- Traefik 3.1.7
- Traefik 3.1.6
- Traefik 3.1.5
- Traefik 3.1.5
- Traefik 3.1.4
- Traefik 3.1.3
- Traefik 3.1.2
- Traefik 3.1.1
- Traefik 3.1.0
- Traefik 3.0.4
- Traefik 3.0.3
- Traefik 3.0.2
- Switch to tiredofit/alpine 3.20 base
- Traefik 3.0.1
- Traefik 3.0.0
- Traefik 2.11.2
- Traefik 2.11.1
- Traefik 2.11.0
- Don't keep dashboard.yml avaialble when ENABLE_DASHBOARD/API = FALSE
- Add LETSENCRYPT_WILDCARD_DOMAINS to take comma seperated values to generate wildcard certificates for these domains
- Change base image to tiredofit/alpine:3.19
- Traefik 2.10.7
- Traefik 2.10.6
- Traefik 2.10.6
All users should upgrade IMMEDIATELY to resolve the CVE-2023-39325 HTTP/2 issue
- Traefik 2.10.5
- Traefik 2.10.4
- Traefik 2.10.3
- Traefik 2.10.2
- Alpine 3.18 base
- Traefik 2.10.1
- Add HTTP3 Support
- Add support for _FILE environment variables
- Traefik 2.10.0
- Set acme.json permissions as root and when change ownership after the fact to avoid a certificate loading error
- Fix metrics if statement
- Traefik 2.9.10
- Pull jq from image again
- Add option for Metrics exporting via Prometheus
- Fix issue with TRAEFIK_USER not being respected on startup
- Removal of old Zabbix monitoring templates and agent config leftover from Traefik 1.x
- Remove suffix from IMAGE_NAME making versions get weird.
- Traefik 2.9.9
- Traefik 2.9.8
- Traefik 2.9.7
- Add `DOCKER_HTTP_TIMEOUT` environment variable and default `600`
- Change Traefik certificate dumper permissions for dumps to 644
- Build Traefik certificate dumper from source
- Fix for posthook for Traefik certificate dumper
- Better indentations for code
- Re-enable Dashboard
- Change permissions on startup for Traefik Cert Dumper if running as someone other than root
This release contains breaking changes to environment variables and default path names and runtime settings
- Rewrote entire image specifically configuration management with YAML generation as opposed to bash and echo statements
- Ability to run as non-root. Try using TRAEFIK_USER=traefik. This may affect your ability to use Docker Sockets.
- Reworked paths for config, data, certificates, and logs
- Reworked Log Levels and Log environment variables
- Traefik 2.9.6
- Rework Dockerfile
- Remove Traefik Migration Tool
- Alpine 3.17 base
- Traefik 2.9.5
- Traefik 2.9.4
- Traefik 2.9.1
- Traefik 2.8.8
- Traefik 2.8.7
- Traefik 2.8.5
- Traefik 2.8.4
- Traefik 2.8.3
- Traefik 2.8.2
- Traefik 2.8.1
- Traefik 2.8.0
- Traefik 2.7.3
- Traefik 2.7.2
- Traefik 2.7.1
- Traefik 2.7.0
- Traefik 2.6.7
- Alpine 3.16 base
- Traefik 2.6.6
- Traefik Cert Dumper 2.8.1
- Traefik 2.6.3
- Traefik 2.6.2
- Traefik 2.6.1
- Rework to support new base image
- Refresh base image
- Traefik 2.6.0
- Traefik 2.5.7
- Traefik 2.5.6
- Traefik 2.5.5
- Add Zabbix auto agent registration for templates
- Alpine 3.15 base
- Traefik 2.5.4
- Traefik 2.5.3
- Change the way logrotate is configured for better parsing capabilities
- Traefik 2.5.2
- Add fluent-bit log parsing capability
- Switch logs from common format to JSON
- Traefik 2.5.1
- Traefik 2.5.0
- Traefik 2.4.14
- Traefik 2.4.13
- Traefik 2.4.12
- Traefik 2.4.11
- Traefik 2.4.10
- Traefik 2.4.9
- Alpine 3.14 base
- Traefik 2.4.8
- Traefik 2.4 Branch (Presently 2.4.0)
- Traefik 2.3.7
- Traefik Migration Tool 0.13.1
- Traefik Certs Dumper 2.7.4
- Arm64, ArmV6, ArmV7 build variants added
- Traefik 2.3.6
- Traefik 2.3.5
- Traefik 2.3.4
- Traefik 2.3.2
- Traefik 2.3.1
- Traefik 2.2.11
- Bugfix to 1.0.16
- Add more features for Traefik Certificate Dumping
- Fix for SETUP_TYPE=MANUAL not actually skipping writing parts of configuration file
- Traefik 2.2.8
- Traefik 2.2.6
- Fix missing default variables
- Traefik 2.2.3
- Code Cleanup
- Patchup to support reading both defaults and functions at runtime
- Move /etc/s6/services to /etc/services.available
- Added CERTIFICATE_DUMP_POST_HOOK environment variable to execute scripts or commands post Certificate dump
- Traefik 2.2.1
- Fix to allow various variables that allow multiple values to allow single values
- Introduce TLS Curve Preferences
- Tweak TLS Configuration
- Tweak to make HTTP to HTTPS redirection function properly
- Cleanup HTTP and HTTPS Middlewares
- Patchup to Traefik Certificate Dumper exported path
- Completely rewritten configuration generator
- See README for more details
- Traefik 2.2.0
- Add Traefik Migration Tool
- Traefik 2.0.4
- Traefik 2.0.0GA
- Still working on Dynamic Configuration
- Traefik 2.0rc1
- WIP on rewriting configuration builder
- Traefik 2.0beta1
- Change Logrotate functionality
- Alpine 3.10
- Traefik 2.0alpha8
- More Zabbix Metrics
- More Zabbix Metrics
- More Zabbix Metrics
- Zabbix Patchup
- Add Zabbix Monitoring Template and script
- Fix for Logrotate not creating new file
- Fix for DNS Resolvers when validating against Letsencrypt
- Cleanup of code
- Fix Dashboard Authentication and Display
- Add logrotation
- Add LetsEncrypt Capabilities
- Add Compression
- Write Documentation
- Add Traefik Certs Dumper
- Add REST Capabilities
- Protect Dashboard with Authentication
- HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Protocol and Trusted IPs
- HTTPS Upgrade Support
- Initial Release
- Alpine 3.9
- Traefik 2.0 Alpha