My highly customized Neovim config, written in Lua. Aims to provide a seamless, efficient and feature-rich coding experience.
Please note that this is a work in progress, and is continually updated as the Vim/Neovim ecosystem evolves and new plugins are released.
LSP Zero: This plugin eliminates the boilerplate code and automates the setup of nvim-lspconfig (configs for Nvim LSP Client), nvim-cmp (autocomplete), and mason.nvim (LSP servers management).
Telescope.nvim: A powerful fuzzy finder plugin that utilizes ripgreg.
nvim-treesitter: Provides advanced syntax highlighting capabilities.
nvim-tree.lua: A fast and flexible file explorer.
lualine.nvim: A lightweight and customizable statusline.
vim-tmux-navigator: Allows for seamless navigation between vim panes and tmux splits.
: This folder contains the configuration and setup files for the plugins used in this Neovim setup. -
: Responsible for plugin management using the lazy.nvim plugin. -
: This file contains all the remappings used in this setup. -
: Here you will find various Vim options settings.
As the Vim/Neovim landscape is always changing, I encourage you to explore, clone, fork, or adapt this configuration to your own needs.