Just require pacto to add it to your project.
require 'pacto'
Pacto will disable live connections, so you will get an error if
your code unexpectedly calls an service that was not stubbed. If you
want to re-enable connections, run WebMock.allow_net_connect!
Pacto can be configured via a block:
Pacto.configure do |c|
Path for loading/storing contracts.
c.contracts_path = 'contracts'
If the request matching should be strict (especially regarding HTTP Headers).
c.strict_matchers = true
You can set the Ruby Logger used by Pacto.
c.logger = Pacto::Logger::SimpleLogger.instance
(Deprecated) You can specify a callback for post-processing responses. Note that only one hook can be active, and specifying your own will disable ERB post-processing.
c.register_hook do |_contracts, request, _response|
puts "Received #{request}"
Options to pass to the json-schema-generator while generating contracts.
c.generator_options = { schema_version: 'draft3' }
You can also do inline configuration. This example tells the json-schema-generator to store default values in the schema.
Pacto.configuration.generator_options = { defaults: true }
If you're using Pacto's rspec matchers you might want to configure a reset between each scenario
require 'pacto/rspec'
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.after(:each) { Pacto.clear! }