This folder contains a practical state machine replication (SMR) style TLA+ specification of the MultiPaxos protocol. It very closely models how a real SMR system would implement MultiPaxos for strongly-consistent replication of a log of state machine commands.
The files include:
: main protocol spec written in PlusCal and with translation attachedMultiPaxos_MC.tla
: entrance of running model checking; contains the checkedTypeOK
: recommended model inputs and configurations (checks < 8 min on a 40-core machine)MultiPaxos_MC_small.cfg
: config with one fewer write request in input (checks < 10 seconds)
To play with the spec and fail the check, try for example:
- Change the
condition inHandleAcceptReplies
from>= MajorityNum
to>= MajorityNum - 1
: this will fail the linearizability check - Comment out the
: this will lead to deadlocks and thus reveal a certain "liveness" problem
This spec differs from traditional, general descriptions of Paxos/MultiPaxos in the following aspects:
- It models MultiPaxos in a practical SMR system style that’s much closer to real implementations than those classic, abstract specs (e.g., this or this)
- All servers explicitly replicate a log of instances, each holding a command
- Numbers of client write/read commands are made model inputs
- Explicit termination condition is defined, thus semi-liveness can be checked by not having deadlocks
- Safety constraint is defined as a clean client-viewed linearizability property upon termination
- See the comments in the source files for more details…
- Optimizations are applied to the spec to reduce the state space W.L.O.G.
- Model checking with recommended inputs completes in < 8 min on a 40-core server machine
- Commenting out the
action (which is the least significant) reduces check time down to < 2 min
- It is easy to extend this spec and add more interesting features, for example:
- Node failure injection
- Leader lease and local read
External links:
- Link to blog post:
- Link to the Summerset codebase:
- It is a protocol-generic distributed KV-store written in async Rust
- You can find the corresponding Rust implementation of a replication KV-store using almost the exact MultiPaxos protocol as modeled in this spec