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- exit early
Introduce questions to make them realise that what they are doing is wrong. For example, ask these sort of questions:
Why did you decide to make that a global variable?
Why did you give it that name?
That's interesting. I usually do mine this way because [Insert reason why you are better]
Does that way work? I usually [Insert how you would make them look silly]
I think the ideal way of going about this is subtly asking them why they code a certain way. You may find that they believe that there are benefits to other methods. Unless I knew the reason for their coding style was due to misinformation I would never judge my way as better without good reason. The best way to go about this is to just ask them why they chose that way; be sure to sound interested in their reasoning, because that is what you need to attack, not their ability.
A coding standard will definitely help, but if it were the answer to every software project then we'd all be sipping cocktails on our private islands in paradise. In reality, we're all prone to problems and software projects still have a low success rate. I think the problem would mostly stem from individual ability rather than a problem with convention, which is why I'd suggest working through the problems as a group when a problem rears its ugly head.
Most importantly, do NOT immediately assume that your way is better. In reality, it probably is, but we're dealing with another person's opinion and to them there is only one solution. Never say that your way is the better way of doing it unless you want them to see you as a smug loser.
The goal is not for you to teach your team how to code better. It's to establish a culture of learning in your team. Where each person looks to the others for help in becoming a better programmer.
Globals: Do you think we'll ever want to have more than one of these? Do you think we will want to control access to this?
Mutable state: Do you think we'll want to manipulate this from another thread?
long functions: My brain isn't big enough to hold all of this at once. How can we make smaller pieces that I can handle?
bad names: I get confused easily enough when reading clear code; when names are misleading, there's no hope for me.
If the coder feel attacked -> Game Over: You (both) Lose
- Deeply nested control structures: e.g. for-loops 3 levels deep or even just 2 levels deep with nested if-statements that have complex conditions.
- Too many state-defining parameters: By state-defining parameter, I mean a function parameter that guarantees a particular execution path through the function. Get too many of these type of parameters and you have a combinatorial explosion of execution paths (this usually happens in tandem with #1).
- Logic that is duplicated in other methods: poor code re-use is a huge contributor to monolithic procedural code. A lot of such logic duplication can be very subtle, but once re-factored, the end result can be a far more elegant design.
- Excessive inter-class coupling: this lack of proper encapsulation results in functions being concerned with intimate characteristics of other classes, hence lengthening them.
- Unnecessary overhead: Comments that point out the obvious, deeply nested classes, superfluous getters and setters for private nested class variables, and unusually long function/variable names can all create syntactic noise within related functions that will ultimately increase their length.
- Your massive developer-grade display isn't big enough to display it: Actually, displays of today are big enough that a function that is anywhere close to its height is probably way too long. But, if it is larger, this is a smoking gun that something is wrong.
- You can't immediately determine the function's purpose: Furthermore, once you actually do determine its purpose, if you can't summarize this purpose in a single sentence or happen to have a tremendous headache, this should be a clue.
In conclusion, monolithic functions can have far-reaching consequences and are often a symptom of major design deficiencies. Whenever I encounter code that is an absolute joy to read, it's elegance is immediately apparent. And guess what: the functions are often very short in length.
- Single responsability principle
The ideal number of arguments for a function is zero (niladic). Next comes one (monadic) followed closely by two (dyadic). Three arguments (triadic) should be avoided where possible. More than three (polyadic) requires very special justification—and then shouldn't be used anyway.
Imagine the difficulty of writing all the test cases to ensure that all various combinations of arguments work properly.
If more, consider creating a factory
public class Customer {
private final String firstName;
private final String surname;
private final String ssn;
Customer(CustomerBuilder builder) {
if (builder.firstName == null) throw new NullPointerException("firstName");
if (builder.surname == null) throw new NullPointerException("surname");
if (builder.ssn == null) throw new NullPointerException("ssn");
this.firstName = builder.firstName;
this.surname = builder.surname;
this.ssn = builder.ssn;
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public String getSsn() { return ssn; }
public class Client {
public void doSomething() {
Customer customer = customer()
Setting unused pointers to NULL is a defensive style, protecting against dangling pointer bugs. If a dangling pointer is accessed after it is freed, you may read or overwrite random memory. If a null pointer is accessed, you get an immediate crash on most systems, telling you right away what the error is.
For local variables, it may be a little bit pointless if it is "obvious" that the pointer isn't accessed anymore after being freed, so this style is more appropriate for member data and global variables. Even for local variables, it may be a good approach if the function continues after the memory is released.
To complete the style, you should also initialize pointers to NULL before they get assigned a true pointer value.
- Exiting early allows you to pop stuff off your limited mental stack
- The same way,
is allowed only at top of loop (clause) - Better separation of corner cases from the main method logic
- Another big problem arises when the logic of such code becomes long enough to not fit the screen vertically. At some point you may even forget that it’s there, which would completely break your picture
Probably the most documented case is the guard clause, also known as assert or precondition. The idea is that when you have something to assert in the beginning of a method — do this using a fast return.
public void SomeFunction(bool someCondition)
if (someCondition)
// Do Something
public void SomeFunction(bool someCondition)
if (!someCondition)
// Do Something
- a return or throw in the middle of the method is not so easily detected at the first sight
- it requires you to consider that under some circumstances, the main logic of this method will not be executed completely
- every time you’ll have to decide: should you put the new code before or after this return?
public void executeTimer( String timerId ) {
logger.debug( "Executing timer with ID {}", timerId ); TimerEntity timerEntity = timerRepository.find( timerId ); logger.debug( "Found TimerEntity {} for timer ID {}", timerEntity, timerId ); if( timerEntity == null )
return; Timer timer = Timer.fromEntity( timerEntity );
timersInvoker.execute( timer );
public void executeTimer( String timerId ) {
logger.debug( "Executing timer with ID {}", timerId ); TimerEntity timerEntity = timerRepository.find( timerId ); logger.debug( "Found TimerEntity {} for timer ID {}", timerEntity, timerId ); executeTimer( timerEntity );
private void executeTimer( TimerEntity timerEntity ) {
if( timerEntity == null )
return; Timer timer = Timer.fromEntity( timerEntity );
timersInvoker.execute( timer );
public void example() {
FileUtils.createFile("name.txt", "file contents", false);
FileUtils.createFile("name_temp.txt", "file contents", true);
public class FileUtils {
public static void createFile(String name, String contents, boolean temporary) {
if(temporary) {
// save temp file
} else {
// save permanent file
public void example() {
FileUtils.createFile("name.txt", "file contents");
FileUtils.createTemporaryFile("name_temp.txt", "file contents");
public class FileUtils {
public static void createFile(String name, String contents) {
// save permanent file
public static void createTemporaryFile(String name, String contents) {
// save temp file
public class Bird {
private enum Species {
private boolean isNailed;
private Species type;
public double getSpeed() {
switch (type) {
return getBaseSpeed();
return getBaseSpeed() - getLoadFactor();
return isNailed ? 0 : getBaseSpeed();
return 0;
private double getLoadFactor() {
return 3;
private double getBaseSpeed() {
return 10;
public abstract class Bird {
public abstract double getSpeed();
protected double getLoadFactor() {
return 3;
protected double getBaseSpeed() {
return 10;
public class EuropeanBird extends Bird {
public double getSpeed() {
return getBaseSpeed();
public class AfricanBird extends Bird {
public double getSpeed() {
return getBaseSpeed() - getLoadFactor();
public class NorwegianBird extends Bird {
private boolean isNailed;
public double getSpeed() {
return isNailed ? 0 : getBaseSpeed();
You’ll probably notice this further, when each time you invoke the method you need to add this if-statement because the business logic says so
if( timer.getMode() != TimerMode.DRAFT )
public void validate() {
if( mode == TimerMode.DRAFT )
// validation logic
- Avoid null object: prefer
Tolerance: It’s necessary to be defensive at the outer parts of your codebase, but being defensive inside your codebase probably means the code that you are writing is offensive. Don’t write offensive code.
Solution: Use a NullObject or Optional type instead of ever passing a null. An empty collection is a great alternative.
public void example() {
private int sumOf(List<Integer> numbers) {
if(numbers == null) {
return 0;
return numbers.stream().mapToInt(i -> i).sum();
public void example() {
sumOf(new ArrayList<>());
private int sumOf(List<Integer> numbers) {
return numbers.stream().mapToInt(i -> i).sum();
public boolean horrible(boolean foo, boolean bar, boolean baz) {
if (foo) {
if (bar) {
return true;
if (baz) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean horrible(boolean foo, boolean bar, boolean baz) {
return foo && bar || baz;
Problem: Functions are always taking the same parameters
function base(aReading) {...}
function taxableCharge(aReading) {...}
function calculateBaseCharge(aReading) {...}
class Reading {
base() {...}
taxableCharge() {...}
calculateBaseCharge() {...}
if (anEmployee.seniority < 2) return 0;
if (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) return 0;
if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0;
if (isNotEligableForDisability()) return 0;
function isNotEligableForDisability() {
return ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
|| (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
|| (anEmployee.isPartTime));
Problem: tired of seen deeply nested long statements
if (!aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd))
charge = quantity * plan.summerRate;
charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;
if (summer())
charge = summerCharge();
charge = regularCharge();
organization = {name: "Acme Gooseberries", country: "GB"};
class Organization {
constructor(data) {
this._name = data.name;
this._country = data.country;
get name() {return this._name;}
set name(arg) {this._name = arg;}
get country() {return this._country;}
set country(arg) {this._country = arg;}
The caller is happyer
When can you divide on class in two ? Here:
class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._officeAreaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._officeNumber;}
class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._telephoneNumber.areaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._telephoneNumber.number;}
class TelephoneNumber {
get areaCode() {return this._areaCode;}
get number() {return this._number;}
function printOwing(invoice) {
let outstanding = calculateOutstanding();
//print details
console.log(`name: ${invoice.customer}`);
console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`);
function printOwing(invoice) {
let outstanding = calculateOutstanding();
function printDetails(outstanding) {
console.log(`name: ${invoice.customer}`);
console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`);
Heritance is made to mutualize varaibles / functions
class Department {
get totalAnnualCost() {...}
get name() {...}
get headCount() {...}
class Employee {
get annualCost() {...}
get name() {...}
get id() {...}
class Party {
get name() {...}
get annualCost() {...}
class Department extends Party {
get annualCost() {...}
get headCount() {...}
class Employee extends Party {
get annualCost() {...}
get id() {...}
Problem: Long declaration line
return order.quantity * order.itemPrice -
Math.max(0, order.quantity - 500) * order.itemPrice * 0.05 +
Math.min(order.quantity * order.itemPrice * 0.1, 100);
const basePrice = order.quantity * order.itemPrice;
const quantityDiscount = Math.max(0, order.quantity - 500) * order.itemPrice * 0.05;
const shipping = Math.min(basePrice * 0.1, 100);
return basePrice - quantityDiscount + shipping;
inverse of Remove Middle Man
manager = aPerson.department.manager;
manager = aPerson.manager;
class Person {
get manager() {return this.department.manager;}
Inverse of extract
if (this.discountRate)
base = base - (this.discountRate * base);
assert(this.discountRate >= 0);
if (this.discountRate)
base = base - (this.discountRate * base);
function amountInvoiced(startDate, endDate) {...}
function amountReceived(startDate, endDate) {...}
function amountOverdue(startDate, endDate) {...}
function amountInvoiced(aDateRange) {...}
function amountReceived(aDateRange) {...}
function amountOverdue(aDateRange) {...}
As class
if (aCustomer === "unknown") customerName = "occupant";
class UnknownCustomer {
get name() {return "occupant";}
Problem: Caller always sanitize/concat in/out of function call
result.push(`<p>title: ${person.photo.title}</p>`);
function photoData(aPhoto) {
return [
`<p>location: ${aPhoto.location}</p>`,
`<p>date: ${aPhoto.date.toDateString()}</p>`,
function photoData(aPhoto) {
return [
`<p>title: ${aPhoto.title}</p>`,
`<p>location: ${aPhoto.location}</p>`,
`<p>date: ${aPhoto.date.toDateString()}</p>`,
Opposite of something (remove parameters)
function tenPercentRaise(aPerson) {
aPerson.salary = aPerson.salary.multiply(1.1);
function fivePercentRaise(aPerson) {
aPerson.salary = aPerson.salary.multiply(1.05);
function raise(aPerson, factor) {
aPerson.salary = aPerson.salary.multiply(1 + factor);
In function call
const low = aRoom.daysTempRange.low;
const high = aRoom.daysTempRange.high;
if (aPlan.withinRange(low, high))
if (aPlan.withinRange(aRoom.daysTempRange))
Works with fields / methods
class Party {...}
class Employee extends Party {
constructor(name, id, monthlyCost) {
this._id = id;
this._name = name;
this._monthlyCost = monthlyCost;
class Party {
this._name = name;
class Employee extends Party {
constructor(name, id, monthlyCost) {
this._id = id;
this._monthlyCost = monthlyCost;
let customer = new Customer(customerData);
let customer = customerRepository.get(customerData.id);
function setDimension(name, value) {
if (name === "height") {
this._height = value;
if (name === "width") {
this._width = value;
function setHeight(value) {this._height = value;}
function setWidth (value) {this._width = value;}
manager = aPerson.manager;
class Person {
get manager() {return this.department.manager;}
manager = aPerson.department.manager;
switch (bird.type) {
case 'EuropeanSwallow':
return "average";
case 'AfricanSwallow':
return (bird.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
case 'NorwegianBlueParrot':
return (bird.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
return "unknown";
class EuropeanSwallow {
get plumage() {
return "average";
class AfricanSwallow {
get plumage() {
return (this.numberOfCoconuts > 2) ? "tired" : "average";
class NorwegianBlueParrot {
get plumage() {
return (this.voltage > 100) ? "scorched" : "beautiful";
leadEngineer = new Employee(document.leadEngineer, 'E');
leadEngineer = createEngineer(document.leadEngineer);
for (const p of people) {
if (! found) {
if ( p === "Don") {
found = true;
for (const p of people) {
if ( p === "Don") {
Also called Clause
double getValueForPeriod (int periodNumber) {
try {
return values[periodNumber];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return 0;
double getValueForPeriod (int periodNumber) {
return (periodNumber >= values.length) ? 0 : values[periodNumber];
let appliesToMass = false;
for(const s of states) {
if (s === "MA") appliesToMass = true;
appliesToMass = states.includes("MA");
Keywords: Streams, Functional progamming
const names = [];
for (const i of input) {
if (i.job === "programmer")
const names = input
.filter(i => i.job === "programmer")
.map(i => i.name)
With constants
function potentialEnergy(mass, height) {
return mass * 9.81 * height;
const STANDARD_GRAVITY = 9.81;
function potentialEnergy(mass, height) {
return mass * STANDARD_GRAVITY * height;
That is why it is better to pass the full object
availableVacation(anEmployee, anEmployee.grade);
function availableVacation(anEmployee, grade) {
// calculate vacation...
function availableVacation(anEmployee) {
const grade = anEmployee.grade;
// calculate vacation...
const basePrice = this._quantity * this._itemPrice;
if (basePrice > 1000)
return basePrice * 0.95;
return basePrice * 0.98;
get basePrice() {this._quantity * this._itemPrice;}
if (this.basePrice > 1000)
return this.basePrice * 0.95;
return this.basePrice * 0.98;
function createEmployee(name, type) {
return new Employee(name, type);
function createEmployee(name, type) {
switch (type) {
case "engineer": return new Engineer(name);
case "salesman": return new Salesman(name);
case "manager": return new Manager (name);
Of input
let totalAscent = 0;
function calculateAscent() {
for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
const verticalChange = points[i].elevation - points[i-1].elevation;
totalAscent += (verticalChange > 0) ? verticalChange : 0;
const totalAscent = calculateAscent();
function calculateAscent() {
let result = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
const verticalChange = points[i].elevation - points[i-1].elevation;
result += (verticalChange > 0) ? verticalChange : 0;
return result;
function getTotalOutstandingAndSendBill() {
const result = customer.invoices.reduce((total, each) => each.amount + total, 0);
return result;
function totalOutstanding() {
return customer.invoices.reduce((total, each) => each.amount + total, 0);
function sendBill() {
Together, far from call
aliases Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments
const pricingPlan = retrievePricingPlan();
const order = retreiveOrder();
let charge;
const chargePerUnit = pricingPlan.unit;
const pricingPlan = retrievePricingPlan();
const chargePerUnit = pricingPlan.unit;
const order = retreiveOrder();
let charge;
Work with the ass little nesting level as possible -> return from loop early
let averageAge = 0;
let totalSalary = 0;
for (const p of people) {
averageAge += p.age;
totalSalary += p.salary;
averageAge = averageAge / people.length;
let totalSalary = 0;
for (const p of people) {
totalSalary += p.salary;
let averageAge = 0;
for (const p of people) {
averageAge += p.age;
averageAge = averageAge / people.length;
const orderData = orderString.split(/\s+/);
const productPrice = priceList[orderData[0].split("-")[1]];
const orderPrice = parseInt(orderData[1]) * productPrice;
const orderRecord = parseOrder(order);
const orderPrice = price(orderRecord, priceList);
function parseOrder(aString) {
const values = aString.split(/\s+/);
return ({
productID: values[0].split("-")[1],
quantity: parseInt(values[1]),
function price(order, priceList) {
return order.quantity * priceList[order.productID];
let temp = 2 * (height + width);
temp = height * width;
const perimeter = 2 * (height + width);
const area = height * width;
function foundPerson(people) {
for(let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
if (people[i] === "Don") {
return "Don";
if (people[i] === "John") {
return "John";
if (people[i] === "Kent") {
return "Kent";
return "";
function foundPerson(people) {
const candidates = ["Don", "John", "Kent"];
return people.find(p => candidates.includes(p)) || '';