This section offers solutions for common tasks.
Often a button for ICS download of an event or a collection of events is required. A quite simple way to achieve this is to define a special page type which returns only the content of certain plugin.
The default TypoScript contains such a page type:
# Page type for ICS download
pagePerformanceICS = PAGE
pagePerformanceICS {
typeNum = 1481289579
headerData >
config {
disableAllHeaderCode = 1
xhtml_cleaning = 0
admPanel = 0
debug = 0
no_cache = 1
additionalHeaders {
10.header = Content-Description:File Transfer
20.header = Content-Type:application/force-download
30.header = Content-Type: text/calendar;charset=UTF-8
40.header = Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Event.ics"
50.header = Content-Transfer-Encoding:binary
10 = USER
10 {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = T3events
vendorName = DWenzel
pluginName = Events
controller = Performance
action = show
switchableControllerActions {
Performance {
1 = show
The code above renders a file in the iCalendar format for download.
It can be used by adding a page link to your template:
additionalParams="{tx_t3events_events: {performance: performance, format: 'ical'}}">{f:translate(key: 'button.downloadICS', default: 'label.saveSchedulePage')}</>
When a user clicks this link it presents an ICS file named Event.ics for download.
The template responsible for the generation of the file can be found here:
and here:
Templates and partials for Events are included too.
In order to use them you may use the pre-defined pageEventICS TypoScript page object which offers a page type 1481289580 for the EventController (adapt the link attribute accordingly).
Templates for list views are included too. We do not provide a default TypoScript setup though.
Note: The iCalendar file format is very delicate regarding white-space and line breaks. The templates mentioned above do not contain any indentation and a custom view is used in order to remove excess whitespace and provide correct line endings. We recommend using a tool such as the iCalendar Valdidator when adapting the templates to your needs.