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<poem>=<title> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> | <title> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> |<title> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND>
<mushypoem>=<ptitle> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> | <ptitle> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> |<ptitle> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND>
<title>=<nadj> <pnoun>|A <fruit>|The <nadj> <person>|Your <bodypart> is enough|I have gone <pverb-inf>|I have gone <nverb-inf>|Here I <pverb> you|Tonight I can <pverb>|It <pverb-past> with <pnoun-pl>|Everyday you <pverb>|Some <nadj> <pverb>|The <nadj> <nnoun>|A <padj> substance|The <nnoun> fallen into the sea|There is no <nnoun>|The <nadj> <person> of the <place>|Song for the <person> of <nadj> <pnoun-pl>|From <element> to <element>|A <ptexture> within <ptexture>|A song of <pfeeling>|A song of <nfeeling>|The <secret> of the <place>
<stanza>=<stanzaMID>|<stanza> <p> <stanzaMID> <p> <stanzaMID>
<stanzaSTART>=<nadj> <time> and the <nadj> <pnoun> <p> <nverb> at the walls of my house|The <time> <pnoun-pl> you in its mortal <element> .|An odor has <pverb-past> <nprep> the <pnoun> , <p> a mixture of <nnoun> and body , a <pverb-inf> <p> <pnoun> that brings <nfeeling>|A loaf of bread baked with <nadj> <pfeeling> and salt|Sometimes a piece of the <element> <p> <nverb-pr> like a <pnoun> in my <bodypart>|My <padj> <bodypart> <pverb-pr> you always|<pcolor> and <padj> <person> , |A <ncolor> and <nadj> <pnoun> is <nverb-past> in the <place>|In my <place> at <time> you are like a <pnoun> <p> and your form and colour the way I <pverb> them.|It was the <time> of the <animal> <p> <stanza> <p> It was the <time> of the <animal>|The reasons for my respect <p> are <pverb-past> in my <bodypart> of <ptexture>|I was without doubt the <person> <animal> <p> there in the <nadj> <place> <p> when it looked me with its <padj> <pnoun> eyes: <p> it had neither <bodypart> nor <bodypart> <p> but <ptexture> <pnoun-pl> on its sides|Neither <pnoun> nor <pnoun> nor <ncolor> <p> nor <pcolor> but <pcolor>|<pverb-inf> a <pnoun> <p> <pverb-past> in the <padj> <weather>|You are going to ask where are the <fruit> ? <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> ? <p> and the <weather> <padj> splattering its <pnoun-pl> and <nverb-inf> them full of <p> <place> and <animal> ?|What <padj> <pnoun-pl> - <p> the <place> is filled with it, <p> <pnoun-pl> for the <pnoun> and the <nadj> <ptexture>|What <secret> does the <animal> contain? <p> How little we <pverb> and how much it <pverb-pr> the <secret> of the universe|Enjoy the many <nadj> attempts to <pverb> <p> the <padj> <nnoun> ... <p> There is <padj> fortune in <pverb-inf> it.|You are the <fruit> of my <nadj> <bodypart>|Carry me onto your <vehicle> - the <fruit> of my <pnoun> -|Be guided by the <padj> <pnoun> 's <pnoun>|It is a tale of <nadj> <nnoun-pl>|Come with me to the <nnoun> of <nnoun-pl>|A <pcolor> <pnoun> <pverb-pr>|There are many <nnoun-pl> <pprep> <nadj> events|A <pnoun> -like <nnoun>|Pure <nnoun> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|In the smallest <ptexture> <pnoun>|It <pverb-pr> like a <pnoun> <pprep> the <pnoun>|It's a <pverb-inf> <pnoun> of <nnoun-pl>|The <pnoun> <pverb-pr> in <pverb-inf> your <bodypart>|Your <bodypart> <pverb-pr> from <direction> to <direction>|Here I am, a <padj> <bodypart> <nverb-past> in the <place> of <pnoun>|When the <place> is full of <nadj> <bodypart> <p> <pprep> <nnoun-pl> and <nadj> <nadj> <pnoun-pl> <p> and the <nadj> <pnoun-pl> and the <pnoun-pl> <p> at last give forth their <nadj> <nnoun>|You've asked me what the <animal> is <pverb-inf> there with his <pcolor> <bodypart> ? <p> I reply, the <pnoun> knows this.|You say, what is the <pnoun> waiting for in its <pcolor> <pnoun> ? <p> I tell you it is waiting for <pnoun> like you|Multitude of <pnoun-pl> ! <p> In and out of the <pcolor> the <pcolor> and the <pcolor>|If I could <pverb> the <nnoun> and the <place>|I am <nverb-past> by <pnoun> and <nnoun> , by <nnoun> and <weather>|When you <pverb> <pverb-past> like a <pnoun>|When you <pverb> like <pnoun> <pverb-past> by the <element>|I <pverb> as if <pprep> a <nadj> <nnoun>|It was a <nadj> bussiness of <nnoun> and <nnoun-pl>|Has the <place> been <pverb-past> with <secret> ?|How <pverb-inf> is the <padj> <nnoun> and it's <padj> <nnoun-pl> ?
<stanzaMID>=The <pnoun> knows this, <p> that life in it's <ptexture> boxes is as endless as the <pnoun>|You are the <nadj> <person> of a <animal> , <p> the <nadj> ness of the <pnoun> , the power of the <element>|of your <ncolor> <pnoun> when you hold out your <bodypart>|You <pverb> in the <place> as in a <padj> <place>|the <nadj> <pnoun> is <padj> on your <bodypart>|<person> of the depths of my <bodypart> - your <pverb-inf> <p> stills your <padj> regard as though it were <element>|not the <pcolor> moment <p> when the <time> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|if you were not the <food> the <padj> moon <p> cooks, sprinkling its <food> across the <place>|The <person> smiles at the <person> <p> but the <person> does not smile <p> when he looks at the <animal> <person> <p> and the <nadj> ocean|the <padj> <person> <p> <pverb-pr> in the <padj> morning|Everything <nadj> with <padj> voices, the salt of the <pnoun> <p> and piles of <padj> bread <pprep> <time>|So the <padj> <pfeeling> lives on in a <fruit> , <p> the <padj> house of the <pnoun> , <p> the <padj> <pnoun> that is <padj> and <padj>|We open the halves of a <secret> and the <p> <nverb-inf> of <nnoun-pl> <pverb-pr> into the <padj> <place>|A <vehicle> is not enough to <nverb> me and keep me <p> from the <place> of your <padj> <secret>|You, who is like a <nnoun> <animal> among the <pverb-inf> of many <person>|Some <pverb> but I <pverb> your <ntexture> like <pnoun>|<nnoun-pl> of a <nadj> <vehicle> <p> <pverb-inf> <pprep> the <place> <pprep> a <nadj> <vehicle> , <p> <padj> as a <nadj> <animal>|<pcolor> <nnoun-pl> of <nnoun> , <p> <pcolor> seams above a <nadj> <pnoun>|you <pverb> <adverb> into a <place> to <pverb> your business|the <nadj> <pnoun> that <pverb-pr> in your <pnoun>|<pnoun> of a <nverb-past> <nadj> <pnoun>|nothing but your <padj> <bodypart>|the <padj> <pnoun> gave it <pfeeling>|a <nadj> <pnoun> day|they <nverb-past> it with <nadj> <pnoun-pl>|<nprep> the <nadj> <pnoun> , many <nadj> <nnoun-pl>|<nprep> the <nadj> <place> of <nadj> <pnoun>|I do not <nverb> in the <place> of <nadj> <nnoun>|<nadj> <nnoun-pl> and <nadj> <nnoun-pl>|your <pnoun> is a <pnoun> filled with <nadj> <pnoun>|<pprep> the <ncolor> <nfeeling> of the <nnoun>|like <nnoun-pl> <nverb-inf> <pprep> <pnoun-pl>|like <nadj> <pnoun> : <pnoun-pl>| <nfeeling> and <pnoun> - <pnoun-pl> of <nfeeling>|brings all the <nverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|all <pnoun-pl> become <nnoun-pl>|the <padj> <pnoun-pl> <nverb-past>|of a <ncolor> <person> that <pverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> <pcolor> water and <pcolor> <pnoun-pl>|to the <padj> color of the <ptexture> <pnoun>|<nprep> the <place> like <ntexture>|and the <pnoun> to its <pnoun> <p> and among the <pnoun-pl> the <padj> one <p> the <person> covered with <padj> <pnoun> |from her <bodypart> and her <bodypart> <pverb> <p> <pnoun-pl> of the earth| pockets of <ntexture> converted into <ptexture>| and meetings of <nadj> <bodypart>|a <bodypart> and a <bodypart> <p> <pverb-inf> the <place> |A <pnoun> <pverb-inf> will <pverb> <p> the <nadj> <element> of a planet|went <pverb-past> in <pnoun>|I stayed <pverb-past> and <pcolor> <p> <nprep> the <place>|I saw how <pnoun-pl> are <pverb-past> <p> by the <padj> <pnoun>|I want you to <pverb> on my <bodypart>|This <nadj> <pnoun> and <pverb-inf> <pnoun> <nverb-pr> me <p> with it's <padj> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <bodypart> <p> and <ncolor> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <pnoun-pl>|with its <nadj> <pverb>|<pverb-inf> from <nadj> <ptexture>|<pverb-past> and then <pverb-past> in the <place>|<pverb-inf> the <pnoun> of her <pnoun> full of <pfeeling>|the <element> <padj> <nnoun-pl> are <nverb-past>|the <pnoun> <pverb-inf> from my <bodypart>|a <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|a <padj> <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|<nverb> me and let my substance <pverb>|I could <pverb> <nnoun> , <nnoun> , and <nnoun> <p> from <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> with a <ncolor> <pnoun> <p> with <nnoun-pl> in my <bodypart>|I'd do it for the <pnoun> in which you <pverb> <p> for the <pnoun-pl> of <pcolor> you've <pverb-past>|you see <bodypart> as <padj> as the <weather>|and so that its <nnoun-pl> will <nverb> your <bodypart>|and a <nadj> <pnoun> 's <element> will <pverb> you.|nothing but that <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|as if to <nverb> or <pverb> or <nverb>|you <pverb> my <nadj> <nnoun> <p> like a <padj> <animal> to fresh <food>|the <nadj> <animal> <pverb-pr> <nprep> the <padj> <nnoun-pl>
<stanzaEND>=and <pprep> my hammock, during the <time> , I woke up naked <p> and full of <pfeeling>|my heart is filled with <pfeeling> like a <ptexture> <pnoun>|Always you <nverb> through the <time> <p> toward the <time> <nverb-inf> <pnoun-pl>|In your <bodypart> of <nverb-inf> the <place> begins to dream of <pverb-inf>|of <padj> <food> , spirit <p> of the <pnoun-pl> , <p> <nverb-past> <person> blood, your kisses <p> <pverb> into exile <p> and a droplet of <ptexture> , with remnants of the sea <p> <pverb> on the <nnoun-pl> that wait for you <p> <nverb-inf> the <nadj> chairs, <nverb-inf> the doors.|I salute your <padj> <food> <p> and envy your <padj> pride.|there are no <nnoun-pl> but <nadj> cycles of <pnoun> and <pcolor> <p> <pnoun-pl> of <padj> <nadj> <ntexture>|indicates the <pnoun> 's <pverb-inf> <bodypart>|<padj> , <ptexture> <pnoun> !|<pcolor> <element> to my <nadj> <pnoun> !|to the <padj> <padj> <pnoun>|and you <pverb> like a <pnoun>|<pprep> the <nverb-inf> <nnoun-pl>|the order of the <pnoun-pl>|<pverb-inf> toward the <pnoun>|to <pverb> lost <pnoun-pl> and for <pnoun-pl>|the <padj> dignity of the <pnoun> !|<pprep> the <pcolor> <bodypart> of the <element>|On what <nadj> <nnoun-pl> <pverb-past> with <element> ?|I took on <nadj> <pnoun-pl>|because I love you, love, <pprep> the <element> and <pprep> the <element>|my heart moves from being <nadj> to being <padj>|towards those <pnoun-pl> of yours that wait for me|to seek another land.|wave of wave of <pnoun-pl> rolling down the sea.|and <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl>|and you'll ask why doesn't his poetry <p> <pverb> of <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> of his native land?|In your <bodypart> of <nfeeling> the <place> of <pnoun-pl> <pverb>|The <nnoun> <pverb-pr> on its <nadj> mare <p> <pverb-inf> <pcolor> <pnoun-pl> over the <place>|a current of <padj> <pnoun> <p> that does not know why it flows and <pverb-pr>|and you <nverb-past> in the <nfeeling> and <pverb-past> a <nverb-inf> <nnoun>|but the <pnoun> <pverb-past> the memory.|return to the homeland of the <pnoun-pl>|like the <nadj> <ntexture> of <pnoun-pl>
<time>=twilight|night|day|morning|sunset|sunrise|afternoon|late afternoon|midnight|holiday|lunchtime|night|twilight|midnight|fortnight|early light of day
<pnoun>=saxophone|bottle|salt|rose|dove|love|ripple|river|flower|light|springtime|sea's skin|aroma|magnolia|fountain|school|autumn|defender|splendor|mist|fragrance of strawberrys|kiss|window|time|foliage|old warrior's medal|forest|flag|law|warmth|bed|door|nature|phemonana|atom|current|book|energy|momentum|writing|farm|moon|film|perfume|form|planetarium|essence|miracle|lighthouse|soul|flute|telegraph|foam|<ptexture> architecture|sphere|circus|garden|home|movie|breakfast|maternity|cactus|snow|pasture|ship|horse|honeysuckle|banner|light|love|hat|coat|guitar|necklace|heart|warmth of your body|friendship|crown|sweetness|propellers|lunar|goblet|flesh|wreath|utensil|sea water|echo|reflection|angel|jar|peace|prize|candle|path|shoreline|sea shell|curtain|lake|bridge|wine bottle|quilt|mosaic|smooth <ntexture>|evening star|starry sky|pullulations|elixir|serendipity|serenity|silence|mist|mane|wheatfield|sun|poppy|knave|tryst|grace|river bank|eddy|aspen|quiver|awe
<nnoun>=funeral|death|heart|darkness|shadow|lightning|blade|throat|eternity|cold fire|howl|cadaver|shrapnel|coffin|mask|massacre|ghost|beast|oblivion|moth|stench|stick|wall|gate|vortex|trap|nail|depth|dust|coal|acid|city|dominion|jackal|wasteland|oxide|vinegar|seperation|thorn tree|smoke|noise|corpse|abyss|hole|convict|flask|bomb|torrent|violence|billow of <ncolor> smoke|trash|evil|hound|oblivion|havoc|trash barge|rotten stump|moldy bananas|bloody feathers|bloodied <ntexture>|imperfect <ptexture>|lonely road|bramble|clandenstine|ego|yeast|womb|weenis|viola|vagina|vagabond|utensil|uranus|serection|receptacle|puberty|probe|polyp|saliva|rectum|phlegm|pamphlet|legume|lard|lineage|nougat|jugular|imbroglio|granule|juice|dung|felicity|conglomerate|cleft|cubicle|cummerbund|error|wound|whisper|croak|abberation|pigeon hole|stalactite
<pnoun-pl>=bottles|grapes|roses|doves|love|ripples|rivers|moons|clusters|branches|corals|drops|apples|dew|stones|lands|threads|maps|poppies|trees|bells|rituals|warmth|laws|books|beds|tigers|paths|pencils|muscles|farms|waves|veins|wells|alcoves|lemons|cathedrals|droplets|miracles|juices|flower heads|trousers|acrobats|keys|stars|horses|hooves|railroad tracks|<pcolor> lakes|roots|kisses|mirrors|leaves|shades of <pcolor>|candles|stalks of cattail|ribbons|leaves|bird feathers|smooth stones|stars in the sky
<nnoun-pl>=parallel <nnoun-pl>|funerals|death|hearts|shadows|daggers|lances|lampreys|belts|salts|night|circumstances|vigils|flames|pins|clocks|roosters|legless horses|wax|martyrs|blood|alarms|traps|ashes|daggers|bones|enemies|conspirators|stains|consequences|wounded soldiers|convicts|billows of <ncolor> smoke|shards of <ptexture>|graves|twisting lonely roads|saliva|rectums|phlegm|pamphlets|legumes|nougats|jugulars|imbroglios|granules|dung|felicities|conglomerates|clefts|cubicles|cummerbunds|errors|wounds|whispers|croaks|abberations|pigeon holes
<ptexture>=glass|wooden|paper-mache|silken|ceramic|fused quartz|diamond|silicon|copper|gold|chalk|marble|crystal|cork|emerald|saphire|gold|saphire|silk|cedar|ivory|gem
<ntexture>=sand|steel|iron|clay|salt|aluminum|graphite|metal|brick|broken glass|rusted nail|ash
<pcolor>=blue|silvery|deep brown|transparent|marine|green|crimson|yellow|sunburst orange|burnt umber|sepia|cashmire|cinnamon|opaque <pcolor>|transluscent <pcolor>|sand-colored
<ncolor>=black|ultraviolet|dark|brimstone|turqoise|red|rust colored|gray|dull shades of <pcolor>|opaque <ncolor>|blood colored
<pverb>=discover|wet|love|seize|blush|flow|create|conduct|expand|attract|enchant|breath|travel|perform|entertain|awaken|divulge|gallop|begin|preserve|circumscribe|reflect|play|flutter|respond|imbue|crystallize|blossom|develop|trust|light|magnify|stand|make out|build|drink|perch|promise|appreciate|tread|rustle|enrich|excite|pacify|perservere|relax|recover
<nverb>=crush|wet|tremble|faint|change|replace|freeze|decay|abhor|deform|mutate|protest|smear|twist|sob|kill|seperate|die|grow old|crack|brainwash|conquer|impale|strike|scratch|filter|compound|disintigrate|hate|puncture|ignore|taunt|steal|force|petrify|demolist|dig up|bury|entangle|depreciatemy|coagulate|coddle|congeal|mourn|pamper|throttle|wipe|loathe|abandon|abduct|ablaze|delude|decieve|degrade|engluf|pitty|penetrate|plague|prosecute|rape|reject
<pverb-pr>=forms|wets|loves|sets|makes|rises|weaves|flies|continues|fashions|grows|kisses|takes pleasure in|protects|dedicates|creates|flows|attracts|enchants|wakes|preserves|reflects|plays|flutters|responds|imbues|crystallizes|blossoms|develops|trusts|lights|magnifies|treads|rustles|enriches|excites|pacifies|perserveres|relaxes|recovers
<padj>=great|wide|resolute|spacious|celestial|essential|honest|delicate|naked|ancient|electric|infinite|hidden|pure|perfect|balanced|stationary|homogeneous|steady|free|smooth|incredulous|humble|boundless|mineral|changeless|sweet-smelling|original|fresh|arcane|unguessed|aromatic|irreducable|starry|winged|blazing|infinite|gleaming|celestial|profound|equinoctial|manly|decisive|slender|pure|trusting|round|comfortable|real|full|velvety|angellic|thick|fluidic|warm|fleeting|soft|enduring|human|solute|promising|hopeful|wonderful|original|arcane|acerb|vertical|plumed|monastic|musical|scrupulous|delicate|verdure|nocturnal|esoteric|serendipidous|iridescent|aquatic|myriad|slender|delicious|poetic|lyrical|resplendent|parenthetical|somber|noble|handsome|dashing|lovely|brandishing|cordial|eloquent|enchanting|gleaming|moonlit|absent minded|absorbant|affluent|clear|cleansed|charitable|careful|eager|friendly|lion hearted|loving|parsimonious|romantic|sanguine|sensible|secure|serene|sensual|self-assured
<nadj>=thirsty|motionless|nauesous|exiled|obscene|boneless|fire-tipped|blood-stained|lonely|windy|wet-winged|disordered|inaccessible|skeleton|insufferable|mechanical|oily|sticky|weak|distorted|cold|arrogant|worn-out|sifted|harsh|dry|wounded|raucous|shaken|bitterest|frightened|silent|whirlwinds of|furious|rabid|disintered|lashed|insatiable|acidulous|clotting|barbaous|wounded|bitten|rusted|rustling|tremulous|tenacious|calcerous|dead|ironous|parched|difficult|melancholy|mourning|rotten|tear stained|sterile|sordid|rigid|hairy|demonic|hated|pale|ghostly|frail|boney|crooked|torrential|shady|shifty|violenet|troubled|bitter|putrid|neon|dilute|phosphorus|atrocious|hollow|hushed|absurd|banal|callous|brutal|bruised|browbeaten|burned-out|careless|cheerless|clenched|calculating|decadent|delirious|fatherless|fuming|frightened|forceful|fragmented|lonely|lewd|lethargic|muzzled|morbid|misunderstood|negligent|neurotic|morose|molested|rambunctious|rotten|smothered|spoiled
<pprep>=in|amid|around|within|in front of|with|next to|inside|outside|among
<nprep>=in|behind|under|against|in the middle of|outside|inside|among
<place>=region|land|area|vicinity|jungle|thicket|field|heights|universe|university|night|moonlight evening|divisions|archipeligos
<secret>=secrets|mysterious|curiosities|funny things|phenomena|epiphany
<ptitle>=<padj> <pnoun>|A <fruit>|The <padj> <person>|Your <bodypart> is enough|I have gone <pverb-inf>|I have gone <pverb-inf>|Here I <pverb> you|Tonight I can <pverb>|It <pverb-past> with <pnoun-pl>|Everyday you <pverb>|Some <padj> <pverb>|The <padj> <pnoun>|A <padj> substance|The <pnoun> fallen into the sea|There is no <pnoun>|The <padj> <person> of the <place>|Song for the <person> of <padj> <pnoun-pl>|From <element> to <element>|A <ptexture> within <ptexture>|A song of <pfeeling>|A song of <pfeeling>|The <secret> of the <place>
<pstanza>=<pstanzaMID>|<pstanza> <p> <pstanzaMID> <p> <pstanzaMID>
<pstanzaSTART>=A load of bread baked with <padj> and salt|Sometimes a piece of the <element> <p> <pverb-pr> like a <pnoun> in my <bodypart>|My <padj> <bodypart> <pverb-pr> you always|<pcolor> and <padj> <person> , |A <pcolor> and <padj> <pnoun> is <pverb-past> in the <place>|In my <place> at <time> you are like a <pnoun> <p> and your form and colour the way I <pverb> them.|It was the <time> of the <animal> <p> <pstanza> <p> It was the <time> of the <animal>|The reasons for my respect <p> are <pverb-past> in my <bodypart> of <ptexture>|I was without doubt the <person> <animal> <p> there in the <padj> <place> <p> when it looked me with its <padj> <pnoun> eyes: <p> it had neither <bodypart> nor <bodypart> <p> but <ptexture> <pnoun-pl> on its sides|Neither <pnoun> nor <pnoun> nor <pcolor> <p> nor <pcolor> but <pcolor>|<pverb-inf> a <pnoun> <p> <pverb-past> in the <padj> <weather>|You are going to ask where are the <fruit> ? <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> ? <p> and the <weather> <padj> splattering its <pnoun-pl> and <pverb-inf> them full of <p> <place> and <animal> ?|What <padj> <pnoun-pl> - <p> the <place> is filled with it, <p> <pnoun-pl> for the <pnoun> and the <padj> <ptexture>|What <secret> does the <animal> contain? <p> How little we <pverb> and how much it <pverb-pr> the <secret> of the universe|Enjoy the many <padj> attempts to <pverb> <p> the <padj> <pnoun> ... <p> There is <padj> fortune in <pverb-inf> it.|You are the <fruit> of my <padj> <bodypart>|Carry me onto your <vehicle> - the <fruit> of my <pnoun> -|Be guided by the <padj> <pnoun> 's <pnoun>|It is a tale of <padj> <pnoun-pl>|Come with me to the <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|A <pcolor> <pnoun> <pverb-pr>|There are many <pnoun-pl> <pprep> <padj> events|A <pnoun> -like <pnoun>|Pure <pnoun> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|In the smallest <ptexture> <pnoun>|It <pverb-pr> like a <pnoun> <pprep> the <pnoun>|It's a <pverb-inf> <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|The <pnoun> <pverb-pr> in <pverb-inf> your <bodypart>|Your <bodypart> <pverb-pr> from <direction> to <direction>|Here I am, a <padj> <bodypart> <pverb-past> in the <place> of <pnoun>|When the <place> is full of <padj> <bodypart> <p> becomes <pnoun-pl> and <padj> <padj> <pnoun> <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> and the <pnoun-pl> <p> the <pnoun-pl> the <pnoun-pl> <p> at last give forth their <padj> <pnoun>|You've asked me what the <animal> is <pverb-inf> there with his <pcolor> <bodypart> ? <p> I reply, the <pnoun> knows this.|You say, what is the <pnoun> waiting for in its <pcolor> <pnoun> ? <p> I tell you it is waiting for <pnoun> like you|Multitude of <pnoun-pl> ! <p> In and out of the <pcolor> the <pcolor> and the <pcolor>|If I could <pverb> the <pnoun> and the <place>|I am <pverb-past> by <pnoun> and <pnoun> , by <pnoun> and <weather>|When you <pverb> <pverb-past> like a <pnoun>|When you <pverb> like <pnoun> <pverb-past> by the <element>|I <pverb> as if <pprep> a <padj> <pnoun>|It was a <padj> bussiness of <pnoun> and <pnoun-pl>|Has the <place> been <pverb-past> with <secret> ?|How <pverb-inf> is the <padj> <pnoun> and it's <padj> <pnoun-pl> ?
<pstanzaMID>=You are the <padj> <person> of a <animal> , <p> the <padj> ness of the <pnoun> , the power of the <element>|of your <pcolor> <pnoun> when you hold out your <bodypart>|You <pverb> in the <place> as in a <padj> <place>|the <padj> <pnoun> is <padj> on your <bodypart>|<person> of the depths of my <bodypart> - your <pverb-inf> <p> stills your <padj> regard as though it were <element>|not the <pcolor> moment <p> when the <time> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|if you were not the <food> the <padj> moon <p> cooks, sprinkling its <food> across the <place>|The <person> smiles at the <person> <p> but the <person> does not smile <p> when he looks at the <animal> <person> <p> and the <padj> ocean|the <padj> <person> <p> <pverb-pr> in the <padj> morning|Everything <padj> with <padj> voices, the salt of <pnoun> <p> piles of <padj> bread|So the <padj> <pfeeling> lives on in a <fruit> , <p> the <padj> house of the <pnoun> , <p> the <padj> <pnoun> that is <padj> and <padj>|We open the halves of a <secret> and the <p> <pverb-inf> of <pnoun-pl> <pverb-pr> into the <padj> <place>|A <vehicle> is not enough to <pverb> me and keep me <p> from the <place> of your <padj> <secret>|You, who is like a <pnoun> <animal> among the <pverb-inf> of many <person>|Some <pverb> but I <pverb> your <ptexture> like <pnoun>|<pnoun-pl> of a <padj> <vehicle> <p> <pverb-inf> <pprep> the <place> <pprep> a <padj> <vehicle> , <p> <padj> as a <padj> <animal>|<pcolor> <pnoun-pl> of <pnoun> , <p> <pcolor> seams above a <padj> <pnoun>|you <pverb> <adverb> into a <place> to <pverb> your business|the <padj> <pnoun> that <pverb-pr> in your <pnoun>|<pnoun> of a <pverb-past> <padj> <pnoun>|nothing but your <padj> <bodypart>|the <padj> <pnoun> gave it <pfeeling>|a <padj> <pnoun> day|they <pverb-past> it with <padj> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> the <padj> <pnoun> , many <padj> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> the <padj> <place> of <padj> <pnoun>|I do not <pverb> in the <place> of <padj> <pnoun>|<padj> <pnoun-pl> and <padj> <pnoun-pl>|your <pnoun> is a <pnoun> filled with <padj> <pnoun>|<pprep> the <pcolor> <pfeeling> of the <pnoun>|like <pnoun-pl> <pverb-inf> <pprep> <pnoun-pl>|like <padj> <pnoun> : <pnoun-pl>| <pfeeling> and <pnoun> - <pnoun-pl> of <pfeeling>|brings all the <pverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|all <pnoun-pl> become <pnoun-pl>|the <padj> <pnoun-pl> <pverb-past>|of a <pcolor> <person> that <pverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> <pcolor> water and <pcolor> <pnoun-pl>|to the <padj> color of the <ptexture> <pnoun>|the <place> like <ptexture>|and the <pnoun> to its <pnoun> <p> and among the <pnoun-pl> the <padj> one <p> the <person> covered with <padj> <pnoun> |from her <bodypart> and her <bodypart> <pverb> <p> <pnoun-pl> of the earth| pockets of <ptexture> converted into <ptexture>| and meetings of <padj> <bodypart>|a <bodypart> and a <bodypart> <p> <pverb-inf> the <place> |A <pnoun> <pverb-inf> will <pverb> <p> the <padj> <element> of a planet|went <pverb-past> in <pnoun>|I stayed <pverb-past> and <pcolor> <p> between <place> and geography|I saw how <pnoun-pl> are <pverb-past> <p> by the <padj> <pnoun>|I want you to <pverb> on my <bodypart>|This <padj> <pnoun> and <pverb-inf> <pnoun> <pverb-pr> me <p> with it's <padj> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <bodypart> <p> and <pcolor> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <pnoun-pl>|with its <padj> <pverb>|<pverb-inf> from <padj> <ptexture>|<pverb-past> and then <pverb-past> in the <place>|<pverb-inf> the <pnoun> of her <pnoun> full of <pfeeling>|the <element> <padj> <pnoun-pl> are <pverb-past>|the <pnoun> <pverb-inf> from my <bodypart>|a <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|a <padj> <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|<pverb> me and let my substance <pverb>|I could <pverb> <pnoun> , <pnoun> , and <pnoun> <p> from <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> with a <pcolor> <pnoun> <p> with <pnoun-pl> in my <bodypart>|I'd do it for the <pnoun> in which you <pverb> <p> for the <pnoun-pl> of <pcolor> <pnoun> you've <pverb-past>|you see <bodypart> as <padj> as the <weather>|and so that its <pnoun-pl> will <pverb> your <bodypart>|and a <padj> <pnoun> 's <element> will <pverb> you.|nothing but that <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|as if to <pverb> or <pverb> or <pverb>|you <pverb> my <padj> <pnoun> <p> like a <padj> <animal> to fresh <food>|the <padj> <animal> <pverb-pr> <pprep> the <padj> <pnoun-pl>
<pstanzaEND>=my heart is filled with <pfeeling> like a <ptexture> <pnoun>|Always you <pverb> through the <time> <p> toward the <time> <pverb-inf> <pnoun-pl>|In your <bodypart> of <pverb-inf> the <place> begins to dream of <pverb-inf>|of <padj> <food> , spirit <p> of the <pnoun-pl> , <p> <pverb-past> <person> blood, your kisses <p> <pverb> into exile <p> and a droplet of <ptexture> , with remnants of the sea <p> <pverb> on the <pnoun-pl> that wait for you <p> <pverb-inf> the <padj> chairs, <pverb-inf> the doors.|I salute your <padj> <food> <p> and envy your <padj> pride.|there are no <pnoun-pl> but <padj> cycles of <pnoun> and <pcolor> <p> <pnoun-pl> of <padj> <padj> <ptexture>|indicates the <pnoun> 's <pverb-inf> <bodypart>|<padj> , <ptexture> <pnoun> !|<pcolor> <element> to my <padj> <pnoun> !|to the <padj> <padj> <pnoun>|and you <pverb> like a <pnoun>|<pprep> the <pverb-inf> <pnoun-pl>|the order of the <pnoun-pl>|<pverb-inf> toward the <pnoun>|to <pverb> lost <pnoun-pl> and for <pnoun-pl>|the <padj> dignity of the <pnoun> !|<pprep> the <pcolor> <bodypart> of the <element>|On what <padj> <pnoun-pl> <pverb-past> with <element> ?|I took on <padj> <pnoun-pl>|because I love you, love, <pprep> the <element> and <pprep> the <element>|my heart moves from being <padj> to being <padj>|towards those <pnoun-pl> of yours that wait for me|to seek another land.|wave of wave of <pnoun-pl> rolling down the sea.|and <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl>|and you'll ask why doesn't his poetry <p> <pverb> of <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> of his native land?|In your <bodypart> of <pfeeling> the <place> of <pnoun-pl> <pverb>|The <pnoun> <pverb-pr> on its <padj> mare <p> <pverb-inf> <pcolor> <pnoun-pl> over the <place>|a current of <padj> <pnoun> <p> that does not know why it flows and <pverb-pr>|and you <pverb-past> in the <pfeeling> and <pverb-past> a <pverb-inf> <pnoun>|but the <pnoun> <pverb-past> the memory.|return to the homeland of the <pnoun-pl>|like the <padj> <ptexture> of <pnoun-pl><poem>=<title> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> | <title> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> |<title> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND> <p> <p> <stanzaSTART> <p> <stanza> <p> <stanzaEND>
<mushypoem>=<ptitle> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> | <ptitle> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> |<ptitle> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND> <p> <p> <pstanzaSTART> <p> <pstanza> <p> <pstanzaEND>
<title>=<nadj> <pnoun>|A <fruit>|The <nadj> <person>|Your <bodypart> is enough|I have gone <pverb-inf>|I have gone <nverb-inf>|Here I <pverb> you|Tonight I can <pverb>|It <pverb-past> with <pnoun-pl>|Everyday you <pverb>|Some <nadj> <pverb>|The <nadj> <nnoun>|A <padj> substance|The <nnoun> fallen into the sea|There is no <nnoun>|The <nadj> <person> of the <place>|Song for the <person> of <nadj> <pnoun-pl>|From <element> to <element>|A <ptexture> within <ptexture>|A song of <pfeeling>|A song of <nfeeling>|The <secret> of the <place>
<stanza>=<stanzaMID>|<stanza> <p> <stanzaMID> <p> <stanzaMID>
<stanzaSTART>=<nadj> <time> and the <nadj> <pnoun> <p> <nverb> at the walls of my house|The <time> <pnoun-pl> you in its mortal <element> .|An odor has <pverb-past> <nprep> the <pnoun> , <p> a mixture of <nnoun> and body , a <pverb-inf> <p> <pnoun> that brings <nfeeling>|A loaf of bread baked with <nadj> <pfeeling> and salt|Sometimes a piece of the <element> <p> <nverb-pr> like a <pnoun> in my <bodypart>|My <padj> <bodypart> <pverb-pr> you always|<pcolor> and <padj> <person> , |A <ncolor> and <nadj> <pnoun> is <nverb-past> in the <place>|In my <place> at <time> you are like a <pnoun> <p> and your form and colour the way I <pverb> them.|It was the <time> of the <animal> <p> <stanza> <p> It was the <time> of the <animal>|The reasons for my respect <p> are <pverb-past> in my <bodypart> of <ptexture>|I was without doubt the <person> <animal> <p> there in the <nadj> <place> <p> when it looked me with its <padj> <pnoun> eyes: <p> it had neither <bodypart> nor <bodypart> <p> but <ptexture> <pnoun-pl> on its sides|Neither <pnoun> nor <pnoun> nor <ncolor> <p> nor <pcolor> but <pcolor>|<pverb-inf> a <pnoun> <p> <pverb-past> in the <padj> <weather>|You are going to ask where are the <fruit> ? <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> ? <p> and the <weather> <padj> splattering its <pnoun-pl> and <nverb-inf> them full of <p> <place> and <animal> ?|What <padj> <pnoun-pl> - <p> the <place> is filled with it, <p> <pnoun-pl> for the <pnoun> and the <nadj> <ptexture>|What <secret> does the <animal> contain? <p> How little we <pverb> and how much it <pverb-pr> the <secret> of the universe|Enjoy the many <nadj> attempts to <pverb> <p> the <padj> <nnoun> ... <p> There is <padj> fortune in <pverb-inf> it.|You are the <fruit> of my <nadj> <bodypart>|Carry me onto your <vehicle> - the <fruit> of my <pnoun> -|Be guided by the <padj> <pnoun> 's <pnoun>|It is a tale of <nadj> <nnoun-pl>|Come with me to the <nnoun> of <nnoun-pl>|A <pcolor> <pnoun> <pverb-pr>|There are many <nnoun-pl> <pprep> <nadj> events|A <pnoun> -like <nnoun>|Pure <nnoun> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|In the smallest <ptexture> <pnoun>|It <pverb-pr> like a <pnoun> <pprep> the <pnoun>|It's a <pverb-inf> <pnoun> of <nnoun-pl>|The <pnoun> <pverb-pr> in <pverb-inf> your <bodypart>|Your <bodypart> <pverb-pr> from <direction> to <direction>|Here I am, a <padj> <bodypart> <nverb-past> in the <place> of <pnoun>|When the <place> is full of <nadj> <bodypart> <p> <pprep> <nnoun-pl> and <nadj> <nadj> <pnoun-pl> <p> and the <nadj> <pnoun-pl> and the <pnoun-pl> <p> at last give forth their <nadj> <nnoun>|You've asked me what the <animal> is <pverb-inf> there with his <pcolor> <bodypart> ? <p> I reply, the <pnoun> knows this.|You say, what is the <pnoun> waiting for in its <pcolor> <pnoun> ? <p> I tell you it is waiting for <pnoun> like you|Multitude of <pnoun-pl> ! <p> In and out of the <pcolor> the <pcolor> and the <pcolor>|If I could <pverb> the <nnoun> and the <place>|I am <nverb-past> by <pnoun> and <nnoun> , by <nnoun> and <weather>|When you <pverb> <pverb-past> like a <pnoun>|When you <pverb> like <pnoun> <pverb-past> by the <element>|I <pverb> as if <pprep> a <nadj> <nnoun>|It was a <nadj> bussiness of <nnoun> and <nnoun-pl>|Has the <place> been <pverb-past> with <secret> ?|How <pverb-inf> is the <padj> <nnoun> and it's <padj> <nnoun-pl> ?
<stanzaMID>=The <pnoun> knows this, <p> that life in it's <ptexture> boxes is as endless as the <pnoun>|You are the <nadj> <person> of a <animal> , <p> the <nadj> ness of the <pnoun> , the power of the <element>|of your <ncolor> <pnoun> when you hold out your <bodypart>|You <pverb> in the <place> as in a <padj> <place>|the <nadj> <pnoun> is <padj> on your <bodypart>|<person> of the depths of my <bodypart> - your <pverb-inf> <p> stills your <padj> regard as though it were <element>|not the <pcolor> moment <p> when the <time> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|if you were not the <food> the <padj> moon <p> cooks, sprinkling its <food> across the <place>|The <person> smiles at the <person> <p> but the <person> does not smile <p> when he looks at the <animal> <person> <p> and the <nadj> ocean|the <padj> <person> <p> <pverb-pr> in the <padj> morning|Everything <nadj> with <padj> voices, the salt of the <pnoun> <p> and piles of <padj> bread <pprep> <time>|So the <padj> <pfeeling> lives on in a <fruit> , <p> the <padj> house of the <pnoun> , <p> the <padj> <pnoun> that is <padj> and <padj>|We open the halves of a <secret> and the <p> <nverb-inf> of <nnoun-pl> <pverb-pr> into the <padj> <place>|A <vehicle> is not enough to <nverb> me and keep me <p> from the <place> of your <padj> <secret>|You, who is like a <nnoun> <animal> among the <pverb-inf> of many <person>|Some <pverb> but I <pverb> your <ntexture> like <pnoun>|<nnoun-pl> of a <nadj> <vehicle> <p> <pverb-inf> <pprep> the <place> <pprep> a <nadj> <vehicle> , <p> <padj> as a <nadj> <animal>|<pcolor> <nnoun-pl> of <nnoun> , <p> <pcolor> seams above a <nadj> <pnoun>|you <pverb> <adverb> into a <place> to <pverb> your business|the <nadj> <pnoun> that <pverb-pr> in your <pnoun>|<pnoun> of a <nverb-past> <nadj> <pnoun>|nothing but your <padj> <bodypart>|the <padj> <pnoun> gave it <pfeeling>|a <nadj> <pnoun> day|they <nverb-past> it with <nadj> <pnoun-pl>|<nprep> the <nadj> <pnoun> , many <nadj> <nnoun-pl>|<nprep> the <nadj> <place> of <nadj> <pnoun>|I do not <nverb> in the <place> of <nadj> <nnoun>|<nadj> <nnoun-pl> and <nadj> <nnoun-pl>|your <pnoun> is a <pnoun> filled with <nadj> <pnoun>|<pprep> the <ncolor> <nfeeling> of the <nnoun>|like <nnoun-pl> <nverb-inf> <pprep> <pnoun-pl>|like <nadj> <pnoun> : <pnoun-pl>| <nfeeling> and <pnoun> - <pnoun-pl> of <nfeeling>|brings all the <nverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|all <pnoun-pl> become <nnoun-pl>|the <padj> <pnoun-pl> <nverb-past>|of a <ncolor> <person> that <pverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> <pcolor> water and <pcolor> <pnoun-pl>|to the <padj> color of the <ptexture> <pnoun>|<nprep> the <place> like <ntexture>|and the <pnoun> to its <pnoun> <p> and among the <pnoun-pl> the <padj> one <p> the <person> covered with <padj> <pnoun> |from her <bodypart> and her <bodypart> <pverb> <p> <pnoun-pl> of the earth| pockets of <ntexture> converted into <ptexture>| and meetings of <nadj> <bodypart>|a <bodypart> and a <bodypart> <p> <pverb-inf> the <place> |A <pnoun> <pverb-inf> will <pverb> <p> the <nadj> <element> of a planet|went <pverb-past> in <pnoun>|I stayed <pverb-past> and <pcolor> <p> <nprep> the <place>|I saw how <pnoun-pl> are <pverb-past> <p> by the <padj> <pnoun>|I want you to <pverb> on my <bodypart>|This <nadj> <pnoun> and <pverb-inf> <pnoun> <nverb-pr> me <p> with it's <padj> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <bodypart> <p> and <ncolor> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <pnoun-pl>|with its <nadj> <pverb>|<pverb-inf> from <nadj> <ptexture>|<pverb-past> and then <pverb-past> in the <place>|<pverb-inf> the <pnoun> of her <pnoun> full of <pfeeling>|the <element> <padj> <nnoun-pl> are <nverb-past>|the <pnoun> <pverb-inf> from my <bodypart>|a <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|a <padj> <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|<nverb> me and let my substance <pverb>|I could <pverb> <nnoun> , <nnoun> , and <nnoun> <p> from <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> with a <ncolor> <pnoun> <p> with <nnoun-pl> in my <bodypart>|I'd do it for the <pnoun> in which you <pverb> <p> for the <pnoun-pl> of <pcolor> you've <pverb-past>|you see <bodypart> as <padj> as the <weather>|and so that its <nnoun-pl> will <nverb> your <bodypart>|and a <nadj> <pnoun> 's <element> will <pverb> you.|nothing but that <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|as if to <nverb> or <pverb> or <nverb>|you <pverb> my <nadj> <nnoun> <p> like a <padj> <animal> to fresh <food>|the <nadj> <animal> <pverb-pr> <nprep> the <padj> <nnoun-pl>
<stanzaEND>=and <pprep> my hammock, during the <time> , I woke up naked <p> and full of <pfeeling>|my heart is filled with <pfeeling> like a <ptexture> <pnoun>|Always you <nverb> through the <time> <p> toward the <time> <nverb-inf> <pnoun-pl>|In your <bodypart> of <nverb-inf> the <place> begins to dream of <pverb-inf>|of <padj> <food> , spirit <p> of the <pnoun-pl> , <p> <nverb-past> <person> blood, your kisses <p> <pverb> into exile <p> and a droplet of <ptexture> , with remnants of the sea <p> <pverb> on the <nnoun-pl> that wait for you <p> <nverb-inf> the <nadj> chairs, <nverb-inf> the doors.|I salute your <padj> <food> <p> and envy your <padj> pride.|there are no <nnoun-pl> but <nadj> cycles of <pnoun> and <pcolor> <p> <pnoun-pl> of <padj> <nadj> <ntexture>|indicates the <pnoun> 's <pverb-inf> <bodypart>|<padj> , <ptexture> <pnoun> !|<pcolor> <element> to my <nadj> <pnoun> !|to the <padj> <padj> <pnoun>|and you <pverb> like a <pnoun>|<pprep> the <nverb-inf> <nnoun-pl>|the order of the <pnoun-pl>|<pverb-inf> toward the <pnoun>|to <pverb> lost <pnoun-pl> and for <pnoun-pl>|the <padj> dignity of the <pnoun> !|<pprep> the <pcolor> <bodypart> of the <element>|On what <nadj> <nnoun-pl> <pverb-past> with <element> ?|I took on <nadj> <pnoun-pl>|because I love you, love, <pprep> the <element> and <pprep> the <element>|my heart moves from being <nadj> to being <padj>|towards those <pnoun-pl> of yours that wait for me|to seek another land.|wave of wave of <pnoun-pl> rolling down the sea.|and <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl>|and you'll ask why doesn't his poetry <p> <pverb> of <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> of his native land?|In your <bodypart> of <nfeeling> the <place> of <pnoun-pl> <pverb>|The <nnoun> <pverb-pr> on its <nadj> mare <p> <pverb-inf> <pcolor> <pnoun-pl> over the <place>|a current of <padj> <pnoun> <p> that does not know why it flows and <pverb-pr>|and you <nverb-past> in the <nfeeling> and <pverb-past> a <nverb-inf> <nnoun>|but the <pnoun> <pverb-past> the memory.|return to the homeland of the <pnoun-pl>|like the <nadj> <ntexture> of <pnoun-pl>
<time>=twilight|night|day|morning|sunset|sunrise|afternoon|late afternoon|midnight|holiday|lunchtime|night|twilight|midnight|fortnight|early light of day
<pnoun>=saxophone|bottle|salt|rose|dove|love|ripple|river|flower|light|springtime|sea's skin|aroma|magnolia|fountain|school|autumn|defender|splendor|mist|fragrance of strawberrys|kiss|window|time|foliage|old warrior's medal|forest|flag|law|warmth|bed|door|nature|phemonana|atom|current|book|energy|momentum|writing|farm|moon|film|perfume|form|planetarium|essence|miracle|lighthouse|soul|flute|telegraph|foam|<ptexture> architecture|sphere|circus|garden|home|movie|breakfast|maternity|cactus|snow|pasture|ship|horse|honeysuckle|banner|light|love|hat|coat|guitar|necklace|heart|warmth of your body|friendship|crown|sweetness|propellers|lunar|goblet|flesh|wreath|utensil|sea water|echo|reflection|angel|jar|peace|prize|candle|path|shoreline|sea shell|curtain|lake|bridge|wine bottle|quilt|mosaic|smooth <ntexture>|evening star|starry sky|pullulations|elixir|serendipity|serenity|silence|mist|mane|wheatfield|sun|poppy|knave|tryst|grace|river bank|eddy|aspen|quiver|awe
<nnoun>=funeral|death|heart|darkness|shadow|lightning|blade|throat|eternity|cold fire|howl|cadaver|shrapnel|coffin|mask|massacre|ghost|beast|oblivion|moth|stench|stick|wall|gate|vortex|trap|nail|depth|dust|coal|acid|city|dominion|jackal|wasteland|oxide|vinegar|seperation|thorn tree|smoke|noise|corpse|abyss|hole|convict|flask|bomb|torrent|violence|billow of <ncolor> smoke|trash|evil|hound|oblivion|havoc|trash barge|rotten stump|moldy bananas|bloody feathers|bloodied <ntexture>|imperfect <ptexture>|lonely road|bramble|clandenstine|ego|yeast|womb|weenis|viola|vagina|vagabond|utensil|uranus|serection|receptacle|puberty|probe|polyp|saliva|rectum|phlegm|pamphlet|legume|lard|lineage|nougat|jugular|imbroglio|granule|juice|dung|felicity|conglomerate|cleft|cubicle|cummerbund|error|wound|whisper|croak|abberation|pigeon hole|stalactite
<pnoun-pl>=bottles|grapes|roses|doves|love|ripples|rivers|moons|clusters|branches|corals|drops|apples|dew|stones|lands|threads|maps|poppies|trees|bells|rituals|warmth|laws|books|beds|tigers|paths|pencils|muscles|farms|waves|veins|wells|alcoves|lemons|cathedrals|droplets|miracles|juices|flower heads|trousers|acrobats|keys|stars|horses|hooves|railroad tracks|<pcolor> lakes|roots|kisses|mirrors|leaves|shades of <pcolor>|candles|stalks of cattail|ribbons|leaves|bird feathers|smooth stones|stars in the sky
<nnoun-pl>=parallel <nnoun-pl>|funerals|death|hearts|shadows|daggers|lances|lampreys|belts|salts|night|circumstances|vigils|flames|pins|clocks|roosters|legless horses|wax|martyrs|blood|alarms|traps|ashes|daggers|bones|enemies|conspirators|stains|consequences|wounded soldiers|convicts|billows of <ncolor> smoke|shards of <ptexture>|graves|twisting lonely roads|saliva|rectums|phlegm|pamphlets|legumes|nougats|jugulars|imbroglios|granules|dung|felicities|conglomerates|clefts|cubicles|cummerbunds|errors|wounds|whispers|croaks|abberations|pigeon holes
<ptexture>=glass|wooden|paper-mache|silken|ceramic|fused quartz|diamond|silicon|copper|gold|chalk|marble|crystal|cork|emerald|saphire|gold|saphire|silk|cedar|ivory|gem
<ntexture>=sand|steel|iron|clay|salt|aluminum|graphite|metal|brick|broken glass|rusted nail|ash
<pcolor>=blue|silvery|deep brown|transparent|marine|green|crimson|yellow|sunburst orange|burnt umber|sepia|cashmire|cinnamon|opaque <pcolor>|transluscent <pcolor>|sand-colored
<ncolor>=black|ultraviolet|dark|brimstone|turqoise|red|rust colored|gray|dull shades of <pcolor>|opaque <ncolor>|blood colored
<pverb>=discover|wet|love|seize|blush|flow|create|conduct|expand|attract|enchant|breath|travel|perform|entertain|awaken|divulge|gallop|begin|preserve|circumscribe|reflect|play|flutter|respond|imbue|crystallize|blossom|develop|trust|light|magnify|stand|make out|build|drink|perch|promise|appreciate|tread|rustle|enrich|excite|pacify|perservere|relax|recover
<nverb>=crush|wet|tremble|faint|change|replace|freeze|decay|abhor|deform|mutate|protest|smear|twist|sob|kill|seperate|die|grow old|crack|brainwash|conquer|impale|strike|scratch|filter|compound|disintigrate|hate|puncture|ignore|taunt|steal|force|petrify|demolist|dig up|bury|entangle|depreciatemy|coagulate|coddle|congeal|mourn|pamper|throttle|wipe|loathe|abandon|abduct|ablaze|delude|decieve|degrade|engluf|pitty|penetrate|plague|prosecute|rape|reject
<pverb-pr>=forms|wets|loves|sets|makes|rises|weaves|flies|continues|fashions|grows|kisses|takes pleasure in|protects|dedicates|creates|flows|attracts|enchants|wakes|preserves|reflects|plays|flutters|responds|imbues|crystallizes|blossoms|develops|trusts|lights|magnifies|treads|rustles|enriches|excites|pacifies|perserveres|relaxes|recovers
<padj>=great|wide|resolute|spacious|celestial|essential|honest|delicate|naked|ancient|electric|infinite|hidden|pure|perfect|balanced|stationary|homogeneous|steady|free|smooth|incredulous|humble|boundless|mineral|changeless|sweet-smelling|original|fresh|arcane|unguessed|aromatic|irreducable|starry|winged|blazing|infinite|gleaming|celestial|profound|equinoctial|manly|decisive|slender|pure|trusting|round|comfortable|real|full|velvety|angellic|thick|fluidic|warm|fleeting|soft|enduring|human|solute|promising|hopeful|wonderful|original|arcane|acerb|vertical|plumed|monastic|musical|scrupulous|delicate|verdure|nocturnal|esoteric|serendipidous|iridescent|aquatic|myriad|slender|delicious|poetic|lyrical|resplendent|parenthetical|somber|noble|handsome|dashing|lovely|brandishing|cordial|eloquent|enchanting|gleaming|moonlit|absent minded|absorbant|affluent|clear|cleansed|charitable|careful|eager|friendly|lion hearted|loving|parsimonious|romantic|sanguine|sensible|secure|serene|sensual|self-assured
<nadj>=thirsty|motionless|nauesous|exiled|obscene|boneless|fire-tipped|blood-stained|lonely|windy|wet-winged|disordered|inaccessible|skeleton|insufferable|mechanical|oily|sticky|weak|distorted|cold|arrogant|worn-out|sifted|harsh|dry|wounded|raucous|shaken|bitterest|frightened|silent|whirlwinds of|furious|rabid|disintered|lashed|insatiable|acidulous|clotting|barbaous|wounded|bitten|rusted|rustling|tremulous|tenacious|calcerous|dead|ironous|parched|difficult|melancholy|mourning|rotten|tear stained|sterile|sordid|rigid|hairy|demonic|hated|pale|ghostly|frail|boney|crooked|torrential|shady|shifty|violenet|troubled|bitter|putrid|neon|dilute|phosphorus|atrocious|hollow|hushed|absurd|banal|callous|brutal|bruised|browbeaten|burned-out|careless|cheerless|clenched|calculating|decadent|delirious|fatherless|fuming|frightened|forceful|fragmented|lonely|lewd|lethargic|muzzled|morbid|misunderstood|negligent|neurotic|morose|molested|rambunctious|rotten|smothered|spoiled
<pprep>=in|amid|around|within|in front of|with|next to|inside|outside|among
<nprep>=in|behind|under|against|in the middle of|outside|inside|among
<place>=region|land|area|vicinity|jungle|thicket|field|heights|universe|university|night|moonlight evening|divisions|archipeligos
<secret>=secrets|mysterious|curiosities|funny things|phenomena|epiphany
<ptitle>=<padj> <pnoun>|A <fruit>|The <padj> <person>|Your <bodypart> is enough|I have gone <pverb-inf>|I have gone <pverb-inf>|Here I <pverb> you|Tonight I can <pverb>|It <pverb-past> with <pnoun-pl>|Everyday you <pverb>|Some <padj> <pverb>|The <padj> <pnoun>|A <padj> substance|The <pnoun> fallen into the sea|There is no <pnoun>|The <padj> <person> of the <place>|Song for the <person> of <padj> <pnoun-pl>|From <element> to <element>|A <ptexture> within <ptexture>|A song of <pfeeling>|A song of <pfeeling>|The <secret> of the <place>
<pstanza>=<pstanzaMID>|<pstanza> <p> <pstanzaMID> <p> <pstanzaMID>
<pstanzaSTART>=A load of bread baked with <padj> and salt|Sometimes a piece of the <element> <p> <pverb-pr> like a <pnoun> in my <bodypart>|My <padj> <bodypart> <pverb-pr> you always|<pcolor> and <padj> <person> , |A <pcolor> and <padj> <pnoun> is <pverb-past> in the <place>|In my <place> at <time> you are like a <pnoun> <p> and your form and colour the way I <pverb> them.|It was the <time> of the <animal> <p> <pstanza> <p> It was the <time> of the <animal>|The reasons for my respect <p> are <pverb-past> in my <bodypart> of <ptexture>|I was without doubt the <person> <animal> <p> there in the <padj> <place> <p> when it looked me with its <padj> <pnoun> eyes: <p> it had neither <bodypart> nor <bodypart> <p> but <ptexture> <pnoun-pl> on its sides|Neither <pnoun> nor <pnoun> nor <pcolor> <p> nor <pcolor> but <pcolor>|<pverb-inf> a <pnoun> <p> <pverb-past> in the <padj> <weather>|You are going to ask where are the <fruit> ? <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> ? <p> and the <weather> <padj> splattering its <pnoun-pl> and <pverb-inf> them full of <p> <place> and <animal> ?|What <padj> <pnoun-pl> - <p> the <place> is filled with it, <p> <pnoun-pl> for the <pnoun> and the <padj> <ptexture>|What <secret> does the <animal> contain? <p> How little we <pverb> and how much it <pverb-pr> the <secret> of the universe|Enjoy the many <padj> attempts to <pverb> <p> the <padj> <pnoun> ... <p> There is <padj> fortune in <pverb-inf> it.|You are the <fruit> of my <padj> <bodypart>|Carry me onto your <vehicle> - the <fruit> of my <pnoun> -|Be guided by the <padj> <pnoun> 's <pnoun>|It is a tale of <padj> <pnoun-pl>|Come with me to the <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|A <pcolor> <pnoun> <pverb-pr>|There are many <pnoun-pl> <pprep> <padj> events|A <pnoun> -like <pnoun>|Pure <pnoun> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|In the smallest <ptexture> <pnoun>|It <pverb-pr> like a <pnoun> <pprep> the <pnoun>|It's a <pverb-inf> <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|The <pnoun> <pverb-pr> in <pverb-inf> your <bodypart>|Your <bodypart> <pverb-pr> from <direction> to <direction>|Here I am, a <padj> <bodypart> <pverb-past> in the <place> of <pnoun>|When the <place> is full of <padj> <bodypart> <p> becomes <pnoun-pl> and <padj> <padj> <pnoun> <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> and the <pnoun-pl> <p> the <pnoun-pl> the <pnoun-pl> <p> at last give forth their <padj> <pnoun>|You've asked me what the <animal> is <pverb-inf> there with his <pcolor> <bodypart> ? <p> I reply, the <pnoun> knows this.|You say, what is the <pnoun> waiting for in its <pcolor> <pnoun> ? <p> I tell you it is waiting for <pnoun> like you|Multitude of <pnoun-pl> ! <p> In and out of the <pcolor> the <pcolor> and the <pcolor>|If I could <pverb> the <pnoun> and the <place>|I am <pverb-past> by <pnoun> and <pnoun> , by <pnoun> and <weather>|When you <pverb> <pverb-past> like a <pnoun>|When you <pverb> like <pnoun> <pverb-past> by the <element>|I <pverb> as if <pprep> a <padj> <pnoun>|It was a <padj> bussiness of <pnoun> and <pnoun-pl>|Has the <place> been <pverb-past> with <secret> ?|How <pverb-inf> is the <padj> <pnoun> and it's <padj> <pnoun-pl> ?
<pstanzaMID>=You are the <padj> <person> of a <animal> , <p> the <padj> ness of the <pnoun> , the power of the <element>|of your <pcolor> <pnoun> when you hold out your <bodypart>|You <pverb> in the <place> as in a <padj> <place>|the <padj> <pnoun> is <padj> on your <bodypart>|<person> of the depths of my <bodypart> - your <pverb-inf> <p> stills your <padj> regard as though it were <element>|not the <pcolor> moment <p> when the <time> <pverb-pr> the <pnoun-pl>|if you were not the <food> the <padj> moon <p> cooks, sprinkling its <food> across the <place>|The <person> smiles at the <person> <p> but the <person> does not smile <p> when he looks at the <animal> <person> <p> and the <padj> ocean|the <padj> <person> <p> <pverb-pr> in the <padj> morning|Everything <padj> with <padj> voices, the salt of <pnoun> <p> piles of <padj> bread|So the <padj> <pfeeling> lives on in a <fruit> , <p> the <padj> house of the <pnoun> , <p> the <padj> <pnoun> that is <padj> and <padj>|We open the halves of a <secret> and the <p> <pverb-inf> of <pnoun-pl> <pverb-pr> into the <padj> <place>|A <vehicle> is not enough to <pverb> me and keep me <p> from the <place> of your <padj> <secret>|You, who is like a <pnoun> <animal> among the <pverb-inf> of many <person>|Some <pverb> but I <pverb> your <ptexture> like <pnoun>|<pnoun-pl> of a <padj> <vehicle> <p> <pverb-inf> <pprep> the <place> <pprep> a <padj> <vehicle> , <p> <padj> as a <padj> <animal>|<pcolor> <pnoun-pl> of <pnoun> , <p> <pcolor> seams above a <padj> <pnoun>|you <pverb> <adverb> into a <place> to <pverb> your business|the <padj> <pnoun> that <pverb-pr> in your <pnoun>|<pnoun> of a <pverb-past> <padj> <pnoun>|nothing but your <padj> <bodypart>|the <padj> <pnoun> gave it <pfeeling>|a <padj> <pnoun> day|they <pverb-past> it with <padj> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> the <padj> <pnoun> , many <padj> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> the <padj> <place> of <padj> <pnoun>|I do not <pverb> in the <place> of <padj> <pnoun>|<padj> <pnoun-pl> and <padj> <pnoun-pl>|your <pnoun> is a <pnoun> filled with <padj> <pnoun>|<pprep> the <pcolor> <pfeeling> of the <pnoun>|like <pnoun-pl> <pverb-inf> <pprep> <pnoun-pl>|like <padj> <pnoun> : <pnoun-pl>| <pfeeling> and <pnoun> - <pnoun-pl> of <pfeeling>|brings all the <pverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|all <pnoun-pl> become <pnoun-pl>|the <padj> <pnoun-pl> <pverb-past>|of a <pcolor> <person> that <pverb-pr> <pnoun-pl>|<pprep> <pcolor> water and <pcolor> <pnoun-pl>|to the <padj> color of the <ptexture> <pnoun>|the <place> like <ptexture>|and the <pnoun> to its <pnoun> <p> and among the <pnoun-pl> the <padj> one <p> the <person> covered with <padj> <pnoun> |from her <bodypart> and her <bodypart> <pverb> <p> <pnoun-pl> of the earth| pockets of <ptexture> converted into <ptexture>| and meetings of <padj> <bodypart>|a <bodypart> and a <bodypart> <p> <pverb-inf> the <place> |A <pnoun> <pverb-inf> will <pverb> <p> the <padj> <element> of a planet|went <pverb-past> in <pnoun>|I stayed <pverb-past> and <pcolor> <p> between <place> and geography|I saw how <pnoun-pl> are <pverb-past> <p> by the <padj> <pnoun>|I want you to <pverb> on my <bodypart>|This <padj> <pnoun> and <pverb-inf> <pnoun> <pverb-pr> me <p> with it's <padj> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <bodypart> <p> and <pcolor> <pnoun-pl> like <bodypart> and <pnoun-pl>|with its <padj> <pverb>|<pverb-inf> from <padj> <ptexture>|<pverb-past> and then <pverb-past> in the <place>|<pverb-inf> the <pnoun> of her <pnoun> full of <pfeeling>|the <element> <padj> <pnoun-pl> are <pverb-past>|the <pnoun> <pverb-inf> from my <bodypart>|a <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|a <padj> <weather> of <pnoun-pl>|<pverb> me and let my substance <pverb>|I could <pverb> <pnoun> , <pnoun> , and <pnoun> <p> from <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> with a <pcolor> <pnoun> <p> with <pnoun-pl> in my <bodypart>|I'd do it for the <pnoun> in which you <pverb> <p> for the <pnoun-pl> of <pcolor> <pnoun> you've <pverb-past>|you see <bodypart> as <padj> as the <weather>|and so that its <pnoun-pl> will <pverb> your <bodypart>|and a <padj> <pnoun> 's <element> will <pverb> you.|nothing but that <pnoun> of <pnoun-pl>|as if to <pverb> or <pverb> or <pverb>|you <pverb> my <padj> <pnoun> <p> like a <padj> <animal> to fresh <food>|the <padj> <animal> <pverb-pr> <pprep> the <padj> <pnoun-pl>
<pstanzaEND>=my heart is filled with <pfeeling> like a <ptexture> <pnoun>|Always you <pverb> through the <time> <p> toward the <time> <pverb-inf> <pnoun-pl>|In your <bodypart> of <pverb-inf> the <place> begins to dream of <pverb-inf>|of <padj> <food> , spirit <p> of the <pnoun-pl> , <p> <pverb-past> <person> blood, your kisses <p> <pverb> into exile <p> and a droplet of <ptexture> , with remnants of the sea <p> <pverb> on the <pnoun-pl> that wait for you <p> <pverb-inf> the <padj> chairs, <pverb-inf> the doors.|I salute your <padj> <food> <p> and envy your <padj> pride.|there are no <pnoun-pl> but <padj> cycles of <pnoun> and <pcolor> <p> <pnoun-pl> of <padj> <padj> <ptexture>|indicates the <pnoun> 's <pverb-inf> <bodypart>|<padj> , <ptexture> <pnoun> !|<pcolor> <element> to my <padj> <pnoun> !|to the <padj> <padj> <pnoun>|and you <pverb> like a <pnoun>|<pprep> the <pverb-inf> <pnoun-pl>|the order of the <pnoun-pl>|<pverb-inf> toward the <pnoun>|to <pverb> lost <pnoun-pl> and for <pnoun-pl>|the <padj> dignity of the <pnoun> !|<pprep> the <pcolor> <bodypart> of the <element>|On what <padj> <pnoun-pl> <pverb-past> with <element> ?|I took on <padj> <pnoun-pl>|because I love you, love, <pprep> the <element> and <pprep> the <element>|my heart moves from being <padj> to being <padj>|towards those <pnoun-pl> of yours that wait for me|to seek another land.|wave of wave of <pnoun-pl> rolling down the sea.|and <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl>|and you'll ask why doesn't his poetry <p> <pverb> of <pnoun-pl> and <pnoun-pl> <p> and the <padj> <pnoun-pl> of his native land?|In your <bodypart> of <pfeeling> the <place> of <pnoun-pl> <pverb>|The <pnoun> <pverb-pr> on its <padj> mare <p> <pverb-inf> <pcolor> <pnoun-pl> over the <place>|a current of <padj> <pnoun> <p> that does not know why it flows and <pverb-pr>|and you <pverb-past> in the <pfeeling> and <pverb-past> a <pverb-inf> <pnoun>|but the <pnoun> <pverb-past> the memory.|return to the homeland of the <pnoun-pl>|like the <padj> <ptexture> of <pnoun-pl>