Here you can see the full list of changes between each take release.
- Regain parity with python version feature-set (match master)
- Additional construction options
TakeTemplate.fromFile(path, callback)
- From a stream
A promise based factory?
- Regex queries
- Named capture groups are awesome and available in Python... possible to meet in the middle and have some kind of support for named groups that can be implemented in JavaScript?
- Reference: *.tmLanguage syntax for capture groups:
captures: '1': {name: function.user.take}
- Reference: *.tmLanguage syntax for capture groups:
- Named capture groups are awesome and available in Python... possible to meet in the middle and have some kind of support for named groups that can be implemented in JavaScript?
- Conversions, common operations (split, strip, etc)
- Might be a filter interface
- Possibly the underpinning for regex support
- Regex support through a jinja2 filter-like syntax would be more cumbersome than a more primative implementation along the lines of the CSS selector support
- Work out support for user-defined sub-routines
- Invocation should look n feel exactly like native directives
- Sub-routines can be defined locally, in the current template, or externally in JavaScript / Python and made available at template creation
- Sub-routines can be imported
- Necessitates an "environment" of importables and a "loading system" for populating the environment.
- There should not be a "global" environment of importables. Managable environments should likely be the end-goal, but immutable importables on a per-template basis are preferable to a global environment.
- Reference:
- Necessitates an "environment" of importables and a "loading system" for populating the environment.
Should parameters be supported??
Would parameters break the current syntax?
Should sub-routines merge into the return value where they're invoked or should they return adict
Should this be an option??
What would the syntax for the option be??
Would the option syntax break the current syntax?
- Expectation management
- Not sure how to work these in, but they seem like interesting possiblities.
- Contracts / assertions
- Cobra
- D lang
- contracts.ruby
- An interesting blog post
- Action on failure is configurable (eg skip context, message, error)
- Message levels for outcomes (e.g. debug, info, warn, error, meltdown)
- Metadata (failed assertions, etc) attached to the return value?