React Router 4/5 named routes helper library to add support for named routes via react-router-config. Also provides named versions of React-Router components.
// routes.js
import {buildUrlCache} from 'tg-named-routes';
const routes = [
component: App,
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'landing',
render: props => null,
export default routes;
// client.js
import {RenderChildren} from 'tg-named-routes';
import routes from './routes';
<RenderChildren routes={routes} />
// App.js
const App = ({route}) => (
<RenderChildren routes={route.routes} />
export default App;
// For more complex patterns use `react-router-config` directly:
// import { renderRoutes } from 'react-router-config';
const App = ({route}) => (
// And render you have an option to render links with names
import {Link} from 'tg-named-routes';
const FooBar = () => (
<Link name="landing" />