin female header
- 1 9V block battery
- 1 9V block clip
- 1 9V to 5V regulator (e.g. via USB)
- 2 bargraphs
- 15 push-button switches
- 2 buzzers (1 Buzz, 1 Beep)
- 37 signal diodes
- 2 8-bit DIP switches
- 1 key switch
- 1 LCD
- 5 LED (green, small)
- 3 LED (red, small)
- 5 LED (white, small)
- 5 LED (red/green/blue/yellow/yellow, large)
- 1 Potentiometer (100kΩ)
- 1 Trimmer potentiometer/variable resistor (100kΩ)
- 139 Resistors, 1kΩ
- at least one each Resistors 100Ω, 510Ω, 1kΩ, 4.7kΩ, 10kΩ (Wires) (For other values, change the code)
- 13 seven segment displays
- 24 Shift Registers (74HC595)