System libraries vs. ThirdParty dependencies.
- Push the image to dockerhub
sudo docker login -u USER -p PASSWORD
sudo docker push tmaric/openfoam-v2012_ubuntu-focal
Promted for default image image = "openfoam-v2012_ubuntu-focal"
A pull policy must be configured, otherwise the runner will only search DockerHub:
To do this, you modify a file called config.toml, which uses the TOML format.
In /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
, add pull_policy = never
if you won't release your own Docker images to DockerHub or GitLab's container registry.
url = "LINK"
token = "Shhhh"
executor = "docker"
tls_verify = false
privileged = false
disable_entrypoint_overwrite = false
oom_kill_disable = false
disable_cache = false
volumes = ["/cache"]
shm_size = 0
pull_policy = "never"
**Test the changes to .gitlab-ci.yaml locally on a machine that has the GitLab runner installed and the image available, this way you save time:
sudo gitlab-runner exec docker --docker-pull-policy never build
and don't introduce 200 CI debug commits in the repo, like I did.
WARNING: You most probably have uncommitted changes.
WARNING: These changes will not be tested.
remotely, they won't be tested remotely, they will be tested locally, where you want them to be tested, because you're debugging locally. The runner takes .gitlab-ci.yaml in its modified state and runs it.
- Run the parameter variation
Run the jupyter notebooks in batch mode
export artifacts:
- notebook as: Jupyter notebook for interactive calculation (local), HTML, Markdown, PDF, ...
- CSV and .TEX in pandas.MultiIndex format
On main branch: if all tests are GREEN publish archiv on Zenodo?
Read about SSH keys using the Docker executor
- Store the private SSH key of the user running the GitLab runner on the test machine as CI Variables (Project -> Settings -> CI -> Variables)
- Add the before_script to your .gitlab-ci.yaml
- Add the public SSH key as a deploy key to the GitLab Pages repository.
- Add the GitLab server to the list of known hosts in the Docker executor Gitlab Runner