Make Oriented Object programming for Kernel (input arguments of CUDA kernel) is a nice feature, because C style can be painfull if the number of argument is too large. This feature can be easily done.
In this short text, I have coded a simple vector class which can work on CPU/GPU and facilitates the coding of CUDA kernel, and heterogeneous computing.
This tiny vector class allows computation on CPU and GPU using the same "object". It simplifies a lot the programming. Not a big deal but simple and efficient to use. You can adapt it for any class (container) of your choice.
GCC - CUDA SDK - GPU - cmake - clangformat supporting unify memory (starting at Kelpler), preferably higher: Pascal and more.
The key stone is done into the constructor and the copy constructor and destructor. A basic vector class needs a pointer to allocate data, an insigned integer for the size and here we need a bool to say if the datas are on GPU (you will understand later)
The first think is to allocate memory using CUDA unify. First the basic constructor of the vector:
explicit vector(size_type n = 0, const value_type &v = value_type())
: data_(nullptr), size_(n), shared_(false) { // shared is false
cudaError_t error = cudaMallocManaged(&data_, n * sizeof(value_type));
if (error != cudaSuccess)
std::cout << " Error memory allocation ! \n";
// cudaDeviceSynchronize(); needed for Jetson and K80 - Kepler
std::fill(begin(), end(), v);
Second a copy constructor which will be called only when we start a CUDA kernel. The object coming from this constructor will be the object in your CUDA kernel,
// policy for the specific copy constructor
struct policy_shared {};
vector(const policy_shared &p, const vector &other) {
data_ = other.data_;
size_ = other.size_;
shared_ = true; // Important the boolean shared_ becomes true
then the destructor, the big deal. The destructor should not release the memory on the GPU (that why we need a bool). Moreover, we check is the data_ are not null (side effect of the move constructor).
~vector() {
if (!shared_) {
if (data_ != nullptr) {
size_ = 0;
Then you pin correctly the member function of your class with usual CUDA keyword __host__ __device__, per example for the bracket operator (with an assert!)
__host__ __device__
inline reference operator[](size_type i) {
assert(i < size_ && " Too ambitious! \n"); // support of the assert always usefull
return data_[i];
At this point, the vector class can be used on CPU or GPU and more important, it can instantiate the kernel directly using the copy constructor with the help of the policy:
// basic cuda sum benchmark between two vectors
template <class T>
// argument pass by copy important
__global__ void kernel_sum(vector<T> a, const vector<T> b, const vector<T> c) {
const uint32_t size = a.size(); // <--- magic you get the size directly
uint32_t tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
for (uint32_t i = tid; i < size; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
a[i] = b[i] + c[i]; // bracket operator with the assert it can help
// declare your vectors
int size = 128;
vector<float> a(size);
vector<float> b(size, 1);
vector<float> c(size, 2);
// call the CUDA kernel with the correct copy constructor
kernel_sum<float><<<32, 256>>>({policy_shared(), a}, {policy_shared(), b}, {policy_shared(), c});
CUDA fanatics will complain about the page fault due to the unify memory. Do not worry data can be prefetched:
void prefetch_gpu(cudaStream_t s = 0) const {
cudaMemPrefetchAsync(data(), memory_allocated(), 0,
s); // 0 is the default device
The sandbox contains a STREAM benchmark, my machine is very tiny!
mkdir b
cd b
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
./sandbox/exe 400000000
Stream benchmark SUM: a(:) = b(:) + c(:)
All elements are the same ! The Stream benchmark SUM works.
Total memory allocated: 0.470348[GB]
Bandwidth SUM benchmark: 41.613[GB/s]
With a few lines (<10!) the development of data structure and kernels can be really simplified.
Thrust does many more think but conceptually it aims to parallelize common std::algorithms like sort. It also features only two containers: thrust::host_vector and thrust::device_vector. Container are specifics for device. Not in my example, and I am not competing with NVIDIA :-)
With the last realease of the CUDA SDK, kernels can be writen directly into C++ STL::algo using a specific policy. Definitively clever and modern but I do not have the opportunity to test this SDK, and I do not know if the std::vector can be used directly into a CUDA kernel. I am not sure, but I think my approach will be compatible with c++17. Per example, in the constructor for std::fill, I could write:
std::fill(std::execution::par_unseq, begin(), end(), v); // GPU execution
Kinda, but if I build my vector implementation on a std::shared_ptr, it will not work because the decrement of the shared ptr will be not forward from GPU to CPU during the destruction (the data members of the shared pointer have not be allocated with the unify memory)
Not me but Scott Zuyderduyn did ecuda, it provides a lot of containers with high STD compatibility.
Because all functions of the vector will not work on the GPU, think about the keyword __host__, it does not exist into the std library. Moreover, std::vector has many mechanism of resize (think about push_back). Dynamic memory allocation on a GPU is impossible.