- Optimized distinct query evaluation in join
- From now on, during join evaluation, the query is set as
only when the join is actually being evaluated. - Previously,
was set (depending on the config) unconditionally (even when the join was not evaluated), which could lead to performance issues.- For example, previously for the following specification:
and requests:
@RequestMapping("/join-distinct/customers/optionalParams") public Object joinCountSpecificationOptionalParams( @Join(path = "badges", alias = "b", type = LEFT) @And({ @Spec(path = "b.badgeType", params = "badge", spec = NotEqual.class), @Spec(path = "lastName", spec = Equal.class) }) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepository.findAll(spec).stream() .map(CustomerDto::from) .collect(toList()); }
GET /join-distinct-customers/optionalParams?page=1&size=1
- no filtering -
GET /join-distinct-customers/optionalParams/?page=1&size=1&lastName=Simpson
- filtering on non-joined columns -
following queries were previously generated:
- r1 - no filtering
select distinct c1_0.id,c1_0.street,... from customer c1_0 offset ? rows fetch first ? rows only select distinct count(distinct c1_0.id) from customer c1_0
- r2 - filtering on non-joined columns
select distinct c1_0.id,c1_0.street,... from customer c1_0 where c1_0.last_name=? offset ? rows fetch first ? rows only, select distinct count(distinct c1_0.id) from customer c1_0 where c1_0.last_name=?
- r1 - no filtering
from now, these queries are generated:
- r1 - no filtering
select c1_0.id,c1_0.street, ... from customer c1_0 offset ? rows fetch first ? rows only; select count(c1_0.id) from customer c1_0;
- r2 - filtering on non-joined columns
select c1_0.id,c1_0.street, ... from customer c1_0 where c1_0.last_name=? offset ? rows fetch first ? rows only; select count(c1_0.id) from customer c1_0 where c1_0.last_name=?;
- r1 - no filtering
- For example, previously for the following specification:
- From now on, during join evaluation, the query is set as
Json body parameters no longer throws when:
- Content-type is omitted
- Content-type is any other than application/json
This means that empty request body is accepted when json paths are present in specifications.
- Fixed a bug related to specifications that always returned all available values. Fixed specs:
- Migrated project to spring boot 3.0 and java 17
- Spring boot 3.0 is based on Hibernate version 6.X because in this version of hibernate all query results are distinct by default. This shouldn't affect most projects, but please be extra careful if you've ever used a spec with the
- Spring boot 3.0 is based on Hibernate version 6.X because in this version of hibernate all query results are distinct by default. This shouldn't affect most projects, but please be extra careful if you've ever used a spec with the
- Added support for spring native-image.
- Specification-arg-resolver can be used in GraalVM native images, but it requires several additional configuration steps. This is due to the fact that this library relies on Java reflection heavily. Please see README_native_image.md for the details
- Modified Springdoc-openapi dependency to be compatible with spring boot 3.0
- Refactored
specifications - they no longer use reflection explicitly. - changed default join type in
. I.e. if you have been using@Join
with default join type:Then, if you want to keep INNER join behaviour, you need to make it explicit (otherwise it will be LEFT):@Join(path="addresses", alias="a")
@Join(path="addresses", alias="a", type=JoinType.INNER)
- Changed join lazy evaluation:
- Inner joins are now evaluated even if there is no filtering applied on the joined part due to a missing HTTP param (as inner join may narrow down query results)
- For non-distinct queries, all joins are now evaluated eagerly (even if there is no filtering applied on the joined part). Reminder for Hibernate users: from Hibernate 6 onwards, all queries are distinct anyway
- in all other situations, left and right joins are not evaluated unless there is filtering on the joined part (and the corresponding HTTP param is present)
- Removed all deprecated items, including:
- useGreaterThan
- useBetween
- useEqual
container annotation - use repeated@Join
Json body parameters no longer throws when:
- Content-type is omitted
- Content-type is any other than application/json
This means that empty request body is accepted when json paths are present in specifications.
- Fixed a bug related to specifications that always returned all available values. Fixed specs:
specification is no longer deprecated- Introduced
- Introduced converter for
primitive andCharacter
class - Introduced new specifications:
- these specifications filter out elements that have empty (not empty) collection of elements, that is defined underpath
- this specification filters for collections usingis empty
oris not empty
, depending on the value of the parameter passed in (e.g.where customer.orders is empty
- it is a negation forEmpty
- these specifications filter withtrue
value of particular field defined underpath
- this specification filters usingtrue
for a boolean type field, depending on the value of the parameter passed in.False
- it is a negation forTrue
- checks if the value passed as HTTP parameter is a member of a collection attribute of an entity (defined underpath
- Introduced
specification which allows finding all records within particular date (day), ignoring time. - Added ability to set custom
during resolver registration:This matters for case-insensitive specifications (@Override public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) { argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver(new Locale("pl", "PL"))); // pl_PL will be used as the default locale }
) which used system default locale in previous versions of the library. If locale is not provided, then system default will be used (exactly as in the previous version). - Added ability to set custom
(this overrides the global default mentioned above):@Spec(path = "name", spec = EqualIgnoreCase.class, config = "tr_TR")
- Introduced new case-insensitive specification
that works in similar way asLikeIgnoreCase
but is its negation. - introduced
annotation with available values:IGNORE
(default). New policy is intended to configure behaviour on missing path variable.- for more details please check out section
Support for multiple paths with path variables
- for more details please check out section
- additional Javadocs
- updated spring-boot-dependencies to 2.7.7
- fixed potential issue with detecting non-empty HTTP headers
- fixed redundant proxy creation for multi-spec specifications when expected type is not a spec-interface
- added support for using datetime formats without time (e.g.
) for types that contain time (LocalDateTime
). Missing time values are filled with zeros, e.g. when sending2022-12-14
parameter, the conversion will result in2022-12-14 00:00
. - introduced
specification, that supports date-type paths - introduced
specification, that supports date-type paths - added exception messages for invalid parameter array size in specifications that missed one
- Added support for
header containing additional directives likeencoding=UTF-8
. Previously, onlyapplication/json
was accepted ascontent-type
for request body filters.
- added support for
during generation of swagger documentation. - fixed bugs related to swagger support:
- fixed marking
parameters as required/non-required. From now allpathVars
are marked as required andheaders
can be marked as required depending on controller method configuration. - fixed duplicated parameters when the same parameter was defined in spec and controller method (e.g. when we defined
parameter in our@Spec
and also in@RequestParam("firstName")
- fixed marking
- added
which ignores specification containing mismatched parameter (exceptspec = In.class
- in this specification only mismatched parameter values are ignored, but other ones which are valid are used to build a Specification).- For example, for the following endpoint:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers", params = { "id" }) @ResponseBody public Object findById( @Spec(path = "id", params = "id", spec = Equal.class, onTypeMismatch = IGNORE) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec); }
- For request with mismatched
param (e.g.?id=invalidId
) the whole specification will be ignored and all records from the database (without filtering) will be returned. - But for the following endpoint with
specification type:@RequestMapping(value = "/customers", params = { "id_in" }) @ResponseBody public Object findByIdIn( @Spec(path = "id", params = "id_in", spec = In.class, paramSeparator = ",", onTypeMismatch = IGNORE) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec); }
- For request with params
- only valid params will be taken into consideration (invalid params (not the whole specification) will be ignored) - For request with only invalid params
- an empty result will be returned as there are only invalid parameters (which are ignored).
- For example, for the following endpoint:
- added Json request body support. This requires adding
dependency to your project and has some limitations -- see json section of README.md for more details.
- Fixed bug in
that was creating doubled query conditions. - Changed approach for resolving path variables when processing request.
- From now on, the controllers with global prefixes (configured using
) should be properly handled:- For example, apps with following configuration are now supported:
Below spec will be properly resolved for request URI:
@Override public void configurePathMatch(PathMatchConfigurer configurer) { configurer.addPathPrefix("/api/{tenantId}", HandlerTypePredicate.forAnnotation(RestController.class)); }
@RestController public static class TestController { @GetMapping("/findCustomers") public List<Customer> findCustomersByFirstName(@And(value = { @Spec(path = "tenantId", pathVar = "tenantId", spec = Equal.class), @Spec(path = "firstName" param = "firstName", spec = Equal.class) }) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepository.findAll(spec); } }
- For example, apps with following configuration are now supported:
- added support for
library -- parameters from specification will be shown in generated documentation
replaced hibernate java persistence api dependency with java persistence api (
) -
that allows creating specification apart from web layer.For example:
- Let's assume the following specification:
@Join(path = "orders", alias = "o") @Spec(paths = "o.itemName", params = "orderItem", spec=Like.class) public interface CustomerByOrdersSpec implements Specification<Customer> { }
- To create specifications outside the web layer, you can use the specification builder as follows:
Specification<Customer> spec = SpecificationBuilder.specification(CustomerByOrdersSpec.class) // good candidate for static import .withParam("orderItem", "Pizza") .build();
- It is recommended to use builder methods that corresponding to the type of argument passed to specification interface, e.g.:
- For:
you should use@Spec(paths = "o.itemName", params = "orderItem", spec=Like.class)
withParam(<argName>, <values...>)
method. Each argument type (param, header, path variable) has its own corresponding builder method:params = <args>
=>withParam(<argName>, <values...>)
, single param argument can provide multiple valuespathVars = <args>
=>withPathVar(<argName>, <value>)
, single pathVar argument can provide single valueheaders = <args>
=>withHeader(<argName>, <value>)
, single header argument can provide single value
The builder exposes a method
withArg(<argName>, <values...>)
which allows defining a fallback value. It is recommended to use it unless you really know what you are doing. - Let's assume the following specification:
- fixed bug with not evaluated join fetches in count queries (e.g. during pagination) -- from now on, join fetches in count queries are either skipped (if they are used solely for initialization of lazy collections) or converted to regular joins (if there is any filtering applied on the fetched part). See issue 138 for more details.
- added conversion support for
- Added strict date format validation for
component.- Let's assume following specification definition:
@Spec(path = "startDate", params = "periodStart", spec = Equal.class, config = "yyyy-MM-dd")
- Previously, the request parameter values was parsed as follows:
was parsed to2022-11-28
(if the date format was satisfied (checking from left to right) the next additional characters were ignored)28-11-2022
was parsed to invalid date (different from2022-11-28
), order of specific parts of date was not validated.1-1-1
was parsed to invalid date (length of specific parts of date (year, month, day) was not validated)
- From now on strict policy of date format validation is introduced. The Date has to be in specific format and of specific length.
- Previously, the request parameter values was parsed as follows:
- Let's assume following specification definition:
- Fixed the bug with redundant joins
- Added conversion support for
Added spring cache support for custom specification interfaces. From now on, specifications generated from specification interfaces with the same params are equal and have the same
value. -
Added support for join fetch aliases in specification paths.
For example:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers", params = { "orderedItemName" }) @ResponseBody public Object findCustomersByOrderedItemName( @JoinFetch(paths = "orders", alias = "o") @Spec(path = "o.itemName", params = "orderedItemName", spec = Like.class)) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepository.findAll(spec, Sort.by("id")); }
Please remember that:
- Join fetch path can use only aliases of another fetch joins.
- Join path can use only aliases of another joins.
(see README.md for the details)
- added support for resolving HTTP param name from a SpEL expression (via
) - added support for resolving query arguments from HTTP request headers (via
- supporting JDK17 (previous version threw exceptions on illegal reflection operations)
- fixed pagination support for multi-level joins
- fixed bug which caused invalid query to be created when multiple
annotations referenced the same alias
Added support for multi-level joins.
It's now possible to define multi-level join where each join can use aliases defined by previous joins (see README.md for the details).
For example:
@RequestMapping(value = "/findCustomersByOrderedItemTag") @PostMapping public Object findCustomersByOrderedItemTag( @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o") @Join(path = "o.tags", alias = "t") @Spec(path = "t.name", params = "tag", spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec, Sort.by("id")); }
Multi-level join fetch could be defined similarly to multi-level join.
For example:
@RequestMapping(value = "/findCustomers") @PostMapping public Object findAllCustomers( @JoinFetch(paths = "orders", alias = "o") @JoinFetch(paths = "o.tags") Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec).stream() .map(this::mapToCustomerDto) .collect(toList());
Added support for SpEL and property placeholders in
.To enable SpEL support:
- Configure
by passingAbstractApplicationContext
in constructor - Set
value totrue
Configuration example:
@Autowired AbstractApplicationContext applicationContext; @Override public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) { argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver(applicationContext)); }
Usage example of default value with property placeholder:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findByLastName( @Spec(path = "id", params="lastName", defaultVal='${search.default-params.lastName}', valueInSpEL = true, spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec); }
Usage example of default value in SpEL:
@RequestMapping(value = "/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findCustomersWhoCameFromTheFuture( @Spec(path = "id", params="birthDate", defaultVal='#{T(java.time.LocalDate).now()}', valueInSpEL = true, spec = GreaterThanOrEqual.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec); }
- Configure
Added support for repeatable
annotation is now deprecated and it's going to be removed in the future.To specifying multiple different joins, repeated
annotation should be used:@RequestMapping(value = "/findBy", params = {""}) public void findByBadgeTypeAndOrderItemName( @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o", type = JoinType.LEFT) @Join(path = "badges", alias = "b", type = JoinType.LEFT) @Or({ @Spec(path = "o.itemName", params = "order", spec = Like.class), @Spec(path = "b.badgeType", params = "badge", spec = Equal.class) }) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepository.findAll(spec); }
instead of using annotation container
. -
Added support for enum in specs:
- Fixed
for requests with missing params to an endpoint with specs which uses param separator. In previous versionsNullPointerException
had been thrown for requests with missing parameters. Now spec withparamSeparator
attribute is skipped for request with missing params.
- Added
) attribute toJoinFetch
annotation. Attribute determines that query should be distinct or not.
Added conversion support for
Added a fallback mechanism to
which uses converters registered in ConversionService. TheConverter
in case of missing converter for a given type tries to find a required converter in SpringConversionService
, ifConversionService
does not support required conversionIllegalArgumentException
will be thrown. If the required converter is not present inConverter
it could be defined and used as follows:@Configuration @EnableJpaRepositories public class MyConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Autowired ConversionService conversionService; @Override public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) { argumentResolvers.add(new SpecificationArgumentResolver(conversionService)); } @Override public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) { registry.addConverter(new StringToAddressConverter()); } public static class StringToAddressConverter implements Converter<String, Address> { @Override public Address convert(String rawAddress) { Address address = new Address(); address.setStreet(rawAddress); return address; } } ... }
Added support for path variables with regexp. All patterns supported by spring AntPathMatcher are supported.
For example:
@RequestMapping(value = "/pathVar/customers/{customerId:[0-9]+}") @ResponseBody public Object findById( @Spec(path = "id", pathVars = "customerId", spec = Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec); }
Fixed support for custom interfaces with complex inheritance tree. In previous versions, annotations: @Join, @JoinFetch, @Joins were supported only for the lowest interface in the inheritance tree.
Following example didn't work before fix:
@Join(path= "orders", alias = "o") @Spec(path="o.id", params="orderId", spec=Equal.class) public interface CommonFilter<T> extends Specification<T> { } public interface CustomerFilter extends CommonFilter<Customer> { }
has been improved to use an actual root query instance during path evaluation, rather than the one being cached before. This should fix problems with count queries- Made
query distinct by default to keep the behavior in line with@Join
Added support for passing multiple values as a single HTTP parameter. The new
attribute of@Spec
can be used to define the separator (e.g. comma). For example the following controller method:@RequestMapping(value = "/customers", params = "genderIn") @ResponseBody public Object findCustomersByGender( @Spec(path = "gender", params = "genderIn", paramSeparator = ",", spec = In.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return customerRepo.findAll(spec); }
will handle
GET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE,FEMALE
in exactly the same way asGET http://myhost/customers?gender=MALE&gender=FEMALE
- fixed path variable resolving in environments where
added possibility to define a default value for filtering, as a fallback when HTTP param is not present. For example this controller method:
@RequestMapping("/users") public Object findByRole( @Spec(path="role", spec=Equal.class, defaultVal="USER") Specification<User> spec) { return userRepo.findAll(spec); }
Would handle request such as
GET /users
with the following query:select u from Users u where u.role = 'USER'
. -
added new specifications:
and their case-insensitive counterparts -
added new specification negations:
requires Java 8 + intended for Spring Boot 2.x
fixed bug with repeated joins
optimized joining: joins will not be performed if no filtering is applied on the join path
behaviour for primitiveint
types -
under the hood improvements for better performance
support for Java 8's
specification which supports allComparable
types. ThereforeDateBetween
is now deprecated -
path variables are now supported! You can use new
property of@Spec
as follows:@RequestMapping("/customers/{customerLastName}") @ResponseBody public Object findNotDeletedCustomersByFirstName( @Spec(path = "lastName", pathVars = "customerLastName", spec=Equal.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return repository.findAll(spec); }
This will handle request
GET /customers/Simpson
asselect c from Customers c where c.lastName = 'Simpson'
. -
better conversion support for
- bug fixes
specs -
resolving annotations from parent interfaces, for example, consider the following interfaces:
@Spec(path = "deleted", constVal = "false", spec = Equal.class) public interface NotDeletedSpec extends Specification<Customer> {} @Spec(path = "firstName", spec = Equal.class) public interface FirstNameSpec extends NotDeletedSpec {}
, so their specifications will be combined withand
, i.e. a controller method like this:@RequestMapping("/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findNotDeletedCustomersByFirstName(FirstNameSpec spec) { return repository.findAll(spec); }
will accept HTTP requests such as
GET /customers?firstName=Homer
and execute JPA queries such aswhere firstName = 'Homer' and deleted = false
join support! It is now possible to filter by attributes of joined entities. For example:
@RequestMapping("/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findByOrders( @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o") @Spec(paths = "o.itemName", params = "orderItem", spec=Like.class) Specification<Customer> spec) { return repository.findAll(spec); }
Of course you can use
on annotated custom specification interfaces:@Join(path = "orders", alias = "o") @Spec(paths = "o.itemName", params = "orderItem", spec=Like.class) public interface CustomerByOrdersSpec implements Specification<Customer> { } // ... @RequestMapping("/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findByOrders( CustomerByOrdersSpec spec) { return repository.findAll(spec); }
annotation has been changed to take instances of@Join
parameter (was@JoinFetch
might be passed tojoin
param of@Joins
- introduced
- bumped dependencies to the latest Spring Boot version and JPA 2.1 API
- added
specification - introduced
specification which accepts a boolean HTTP param to dynamically addis null
oris not null
part to the query - introduced
property of@Spec
to define whether an exception should be thrown or empty result returned when an invalid value is passed (e.g. a non numeric value while field type isInteger
). Default behaviour is to return an empty result, which is a breaking change (an exception was thrown in previous versions). UseonTypeMismatch=EXCEPTION
to match old behaviour.
- fixed stack overflow issue with annotated interfaces!
- added
specs DateAfter
and their invlusive versions are now deprecated (use the above specs)
- added
(see README.md for the details)
- added date inclusive specs
it is now allowed to annotate a custom interface that extends
, eg.:@Or({ @Spec(path="firstName", params="name", spec=Like.class), @Spec(path="lastName", params="name", spec=Like.class) }) public interface FullNameSpec extends Specification<Customer> { }
it can be then used as controller parameter without further annotations, i.e.:
@RequestMapping("/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findByFullName(FullNameSpec spec) { return repository.findAll(spec); }
added optional
attribute in@Spec
. It allows to define a constant part of the query that does not use any HTTP parameters, e.g.:@And({ @Spec(path="deleted", spec=Equal.class, constVal="false"), @Spec(path="firstName", spec=Like.class) })
for handling requests such as
GET /customers?firstName=Homer
and executing queries such as:select c from Customer c where c.firstName like %Homer% and c.deleted = false
it is possible to combine parameter and interface annotations. They are combined with 'and' operator. For example you can create a basic interface like:
@Spec(path="deleted", spec=Equal.class, constVal="false") public interface NotDeletedEntitySpec<T> extends Specification<T> {}
And use it for your queries in the controller:
@RequestMapping("/customers") @ResponseBody public Object findNotDeletedCustomerByLastName( @Spec(path="lastName", spec=Equal.class) NotDeletedEntitySpec<Customer> spec) { return repository.findAll(spec); }
now support boolean values correctly -
specification -
for nesting ands and ors within each other
- introduced
specification - introduced
that supports exact match for numbers, strings, dates and enums - introduced
that supports in operator for numbers, strings, dates and enums - deprecated