Linus' Kitchen v0.5 Release
Linus' Kitchen v0.5 is features a basebox update to a more recent version of fasmat/ubuntu1804-desktop as well as a complete toolchain update.
Download link for pre-built VMWare .ova image (3.8GB):
Now included are:
- Vagrant 2.2.4
- VirtualBox 6.0.6
- ChefDK 3.9.0
- Docker 18.09.5
- Ansible 2.7.10
- Ansible related tools:
- ansible-lint 4.1.0
- testinfra 1.19.0
- molecule 2.20.1
- vscode 1.33.1
Removed tools:
- atom has been removed
- outdated / deprecated vagrant plugins have been removed
For more details see: